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MARSUDTSEAL gogog01-29-2021
QuantreseachAutomation React Js 20240518 Functinal Programming Graphql Assetmanagement Java system 2024 C++ Numeric analysis202407 Rust.Haskell.Solidit


Prithvish Prithvish04
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

University of Manchester United Kingdom

benthomas benthvmas

Stealth Startup London, UK

Zichun Xu zichunxx
Track in time


Xingze Dai Xngzdai

Stanford University Palo Alto, CA

Rika contactrika
Data-efficient Autonomous Learning (reinforcement learning, sim-to-real transfer, active learning, robotics)

Stanford San Francisco, CA

Entong Su Entongsu

University of Washington Seattle

Jacob Rintamaki jrin771
Engineering Physics Junior at Stanford; Looking for work!

Stanford University

pinghe humphreyde
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Wuhan China

Jiahui Zhu Bailey-24
Learning to unlearn.


Junrong Huang PenguinQwQ
25'CS phd@THU Storage, 21'BS@NJU CS Elite Class. Focusing on AI infra, Storage systems and their intersections.

Beijing, China

Holly Dinkel hollydinkel
Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. Candidate at UIUC and NSTGRO Fellow. I lead the @RMDLO project.

@RMDLO Urbana, IL

Christopher Agia agiachris
PhD candidate in Computer Science at Stanford University focusing on Robotics, Planning, and Learning.

@googlers Stanford, CA

smiler liyingzhi
Hello World~ Model, code and compile the real world~

Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences No.114 Nanta Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R.China

Mark Chen MarkCodering
Founder of Mindify AI


Chen Sirui Eric Ericcsr
Math + Physics == Computer Simulation == Fun!


Walter Simson waltsims

Palo Alto, California

Zhuo li RIP4KOBE
Phd student in Robotics, CUHK

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Brendan Meade brendanjmeade
Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Harvard University

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Dibbyo Saha DibbyoSaha
Final Year Computer Science Student @ TMU | Former Programmer/ Tester Co-op @ Govt. of Ontario | Former SWE Intern @ TD