Move Base Flex configuration files for 2D navigation stack on a Metralab SCITOS G5/A5 robot base.
To test this, you can do the following:
- Install the STRANDS codebase via "Using the L-CAS repository" -
- Install the simulator
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-strands-morse
- Add amd to your catkin workspace, then rebuild
- Run the MORSE simulator for the environment of your choosing, e.g.
roslaunch strands_morse tsc_morse.launch
- Run scitos_2d_mbf with the corresponding map:
roslaunch scitos_2d_mbf scitos_2d_mbf.launch map:=`rospack find strands_morse`/tsc/maps/tsc.yaml no_go_map:=`rospack find strands_morse`/tsc/maps/tsc_nogo.yaml with_no_go_map:=true
- Provide a navigation goal via RViz.