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The purpose of this thesis was to develop a well-being eCommerce website using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) to cater to consumer needs. The platform prioritizes user trust and direct involvement to enhance the overall buying experience in the local market.

The goal of the development was to leverage the MERN stack for a flexible, scalable, and efficient solution, integrating client-side and server-side operations through a unified JavaScript framework. In a three-tier e-commerce architecture, the client-server model plays a crucial role in enabling efficient interaction between the client and server components. The client, whether a web browser, mobile app, or other user-facing software, plays a crucial role in facilitating user interaction. The server processes client requests, executes business logic, and manages data to deliver essential services in the e-commerce system.

This architecture ensures seamless communication and functionality in e-commerce systems. The platform architecture follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, ensuring clear separation of concerns, which enhances maintainability and scalability. Key features include user registration, authentication, product management, shopping cart functionality, and real-time customer support, all rigorously tested using the Postman API for robust performance and reliability. Redux is implemented for state management, offering centralized control over application data and state transitions. The implementation of React Router DOM enables seamless navigation between different sections of the application without the need for full page reloads, enhancing the user experience. It facilitates navigation and access control within the application, ensuring a seamless user experience. Moreover, the system integrates real-time chat capabilities through WebSocket, fostering dynamic interaction and engagement between users and administrators.

Project Name: Designing and Implementing a Well-being ECommerce Website.

Project Setup, Environment set, Express server setup -> express package

Install Dependencies: npm i, HTTP request & response, nodemon and morgan package, postman install and API testing, use Middleware

Install additional packages for the frontend project: : npm i nodemon multer mongoose jsonwebtoken express-formidable express-async-handler express dotenv cors cookie-parser concurrently bcryptjs

Install additional packages for the frontend project: npm i slick-carousel react-slick react-toastify react-router react-router-dom react-redux react-icons apexcharts react-apexcharts moment flowbite axios @reduxjs/toolkit @paypal/react-paypal-js

Express error Handling Middleware -> body parser package -> npm install body-parser

HTTP error handling -> npm i http-errors

Secure API -> xss clean, express-rate-limit -> npm install xss-clean --save -> npm i express-rate-limit

Environment variable & .gitignore -> npm i dotenv


Database create and connect to MongoDB database -> cloud.mongodb ->Copy the connection string, then open MongoDB Compass

Mongoose npm setup -> --npm i mongoose

Schema & Model for User

node bcrypt package install and package setup for password encryption and decryption -> npm i bcrypt

npm cors package install -> npm i cors

npm cookie-parser install -> npm i cookie-parser

nodemailer install and setup -> npm i nodemailer

Express Validator package use: express-validator install -> npm i express-validator

Google Auth Library: Node.js Client -> npm i google-auth-library

jsonwebtoken -> npm i [email protected]

multer install -> npm install --save multer

react-tostify -> It's a library for creating notification messages toasts in React applications

Uploading files in Cloudinary

Product API- Delete Product

Product API- Update Product

Product API- Search Products

Product API- filter Products

GET / api/users -> isAdmin ->getAllUsers -> search byName + pagination functionality

GET /api/users/:id -> get a single user by id

Delete/api/users:id ->delete a single user by id

Refactoring & reusability, dynamic

POST/api/users/register ->process the registration

POST/api/users/verify ->verify + registration in database


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