When everything is done the images will be avaible at: https://hub.docker.com/repositories/oriolrius
Platforms (architectures) generated: amd64 and arm64.
- Docker Hub repository: https://hub.docker.com/repositories
- Public git repository: https://github.com/oriolrius/softether-docker
- Private git repository: https://git.oriolrius.cat/oriolrius/softether-docker
docker buildx is required for cross compiling.
Check if you have support for amd64 and arm64 platforms:
$ sudo docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
Name: mybuilder
Driver: docker-container
Name: mybuilder0
Endpoint: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Status: running
Platforms: linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/386, linux/arm64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x
If the command fails with a D-BUS and X11 error go to: https://anto.online/guides/cannot-autolaunch-d-bus-without-x11-display/
If it works,pay attention in the list of platforms, it has to be amd64 and arm64 compatible. If it isn't follow these instructions:
Installing docker buildx from binaries if it's necessary:
# run next commands from the host machine:
mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
# download the latest version available for your host architecture from:
# https://github.com/docker/buildx/releases
# in my case:
wget https://github.com/docker/buildx/releases/download/v0.9.0/buildx-v0.9.0.linux-amd64 -O ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
# giving execution permissions
chmod 755 ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
# check if it runs with:
docker builx --help
# register binfmt binaries to be run with qemu
docker run --rm --privileged docker/binfmt:820fdd95a9972a5308930a2bdfb8573dd4447ad3
# project info at https://github.com/docker/binfmt
# check if it works:
cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-aarch64
# out it's somthing like:
interpreter /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64
flags: OCF
offset 0
magic 7f454c460201010000000000000000000200b7
mask ffffffffffffff00fffffffffffffffffeffff
docker buildx create --name mybuilder
docker buildx use mybuilder
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
Followoing next steps you can build the docker images.
git clone ssh://[email protected]:222/oriolrius/softether-docker.git
cd softether-docker
docker login
chmod 755 build-and-push.sh
... go to the config/ directory and rename the files *.config.sample to *.config, or create your own config files.
My recommendation is to use the sample files and then modify the configurations using GUI managers.
docker-compose up -d softether-vpnclient
Remember that you have VPN Client manager for configuring the client, or you can use vpncmd.
docker-compose up -d softether-vpnserver
Remember that you have VPN Server manager for configuring the client, or you can use vpncmd.
docker-compose exec softether-vpnserver /usr/local/bin/vpncmd
# or
docker-compose exec softether-vpnclient /usr/local/bin/vpncmd
sudo apt-get install pass gnupg2
sudo gpg --gen-key
# pay attention and look up for the key_id
# then you have to do that, for instance:
pass init "Oriol Rius <[email protected]>"
Try again the command:
sudo docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
and now it has to run without issues.