A plugin for vim to close buffer by vim's jumplist, and without break it.
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Plug 'orlandoxu/close-by-jumplist'
The command will help u close the buf by jumplist.
You can use g:close_by_jumplist_ignore_files to ignore some buffer. Like:
let g:close_by_jumplist_ignore_files = ['NERD_tree']
Notice: ['NERD_tree'] as default
- Q: How to use cmd+w to close buffer in item2?
A: You can not use cmd key bindding, but there is a way to get around it. U can edit item2 preferences, "keys" => "+", enter the key you want to bindding, and select "send" action. Map the key to "<C-o><C-h>" (You can change it to whatever u want.). Then map it in u'r '.vimrc' or 'init.nvim'
- How to save buffer when close it?
A: Map it like:
nnoremap <leader>s :w<CR>:BdeleteByJumplist<CR>