This project will be used for taking customer's order. It was built with Laravel, Vuejs, Inertia and MySQL
- Creation of accounts
- Forgot password
- Device verification
- Updating profile information
- Point of sale, taking customer's order on dashboard.
- Automated generation of receipt
- Generating reports
- Activity logs per user
- Direct printing of receipt
- Configurations:
- Category
- Products
- Roles
cd pos
comoposer install
npm install
npm run build
copy your .env.example to .env and setup your desired database and mailer for sending email notifications.
You can use any development server locally that is compatible with laravel.
php artisan key:generate
To setup account, run seeder on your local. Check DatabaseSeeder.php file to access the account
php artisan db:seed
- for new feature and breaking changeshotfixes/*
- for bug fixes
Always rebase the current branch to the main branch before pusing to the origin.
There are two roles implemented on the current system, admin and cashier