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Proposed Roadmap

Stuart Campbell edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 1 revision

This page will contain the proposed roadmap for the rebinning software.

Table of Contents

Non-code related items

  * Collecting use case from instrument scientists involving different runs (angles, temperatures etc.)

Code related items

Version 1.0 (2/20)

  * Fixing memory leak
  * Autotools install system
  * Perform cross-checks on rebinning

Version 1.1 (4/3)

  * Read {{{NeXus}}} mesh files for rebinning
  * Write rebinned data to {{{NeXus}}} files

Version 1.2 (late May-mid June)

  * Improve packaging and running of rebinning server
  * I/O profiling 
  * User engagement

Version 2.0 (???)

  * Some vis viewer for gusr
  * Package rebinner as a library (thread safe, maybe?)
  * Use light-weight threads for multi-core processing
  * Implement parallel architecture to handle different runs and subsets efficiently
  * Large data handling > 100GB (some data structure. to map data locality)
  * Port rebinning code to use CUDA
    * Multi-graphics boards or Tesla system
  * Interactive application using rebinner (for gusr)