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simplified work with MySQL databases for your website, convenient wrapper for mysqli


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simplified work with MySQL databases for your website, convenient wrapper for mysqli

Contains DB class as well as procedural shortcuts (uses DB singleton)

Why I created this library?

Because of much easier and simplier work with queries and results. Compare:

db.php use:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER by id";
$rows = db_array($sql); //db opened automatically based on $CONFIG, errors handled automatically
foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
    printf ("%s (%s)\n", $row["Field1"], $row["Field2"]);

"native" mysqli use:

$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world"); //connect
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { //check connection
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
$query = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER by id";
if ($result = mysqli_query($link, $query)) {
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { //fetch associative array
        printf ("%s (%s)\n", $row["Field1"], $row["Field2"]);
    mysqli_free_result($result); //free result set
mysqli_close($link); //close connection

Procedural API

Note, there should be global $CONFIG variable with defined DB connection settings:

$CONFIG = array(
    'DB'    => array(
                'DBNAME'    => 'your_database_name',
                'USER'      => 'your_database_user',
                'PWD'       => 'password',
                'HOST'      => 'localhost', //localhost or other host
                'PORT'      => '', //if empty default MySQL port used

This way if you use procedural interface, db.php will automatically open connection when first function called.


  • db_value($sql) get single value via arbitrary sql

  • db_value($table_name, $where[, $field_name]) get single value from table/where conditions and optional field_name(if not passed - first field value returned)

  • db_value($table_name, $where, 'count(*)') get count(*) from table/where

  • db_row($sql) get single row via arbitrary sql

  • db_row($table_name, $where [, $orderby]) get single row (first row) by table/where and optional order by

  • db_array($sql) get all rows via arbitrary sql

  • db_array($table_name, $where [[, $orderby], $limit]) get all rows by table/where, optional order by, optional limit

  • db_col($sql) get all values from first column

  • db_col($table_name, $where [, $field_name [, $orderby]]) get $field_name column values by table/where and optional order by

  • db_query($sql) raw sql query execution

  • db_exec($sql) raw non-select query execution

  • db_insert($table_name, $data [, $options]) insert new row into db, $options= array('replace'=>true, 'ignore'=>true, 'no_identity'=>true). $data could be array of arrays if you want to insert multiple rows (see examples)

  • db_update($table_name, $data, $id) update record by primary key (by default, column named id is a primary key)

  • db_update($table_name, $data, $id, $id_column_name [[, $more_set], $more_where]) update record by primary key named by $id_column_name with optional additional SET and WHERE conditions

  • db_update($table_name, $data, $where) update record by where conditions (AND)

  • db_delete($table_name, $id [[, $id_column_name = 'id'], $more_where='']) delete record by id

  • db_is_record_exists($table_name, $value, $field [, $not_value [, $not_field]]) check that record exists in db, optionally check $not_field (default id) should not be equal to $not_value

  • db_identity() get last inserted id

  • dbqi($value)quote variable as integer

  • dbq($value[, $field_type]) quote variable


#get one field value
$users_ctr = db_value('select count(*) from users');

#get one field value with condition
$where = array(
    'id' => 1,
$email = db_value('user', $where, 'email');

#get count of rows value with condition
$where = array(
    'status' => 0,
$active_users_ctr = db_value('user', $where, 'count(*)');

#get one table row
$row = db_row("users", array('id' => $id));
$row = db_row("select * from users where id=".dbqi($id));

#get one table row with condition and order by
$row = db_row("users", array('status' => 0), 'id desc');

#get all table records
$rows = db_array('select * from users');
$rows = db_array('users', array());

#get all table records with condition
$rows = db_array('select * from users where status='.dbqi($status));
$rows = db_array('users', array('status' => 0));
$rows = db_array('select * from users where email='.dbq('[email protected]'));
$rows = db_array('users', array('email' => '[email protected]'));

#get all table records with condition, order by 'id desc' and limit 2
$rows = db_array("users", array('status' => 0), 'id desc', 2);

#get first column all values
$ids = db_col("select id from users");

#get named column all values with condition and order
$emails = db_col("users", array('status' => 0), 'email', 'id desc');

#raw select query execution
$res = db_query("select * from users");
$rows = $res->fetch_all();

#raw non-select query execution
db_exec("update users set status=0");

#insert a row
    'nick'   => 'Jon',
    'email'  => '[email protected]',
$new_id=db_insert('users', $vars);

#replace a row (by primary or unique key)
    'nick'   => 'John',
    'email'  => '[email protected]',
$new_id=db_insert('users', $vars, array('replace'=>true));

#insert with options - ignore and no_identity
    'users_id'   => 1,
    'options_id'  => 23,
db_insert('users_options', $vars, array('ignore'=>true, 'no_identity'=>true));

#multi-rows insert
        'nick'   => 'John',
        'email'  => '[email protected]',
        'nick'   => 'Bill',
        'email'  => '[email protected]',
        'nick'   => 'Robert',
        'email'  => '[email protected]',
db_insert('users', $vars);

#update record by primary key
    'nick'   => 'Jon',
    'email'  => '[email protected]',
db_update('users', $vars, $id);

#update record by column key
    'nick'   => 'Jon',
    'upd_time'   => '~!now()', #will set upd_time=now()
db_update('users', $vars, $email, 'email');

#update record by column key with additonal set/where
$email='[email protected]';
    'nick'   => 'Jon',
db_update('users', $vars, $email, 'email', ', upd_time=now()', ' and status=0');

#update record by where
    'nick'   => 'John',
    'upd_time'   => '~!now()', #will set upd_time=now()
    'email'  => '[email protected]',
    'status' => 0,
db_update('users', $vars, $where);

#check if record exists for particular field/value
$is_exists=db_is_record_exists('users', '[email protected]', 'email');

#check if record exists for particular field/value and NOT with other id
$is_exists=db_is_record_exists('users', '[email protected]', 'email', 1);  #will check: where email='[email protected]' and id<>1

#check if record exists for particular field/value and NOT with other field/value
$is_exists=db_is_record_exists('users', '[email protected]', 'email', 'John', 'nick');  #will check: where email='[email protected]' and nick<>'John'

Object-Oriented API

Note, creating DB instance doesn't open connection yet. Connection to db server will be opened automatically with first query.

$db = new DB(); //if no params passed, db connection settings read from global $CONFIG as described above

//or pass connection settings explicitly
    'DBNAME'    => 'your_database_name',
    'USER'      => 'your_database_user',
    'PWD'       => 'password',
    'HOST'      => 'localhost', //localhost or other host
    'PORT'      => '', //if empty default MySQL port used
$db = new DB($dbconfig);

$db->connect(); //actually no need, will be done automatically with first query

//methods are similar as with procedural API
$db->value($table_name, $where[, $field_name]);
$db->value($table_name, $where, 'count(*)');

$db->row($table_name, $where [, $orderby]);

$db->array($table_name, $where [[, $orderby], $limit]);

$db->col($table_name, $where [, $field_name [, $orderby]]);


$db->insert($table_name, $data [, $options]);

$db->update($table_name, $data, $id);
$db->update($table_name, $data, $id, $id_column_name [[, $more_set], $more_where]);
$db->update($table_name, $data, $where);

$db->delete($table_name, $id [[, $id_column_name = 'id'], $more_where='']);

$db->is_record_exists($table_name, $value, $field [, $not_value [, $not_field]]);



  • there are dependency on logger() function, need to be fixed (for now you may just comment all calls to logger())


simplified work with MySQL databases for your website, convenient wrapper for mysqli







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