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Stripe + Auth.js + SvelteKit

This project provides an easy way to create a SaaS site.

It is a Stripe addon for Auth.js.

Launch a SaaS app without writing any authentiction or payment code!


  • Integrated Payment: Stripe Checkout is built into the signup flow.
  • Authentication: Over 50 OAuth options (Google, Apple, GitHub...), provided by Auth.js.
  • Gating: Access to routes and components can be restricted based on subscription.
  • Self-service account management: Changing or canceling plans is accessible via /billing/portal.
  • Webhook handling: All Stripe webhooks are handled for you.
  • Trials & Free plans: Checkout can be skipped for free plans or trials.
  • Session data: Subscription and plan data is included in the session.
  • Open source:
  • BSL Licence: Free to use. With optional paid features.


The session contain subscription data, so it's easy to gate on the server or client.

Gating Routes

To gate routes, check the session.subscription for authorization:

export async function load({ locals }) {
  const session = await locals.getSession()

  // check if user is on pro plan
  if (session?.subscription?.plan != 'pro') {
    return error(401, 'Must be on pro plan')

  // do the gated thing here


Gating components is similar to gating routes. The same session.subscription data is available.

  export let data

  $: ({ session } = data)

{#if session?.subscription?.plan == 'pro'}
  Your on the PRO plan!

Billing Endpoint

This package provides a /billing endpoint, similar to how Auth.js provides a /auth endpoint.

The following routes are provided:

  • /billing/checkout: Redirect current user to a Stripe checkout session.
  • /billing/portal: Opens the billing portal for the current signed-in user.
  • /billing/cancel: Cancels the current user's subscription.
  • /billing/webhooks: Handles all Stripe webhooks for you.
  • /billing/modify: Modify the current user's billing plan.
  • /billing/checkout/complete: Handles post-checkout housekeeping.


Install @airbadge/sveltekit:

pnpm i -D @airbadge/sveltekit

Setup a database provider for Auth.js. For example, follow instructions for Prisma:

Add environment variables to .env:


Configure authentication and billing options in src/hooks.server.js:

import { SvelteKitAuth } from '@airbadge/sveltekit'

// use any OAuth provider (or multiple)
import GitHub from '@auth/sveltekit/providers/github'

// import prisma client for Auth.js's database adapter
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

// init database client
const db = new PrismaClient()

// add Auth.js + Stripe handler
// API is similar to Auth.js
export const { handle } = SvelteKitAuth({
  // configure database adapter
  adapter: PrismaAdapter(db),

  // configure OAuth providers
  providers: [ GitHub ]

Forward Stripe events to localhost:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:5173/billing/webhooks


BSL - Business Software License.


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  • Svelte 47.9%
  • JavaScript 45.9%
  • CSS 4.2%
  • HTML 2.0%