Stripe + Auth.js + SvelteKit
This project provides an easy way to create a SaaS site.
It is a Stripe addon for Auth.js.
Launch a SaaS app without writing any authentiction or payment code!
- Integrated Payment: Stripe Checkout is built into the signup flow.
- Authentication: Over 50 OAuth options (Google, Apple, GitHub...), provided by Auth.js.
- Gating: Access to routes and components can be restricted based on subscription.
- Self-service account management: Changing or canceling plans is accessible via
. - Webhook handling: All Stripe webhooks are handled for you.
- Trials & Free plans: Checkout can be skipped for free plans or trials.
- Session data: Subscription and plan data is included in the session.
- Open source:
- BSL Licence: Free to use. With optional paid features.
The session contain subscription data, so it's easy to gate on the server or client.
To gate routes, check the session.subscription
for authorization:
export async function load({ locals }) {
const session = await locals.getSession()
// check if user is on pro plan
if (session?.subscription?.plan != 'pro') {
return error(401, 'Must be on pro plan')
// do the gated thing here
Gating components is similar to gating routes. The same session.subscription
data is available.
export let data
$: ({ session } = data)
{#if session?.subscription?.plan == 'pro'}
Your on the PRO plan!
This package provides a /billing
endpoint, similar to how Auth.js provides a /auth
The following routes are provided:
: Redirect current user to a Stripe checkout session./billing/portal
: Opens the billing portal for the current signed-in user./billing/cancel
: Cancels the current user's subscription./billing/webhooks
: Handles all Stripe webhooks for you./billing/modify
: Modify the current user's billing plan./billing/checkout/complete
: Handles post-checkout housekeeping.
Install @airbadge/sveltekit:
pnpm i -D @airbadge/sveltekit
Setup a database provider for Auth.js. For example, follow instructions for Prisma:
Add environment variables to .env
Configure authentication and billing options in src/hooks.server.js
import { SvelteKitAuth } from '@airbadge/sveltekit'
// use any OAuth provider (or multiple)
import GitHub from '@auth/sveltekit/providers/github'
// import prisma client for Auth.js's database adapter
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
// init database client
const db = new PrismaClient()
// add Auth.js + Stripe handler
// API is similar to Auth.js
export const { handle } = SvelteKitAuth({
// configure database adapter
adapter: PrismaAdapter(db),
// configure OAuth providers
providers: [ GitHub ]
Forward Stripe events to localhost
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:5173/billing/webhooks
BSL - Business Software License.