Created by Oscar Otero [email protected] GNU Affero GPL version 3.
Simple javascript framework focused to create bookmarklets easily. You can load css, jquery and other js files. You only have to write a config file with the options for your bookmarklet. The available options are:
- jquery: If you want to use jQuery, define the url where load it.
- css: The url to load some css code. If you need load more than one file, use an array.
- js: The url to load some javascript files. If you need load more than one file, use an array.
- ready: The function to be executed when the jQuery and all javascript files are loaded. If you use jQuery, the function has a parameter with the instance of the jQuery object (to prevent conflicts with the jQuery used by the webpage)
window.bookmarklet.options = {
jquery: '',
css: '',
js: '',
ready: function ($bookmarklet_jquery_instance) {
//Javascript code executed when jquery and js files are loaded.
This method is useful if you have several bookmarklets and prefer keep the bookmarklet framework in an individual file.
You have to create a javascript file with the options, for example, this bookmarklet removes all images of the current page:
window.bookmarklet.options = {
jquery: '',
ready: function ($) {
To execute this bookmarklet, you have to load the framework and execute the function lauch passing the url of the options file:
To convert this code in a real bookmarklet you need some extra code (obviously, this code can be shorter and minified):
var launchBookmarklet = function () {
var b = '';
var f = '';
if (window.bookmarklet == undefined || window.bookmarklet.launch == undefined) {
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = b;
if (!document.attachEvent) {
s.onload = function () {
} else {
s.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (s.readyState == 'complete' || s.readyState == 'loaded') {
s.onreadystatechange = null;
} else {
<a href="javascript:launchBookmarklet();">Remove all images</a>
You can include the options in the same file than the bookmarklet to reduce http requests. Append the following code in bookmarklet.js:
var executeMyBookmarklet = function () {
jquery: '',
ready: function ($) {
And now you have to create the bookmarklet code:
var launchBookmarklet = function () {
var b = '';
if (window.bookmarklet == undefined || window.bookmarklet.executeMyBookmarklet == undefined) {
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = b;
if (!document.attachEvent) {
s.onload = function () {
} else {
s.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (s.readyState == 'complete' || s.readyState == 'loaded') {
s.onreadystatechange = null;
} else {
<a href="javascript:launchBookmarklet();">Remove all images</a>