Author: | Osi Emoekpere (, |
info: | This app provide's full frontend editing functions for models. It can be used to easily update or add models from the frontend of your application. Works well with mezzanine |
django >= 1.4 django-classy-tags
Add the frontend app to your installed apps after all mezzanine apps in your
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'frontend', ... )
Also include the frontend urls:
url(r'^frontend/', include('frontend.urls')),
In template files where you would want to provide editing functions, include the frontend template tag library
You can provide add and delete functions for a model by using the following tag format:
{% can_add [model_obj] [model_fields] %}{% endcan_add %} {% can delete [model_obj_only ] %}
The model_obj can be an actual model object or a list of model objects, useful if you don't want to pass an extra model_obj template variable in addition to a list of your objects (It's just for convenience). model_fields are the fields which can be modified.
An example would be:
{% can_add object_list text %} {% for todoitem in object_list %} {{ todoitem.text }} {% can_delete todoitem %} {% endfor %} {% endcan_add %}
- Create a general modify tag which provides all modify functions i.e add, edit, delete