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Easier handling (loading/saving and extracting metadata) of NIS Elements .nd2 image files from miscroscopy


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This package is useful when you are handling NIS-Elements image files with the extension ".nd2". nd2-files are basically TIF-files with added metadata. However, while TIF-files are very easy to load into python, nd2-files are notoriously difficult. There are currently two public libraries that can load nd2-files into python. These are nd2reader and pims-nd2. This package utilizes both exentions as you need both to read all available metadata. This package makes the whole process smoother and easier if you are working with a lot of image files.

You can use this package to load nd2 files and their metadata. You can also use it to gather all metadata of a folder tree into an excel sheet. If any of the metadata you need is not being gathered, please tell me and I can make sure it is added.


In order for this script to work, you need to install the following modules:

  • pip install nd2reader >= 3.3.0, < 4
  • pip install pims-nd2 >= 1.1, < 2

You also need the more general modules pandas and numpy:

  • pip install pandas >= 1.3.3, < 2
  • pip install numpy >= 1.19, < 2

Install the package

Currently the package can be found on Install it on your anaconda prompt by:

pip install -i nd2handling==0.0.1

Cite this work

In a short amount of time, this work will have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) through Zenedo that you can cite.

What metadata can we extract from nd2-files?

  • frame rate
  • image dimensions
  • bit depth
  • average exposure time
  • x,y and z coordinates of the ROI (for every single frame, useful if the ROI is moving during recording)
  • light source intensity (if connected to NIS-Elements)
  • Number in frames (and easily calculated to duration seconds with the frame rate)
  • The timestamp (and date) of the image (and each frame if a movie). This is especially useful if one manipulates the sample with e.g. pressure and know the timestamp for the pressure manipulations.
  • Magnification (e.g. 100x, 5x etc...)

I also used this script to extract information I saved in the filename, such as pressure level (that is not saved in NIS-Elements)

Using nd2_handling

List all nd2 files in a folder tree to an excel spreadsheet

During my PhD, I used this extensively, for every experiment. This is a very fast method to get an overview of all the metadata of all the files for a single experiment. The output is an excel document, listing all files with their metadata (e.g. frame rate, dureation in second and frames, ROI dimensions etc...). I found it immensely useful when needing to select files for publications when I made so many duplicates in different ROI sizes, durations, frame rates and so on.

import import nd2handling.nd2handling as nd2

#Set the path of the experiment directory
dir_path = r'E:\DNA waves project\Higher viscosity waves\2021-10-25 40% sucrose 50 nguL'
nd2.nd2_file_infos_to_spreadsheet(dir_path, read_time_steps=False, read_xy_pos=False, read_file_name_info=True)

Loop the above script for many directories

import import nd2handling.nd2handling as nd2

#Set the path of the main directory
dir_main = r'E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp' #Change to your own directory containing subdirectories with .nd2-files.

nd2.get_nd2_lists_for_all_subfolders(dir_main, read_file_name_info=True)

For the output, see the file "example_generated_spreadsheet.xlsx" in the repository.

Loading a single nd2 file with its metadata

import import nd2handling.nd2handling as nd2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Set the path of the nd2-file:
nd2_file_path = r'E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit\100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2'

#Load the nd2 file
v = nd2.Video(nd2_file_path, read_img_directly=True, frame_range = [0,0])

#Print all the information containing all the attributes of the object

#Display the first frame of the image stack
plt.title('First frame')

#Access the attributes:
print('frame_rate = ', v.frame_rate)
print('height = ', v.height)


Reading file 100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2 in folder 2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit
	Read 4935 uint16 frame(s) from 100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2 in 8.90 seconds
Video(4935, 92, 378):
	- file_path: E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit\100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2
	- dir_file: E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit
	- file_name: 100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2
	- file_name0: 100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010
	- str_contains_img: (4935, 92, 378)
	- parent_folder: 2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit
	- avg_exposure_time_ms: 4.32
	- mag: 100x
	- p: 500
	- file_nbr: 010
	- light_source: sola
	- light_source_intensity: 100.0
	- frame_rate: 164.8
	- time_start: 2021-06-16 15:49:58.736005
	- bit_depth: 16
	- width: 378
	- height: 92
	- n_frames: 4935
	- shape: (4935, 92, 378)
	- time_s: 30.0
	- x_um_frame0: 1304.927978515625
	- y_um_frame0: -4146.3232421875
	- scale_pix_per_um: 6.25

alt text

frame_rate =  164.8
height =  92

Loading only the metadata of an nd2 file

This is useful when the files are large and takes long time to load. Only loading the metadata goes in a few seconds.

import import nd2handling.nd2handling as nd2

#Set the path of the nd2-file:
nd2_file_path = r'E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit\100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2'

#Load the nd2 file without its metadata
v = nd2.Video(nd2_file_path, read_img_directly=False)

#Access the attributes:
print('\nframe_rate = ', v.frame_rate)
print('height = ', v.height)


	- file_path: E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit\100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2
	- dir_file: E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit
	- file_name: 100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2
	- file_name0: 100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010
	- str_contains_img: (empty)
	- parent_folder: 2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit
	- avg_exposure_time_ms: 4.32
	- mag: 100x
	- p: 500
	- file_nbr: 010
	- light_source: sola
	- light_source_intensity: 100.0
	- frame_rate: 164.8
	- time_start: 2021-06-16 15:49:58.736005
	- bit_depth: 16
	- width: 378
	- height: 92
	- n_frames: 4935
	- shape: (4935, 92, 378)
	- time_s: 30.0
	- x_um_frame0: 1304.927978515625
	- y_um_frame0: -4146.3232421875
	- scale_pix_per_um: 6.25

frame_rate =  164.8
height =  92

Extracting basic metadata with nd2read and pims-nd2

If you decide to directly use nd2read or pims-nd2 to load ".nd2"-files or extract their metadata, here is how to do it:

Using nd2reader

For a full tutorial, see here

import os
file_path = r'E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-03_lambda_400nguL_1_200\100mbar\100xOil_100mbar_pol-none_mid_solis100_019.nd2'

from nd2reader import ND2Reader

with ND2Reader(file_path) as img:
    print('All metadata:')
    frame_rate = img.frame_rate
    time_steps = img.get_timesteps()
    exposure_times = img.parser._raw_metadata.camera_exposure_time
    avg_exposure_time = np.mean(exposure_times)
    acquisition_times = img.parser._raw_metadata.acquisition_times
    print("\n{" + "\n".join("{!r}: {!r},".format(k, v) for k, v in img.metadata.items() if (not k=='z_coordinates')) + "}") 

Using pims-nd2

from pims import ND2_Reader #does not work for files with 3846 frames
file_path = r'E:\DNA waves project\Polarisation exp\2021-06-16_lambda_400nguL_1_200_optosplit\100xOil_500mbar_C2017_sola100_010.nd2'
    with ND2_Reader(file_path) as frames:
    #frames[82]  # display frame 82
        print('All metadata:')
        print("{" + "\n".join("{!r}: {!r},".format(k, v) for k, v in frames.metadata.items()) + "}")
        print('\n\nSingle frame Metadata:')
        print("{" + "\n".join("{!r}: {!r},".format(k, v) for k, v in frames[5].metadata.items()) + "}")

        # for f in frames:
        #     print(f.metadata['t_ms'])

    print('Caught an error')


Easier handling (loading/saving and extracting metadata) of NIS Elements .nd2 image files from miscroscopy








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