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sbiribizio edited this page Nov 27, 2014 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the estratti-locali-openstreetmap wiki!

How it works

download italy-latest.pbf from the Geofabrik repository

As the title says.

upload in sqlite db

A copy of italy-latest.pbf is stored in a temporary ramdisk, in order to speed up reading the file. With osmosis the .pbf is read and bulk uploaded in a fresh sqlite-spatialite db. At the end of the process the ramdisk is destroyed.

BBOX generation

A script sends queries to overpass-api in order to get all the relations type=boundary inside the master relation "Italy". For every relation the BBOX is extracted and stored in a csv for later use.

BBOX Extraction

From italy-latest.pbf are extracted the 20 regional files. Every file is extracted accordingly with its BBOX and saved in .pbf format. From every regional file are extracted the local files in .pbf format.

Conversion in other formats

Every .pbf file is then converted in sqlite-spatialite, shapefile and osm-xml formats.