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Simple pagination component for ReactJS


Install simple-react-paginate with npm:

$ npm install simple-react-paginate --save

For CommonJS users:

import SimpleReactPaginate from "simple-react-paginate";


Name Type Description Default value
current Number The initial page selected 1
total Number The total number of pages. 1
pageRange Number The range of pages displayed. 5
marginRange Number The number of pages to display for margins. 1
hidePreviousNext Boolean Hide the previous and next button. false
previousLabel Node Label for the previous button. previous
nextLabel Node Label for the next button. next
breakLabel Node Label for the ellipsis. ...
containerClass String The classname of the pagination container. paginate-container
pageClass String The classname on tag li of each page element. paginate-page
linkClass String The classname on tag a of each page element. paginate--link
activeClass String The classname for the active page. paginate-active
activeLinkClass String The classname on the active tag a. paginate-active-link
previousClass String The classname on tag li of the previous button. paginate-previous
previousLinkClass String The classname on tag a of the previous button. paginate-previous-link
nextClass String The classname on tag li of the next button. paginate-next
nextLinkClass String The classname on tag a of the next button. paginate-next-link
disabledClass String The classname for disabled previous and next buttons. paginate-disabled


Callback Type Description
onChange Function The method to call when a page is clicked. Exposes the current page object as an argument.