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Cascade Data Engineering Assessment


The objective of this assessment is to showcase our ability to:

  • Design and build a basic ELT pipeline, moving and processing raw data into aggregated, analytics-ready datasets.
  • Showcase our ability to use modern tooling to efficiently generate the desired results
  • Have fun!

Problem Definition

We are presented with an Excel spreadsheet storing sightings of Carmen Sandiego and are asked to answer a few questions with respect to this dataset.


Proposed Solution

In this version of the assignment, the solution leverages a dbt project linked to a local instance of PostgreSQL database. It organizes the tables and views following medallion architecture.

An alternative, spark-based approach leveraing Databricks DLT and Laktory was also provided here.


The problem to be solved is an excellent candidate for a medallion architecture, consisting of 3 layers:

  • Bronze tables: raw and unaltered data
  • Silver tables: filtered, cleaned and modeled data
  • Gold tables: aggregated data, ready for analytics consumption and specific use cases

Bronze Tables

The bronze tables are an exact representation of the data found in the Excel spreadsheets. There is one table per region (or per sheet) using the following naming convention: brz_carmen_sigthings_{region}. As an example, here is the bronze table for asia: brz-asia

The column names have not been altered in any way and no transformation have been applied. The tables are created from csv using dbt seed function.

The csv files were generated from a python script using pandas reader and writer:

import pandas as pd

REGIONS = ["africa", "america", "asia", "atlantic", "australia", "europe",
    "indian", "pacific"]

for region in REGIONS:

    # Read
    df = pd.read_excel("../data/carmen_sightings_20220629061307.xlsx", sheet_name=region.upper())
    df["region"] = region

    # Write
    df.to_csv(f"../seeds/brz_carmen_sightings_{region}.csv", index=False)

Silver Tables

The next step is to define the silver as a transformation of the bronze tables. The transformation in this case consisted of :

  • Standardize column names
  • Selecting column of interest
  • Creating normalization ids

A preliminary analysis of the raw data has shown that no duplicates were found in any of the regions. Here is what it looks like for the Asia region. slv-asia

We used a dbt macro to apply the same transformation to all regions.

{% macro create_silver(source_table, renames) %}
        {{ renames.date_witness }}::date as date_witness,
        {{ renames.witness }}::varchar as witness,
        {{ renames.agent }}::varchar as agent,
        {{ renames.date_agent }}::date as date_agent,
        {{ renames.city_agent }}::varchar as city_agent,
        {{ }}::varchar as country,
        {{ }}::varchar as city,
        {{ renames.latitude }}::float as latitude,
        {{ renames.longitude }}::float as longitude,
        {{ renames.has_weapon }}::boolean as has_weapon,
        {{ renames.has_hat }}::boolean as has_hat,
        {{ renames.has_jacket }}::boolean as has_jacket,
        {{ renames.behavior }}::varchar as behavior,
        region::varchar as region,
        date_trunc('month', {{ renames.date_witness }}::date) as month_witness,
        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key([]) }} as location_id,
        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key([renames.agent, renames.date_agent, renames.city_agent]) }} as report_id
        {{ source_table }}
{% endmacro %}

The renames dictionary is region-specific and maps the region-specific column names to the standard column names. Columns location_id and report_id will be used for normalization of the data model.

Once we have all the region-specific silver tables, we create slv_carmen_sightings which is a union of all other silver tables.

 africa AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_africa') }}),
 america AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_america') }}),
 asia AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_asia') }}),
 atlantic AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_atlantic') }}),
 australia AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_australia') }}),
 europe AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_europe') }}),
 indian AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_indian') }}),
 pacific AS (SELECT * FROM {{ ref('slv_carmen_sightings_pacific') }})

    {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['date_witness', 'location_id', 'report_id']) }} as id,
        SELECT * FROM africa
        SELECT * FROM america
        SELECT * FROM asia
        SELECT * FROM atlantic
        SELECT * FROM australia
        SELECT * FROM europe
        SELECT * FROM indian
        SELECT * FROM pacific


To reduce redundancy and better organize the data for analytics, the wide table is transformed in 3 tables:

  • 1 fact table slv_fact_sightings listing all sightings
  • 1 fact table slv_fact_reports listing all reports (agent, date city)
  • 1 dimension slv_dim_locations table providing the details of a location (city, country, region, latitude and longitude)

The relationships are summarized in this entity relationships diagram: erd

Gold Tables

Finally, 3 gold tables (and a view) were defined to the analytics questions.

Behavior Aggregation

The first gold table gld_sightings_by_behavior counts the number of occurrence of each behavior. It is defined as

    count(id) as count
group by
order by
    count desc

and results in gld-behaviour

Monthly aggregation

The second table gld_carmen_sightings_by_month is the monthly aggregation defined as:

    count(id) as count,
    sum(has_target_behavior::int)  as target_behavior_count,
    sum(has_target_outfit::int)  as target_outfit_count,
    sum(has_target_behavior::int)::float / count(id)  as target_behavior_probability,
    sum(has_target_outfit::int)::float / count(id) as target_outfit_probability
from (
        behavior IN ('out-of-control', 'complaining', 'happy') as has_target_behavior,
        has_weapon AND has_jacket AND NOT has_hat AS has_target_outfit
group by
order by
    month desc

This one is a bit more involving as it:

  • Create a new column has_target_behavior that is 1 when the behavior is in the top 3 identified previously
  • Create a new column has_target_outfit that is 1 when the outfit (armed, hat, jacket) matches the description provided in the assessment
  • Group all rows of a month and
    • Count the total number of rows for each month
    • Count the match for target behavior
    • Count the match for target outfit
  • Calculate the probability of seeing target behavior target_behavior_probability
  • Calculate the probability of seeing target outfit target_outfit_probability

And the final result is: gld-month

Monthly and Regional Aggregation

To identify the region most frequently visited by Carmen each month, we proceed in two steps:

  • Create a view gld_sightings_by_month_region that counts the number of sightings per region per month
  • Create a view gld_most_visited_regions on top of that view that keeps only the row associated with the region with most occurrence for each month

They are defined as:

from (
        {{ref("slv_fact_sightings")}} as f
        {{ref("slv_dim_locations")}} as d
    on f.location_id = d.location_id
group by
    month, region
order by
    month desc, count desc


    distinct on (month) month, region, count
order by
    month desc, count desc

And the result is: gld-most-visited

Data Lineage

As an added bonus, dbt builds a data lineage graphs that helps understand the relationship between the different tables.



a) In which region is Carmen most likely to be found each month?

The answer is provided in column region of table gld_most_visited_regions. Here are the 6 most recent results:

month region
2022-06 america
2022-05 asia
2022-04 america
2022-03 europe
2022-02 america
2022-01 america

b) What is the monthly probability for Carmen to be armed and wearing a jacket, but not a hat?

The answer is provided in column target_outfit_probability of table gld_sightings_by_month. Here are the 6 most recent results:

month probability
2022-06 3.448%
2022-05 3.226%
2022-04 3.333%
2022-03 6.452%
2022-02 3.571%
2022-01 0.000%

Overall, the probability of Carmen to be armed, wearing a jacket, but no hat are very low with 3.91% on average. The only general observation that can be drawn from this is that this specific combination is very rare. Further investigation would be required to identify if:

  • One of the contributing factor is low in itself (she could be armed on very rare occasions for example)
  • She tends to wear a hat when she is armed
  • We have a situation of survivorship bias where wearing a jacket means being able to better conceal the weapon and hiding it from the agent.

c) What are the most frequent behaviors of Carmen Sandiego?

The answer is provided in column count of table gld_carmen_sightings_by_behavior. Here are the 3 most frequent results:

  • out-of-control
  • complaining
  • happy

d) What is the monthly probability for Carmen to show one of the top 3 behavior?

The answer is provided in column target_behavior_probability of table gld_carmen_sightings_by_month. Here are the 6 most recent results:

month probability
2022-06 24.14%
2022-05 22.58%
2022-04 20.00%
2022-03 16.13%
2022-02 10.71%
2022-01 12.90%


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