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A web frontend to the Charta Caeli star chart creation tool.


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CHARTA CAELI web service

A web service for the Charta Caeli star chart creation tool. The service is made up of a frontend that communicates with a backend. The frontend utilizes Bootstrap 4 for responsiveness and Xonomy XML editor to edit star chart definitions on devices with appropriate display sizes. The backend connects the frontend with the Charta Caeli core application. It consists of a web application providing a RESTful API, a database and a Runner process for the actual star charts creation.


The project depends on the Charta Caeli star chart creation tool. Thus, to setup the web service, one first has to build that core application according to instructions given there. Afterwards run build commands listed below.

Build commands on Linux

# setup environment (sample values)
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

# Clone Charta Caeli web service
cd ~/lab ; git clone ; cd chartacaeli-web

# build frontend
make all

# build backend
mvn compile

Build commands on Windows/ Cygwin

# setup environment (sample values)
export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/program\ files/java/jdk-17
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

# Clone Charta Caeli web service
cd ~/src ; git clone ; cd chartacaeli-web

# build frontend
make all

# build backend
mvn compile


The web service needs a Tomcat 8.5 servlet container and an H2 database. Setting up the latter is part of the build process described above. However, Tomcat requires some manual setup steps which furthermore differ for Linux and Windows/ Cygwin. More prerequisites are the Charta Caeli folder, user and group /opt/chartacaeli, ccaeli and ccaeli respectively.

Prerequisites setup on Linux

# create Charta Caeli group (if missing)
sudo groupadd ccaeli
# create Charta Caeli user (if missing)
sudo useradd -c "Charta Caeli" -d /opt/chartacaeli -m -s /sbin/nologin -g ccaeli ccaeli
sudo chmod 0775 /opt/chartacaeli

Prerequisites setup on Windows/ Cygwin

User and group are not required. Just create a folder %USERPROFILE%\opt\chartacaeli and configure Cygwin to mount %USERPROFILE%\opt on /opt.

Install web service on Linux

# setup environment (sample values)
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

sudo -u ccaeli -- make install

# make services start on boot
sudo install -m 755 /opt/chartacaeli/ccws-db /etc/init.d
sudo chkconfig --add ccws-db
sudo chkconfig ccws-db on

sudo install -m 755 /opt/chartacaeli/ccws-runner /etc/init.d
sudo chkconfig --add ccws-runner
sudo chkconfig ccws-runner on

sudo install -m 755 /opt/chartacaeli/ccws-cleaner /etc/init.d
sudo chkconfig --add ccws-cleaner
sudo chkconfig ccws-cleaner on

Install web service on Windows/ Cygwin

# setup environment (sample values)
export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/program\ files/java/jdk-17
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

make install

Initialize H2 on Linux

sudo -u ccaeli -- mkdir -m 0775 ${BASDIR:=/opt/chartacaeli/db}

# initialize database with H2 Shell tool
sudo -u ccaeli -- bash -c "cd /opt/chartacaeli
	$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp web/WEB-INF/lib/h2-2.2.220.jar \
	-url jdbc:h2:$BASDIR/ChartDB -user chartacaeli -password chartaca3li \
	-sql \"RUNSCRIPT FROM 'ChartDB.sql'\""

Initialize H2 on Windows/ Cygwin

mkdir ${BASDIR:=$(cygpath -m /opt/chartacaeli/db)}

# initialize database with H2 Shell tool
java -cp web/WEB-INF/lib/h2-2.2.220.jar \
	-url jdbc:h2:$BASDIR/ChartDB -user chartacaeli -password chartaca3li \
	-sql "RUNSCRIPT FROM 'ChartDB.sql'"

An alternative way is to use the H2 web console. Omit the RUNSCRIPT expression above, start an H2 server and afterward connect browser with http://localhost:8082. Input parameters below and copy & paste content of ChartDB.sql into respective console box.

Parameter Value
Saved Settings Generic H2 (Server)
JDBC URL jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/./ChartDB
User Name chartacaeli
Password chartaca3li
mkdir ${BASDIR:=$(cygpath -m /opt/chartacaeli/db)}

# initialize H2 omitting 'RUNSCRIPT'
java -cp web/WEB-INF/lib/h2-2.2.220.jar \
	-url jdbc:h2:$BASDIR/ChartDB -user chartacaeli -password chartaca3li \
	-sql ""

# start H2 server in background
java -cp web/WEB-INF/lib/h2-2.2.220.jar \
	-baseDir $BASDIR \
	-tcp \
	-web &

Initialize Tomcat

There are plenty of ways to get Tomcat up and running on Linux and Windows. They differ in TC version, using a tarball or an installer and of course the OS and in case of Linux the derivate in question. Gopher it and ask Google. The Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) provides a comprehensive description of Tomcat installation and configuration which furthermore provides useful newbie information on setup including a first Hello World servlet.

The setup foresees to make the Charta Caeli web service the ROOT application of Tomcat. To achieve this copy web/META-INF/context.xml.linos or web/META-INF/context.xml.winos from this repository to ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml. Update docBase attribute of Context element appropriately (e.g. /opt/chartacaeli/web on Linux or c:\users\<user>\opt\chartacaeli\web on Windows/ Cygwin if c:\users\<user>\opt mounted at /opt).

Notes on Amazon Linux AMI

# install Tomcat 8.5
sudo amazon-linux-extras install tomcat8.5

# add missing JAR (see
sudo wget -O /usr/share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-dbcp.jar \

# add Tomcat user `tomcat´ to `ccaeli´ group (if missing)
# so web application can write in `/opt/chartacaeli/db´ folder ceated by setup with GID `ccaeli´
sudo usermod -a -G ccaeli tomcat
# set umask to allow group writes
sudo bash -c "( echo ; echo '# Charta Caeli web service' ; echo umask 0002 ) >>/etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf"

# in Tomcat 8.5.79 uncomment the following lines
# in file /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat.service
# (see
#   EnvironmentFile=/etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf
#   Environment="NAME="
#   EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/tomcat

# add Charta Caeli user `ccaeli´ to `tomcat´ group (if missing)
# so Runner can write in folder `/opt/chartacaeli/db/<id>´
# created by web application with GID `tomcat´
sudo usermod -a -G tomcat ccaeli

# make service start on boot
sudo chkconfig --add tomcat
sudo chkconfig tomcat on
# check service start (optional)
chkconfig --list tomcat
  • Update JAVA_HOME (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk) in /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf.
# start Tomcat service
sudo service tomcat start
# check Tomcat service (optional)
sudo fuser -v -n tcp 8080

Remove installation on Linux

# setup environment (sample values)

# delete Charta Caeli installation
sudo rm -rf /opt/chartacaeli/*

# delete Java system and user preferences (SO #1320709)
sudo rm -rf $JAVA_HOME/jre/.systemPrefs /etc/.systemPrefs
sudo rm -rf /opt/chartacaeli/.java/.userPrefs
# user preferences of login user (not `ccaeli´)
rm -rf ~/.java/.userPrefs

# delete build artefacts
rm -rf ~/.m2
rm -rf ~/lab/chartacaeli-app
rm -rf ~/lab/chartacaeli-web
rm -rf ~/lab/META-INF
rm -rf ~/lab/pj2 ~/lab/pj2src ~/lab/pj2src.jar

Remove installation on Windows/ Cygwin

# delete Charta Caeli installation
rm -rf ~/opt/chartacaeli/*

# delete build artefacts
rm -rf ~/.m2
rm -rf ~/src/chartacaeli-app
rm -rf ~/src/chartacaeli-web
rm -rf ~/src/META-INF
rm -rf ~/src/pj2 ~/lab/pj2src ~/lab/pj2src.jar
rem delete Java system preferences (SO #1320709)
rem become admin by Ctrl+Shft+Enter
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs /f

rem delete Java user preferences
reg delete HKCU\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs /f


A special font (ARIALUNI.TTF) is assumed to live in the /opt/chartacaeli folder.

Run web service on Linux (intended)

# setup environment (sample values)

# start H2 database
sudo -u ccaeli -- bash -c "cd /opt/chartacaeli/web/WEB-INF
	$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp lib/h2-2.2.220.jar \
	-baseDir $BASDIR \
	-tcp &"

# start Runner process
# omit -i <interval> for one-shot
sudo -u ccaeli -- bash -c "cd /opt/chartacaeli/web/WEB-INF ; unset LANG
	export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH # ImageMagick 7
	export GS_FONTPATH=/opt/chartacaeli:/opt/chartacaeli/web/lib
	export JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java ; LOGLEVEL=3 ./ -i 5 &"

# start Cleaner process
# omit -i <interval> for one-shot
sudo -u ccaeli -- bash -c "cd /opt/chartacaeli/web/WEB-INF ; unset LANG
	export JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java ; LOGLEVEL=3 ./ -i 5 &"

Run web service on Windows/ Cygwin (testing)

rem commands to start Tomcat in cmd.exe

set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17"
cd "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\bin"
# setup environment (sample values)
export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/program\ files/java/jdk-17
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

# H2 env
export BASDIR=$(cygpath -m /opt/chartacaeli/db)

# Runner env
export OUTDIR=$(cygpath -m /opt/chartacaeli/db)
export LOGLEVEL=3  # default 0 (no output)

# Cleaner env
export OUTDIR=$(cygpath -m /opt/chartacaeli/db)
export LOGLEVEL=3  # default 0 (no output)
export REQAGE=600  # default 28800 (8 hours)

# env
export PATH=lib:/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=$(cygpath -mp lib:classes:lib/*)
export GS_FONTPATH=$(cygpath -mp /opt/chartacaeli:/opt/chartacaeli/web/lib)

# start H2 database server
( cd /opt/chartacaeli/web/WEB-INF ; java -cp lib/h2-2.2.220.jar \
	-baseDir $BASDIR \
	-tcp ) &

# start Runner process
# omit -i <interval> for one-shot
( cd /opt/chartacaeli/web/WEB-INF ; unset LANG ; ./ -i 5 ) &

# start Cleaner process
# omit -i <interval> for one-shot
( cd /opt/chartacaeli/web/WEB-INF ; unset LANG ; ./ -i 5 ) &

Run web service on Windows/ Eclipse (testing)

Set up a new Apache Tomcat Server in Eclipse and add H2 database configuration in XML element Resource as a child to the Context element in file server.xml of the newly created server.

<Resource name="jdbc/ChartDB" auth="Container"
	type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="org.h2.Driver"
	username="chartacaeli" password="chartaca3li" maxTotal="64"
	maxIdle="16" maxWaitMillis="16364" />

Run the H2 database, Runner, and Cleaner processes as noted in the previous section. Run and debug Charta Caeli web service in Eclipse.


The Makefile provides targets to check if the Charta Caeli core application prerequisite works properly. What these targets do is generating PDF and PNG files referenced by the HTML of the frontend. On success, a couple of PDF and PNG files should live in CWD (but not installed to actually be used by the frontend). Mind this is not a test of the Charta Caeli web service.

A special font (ARIALUNI.TTF) is assumed to live in the /opt/chartacaeli folder.

Check on Linux

# setup Linux environment (sample values)

# make ~ searchable if user not `ccaeli´
chmod go+x ~

# make PDF of `general-features-selection´
make general-features-selection.pdf

# make PDF and PNG files
make pdf

# make PNG files (ImageMagick required)
make png gng

Check on Windows/ Cygwin

# setup Windows/ Cygwin environment (sample values)
JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/program\ files/java/jdk-17
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

# make PDF of `general-features-selection´
make general-features-selection.pdf

# make PDF files
make pdf

# make PNG files (ImageMagick required)
make png gng

Perform E2E test with browser (on Windows/ Cygwin use localhost) and run RESTful API test cases using Postman.

Development notes

Xonomy web XML editor

Install XMLStarlet

  • needs libxml2 and libxslt
  • expects /usr/include/libxml

Cues for Cygwin

  • install libxml2 and libxml2-devel packages
  • install libxslt and libxslt-devel packages
  • cd /usr/include ; ln -s libxml2/libxml libxml

Sample commands to check document specification for missing elements, attributes and patterns.

# elements
for e in `xml sel -t -v "//xs:element/@name" ../chartacaeli/chartacaeli.xsd | sort -u` ; do \
	echo -n $e " " ; egrep -c "^\s*\"$e\"" web/lib/chartacaeli.xsd.js ; done |\
	grep '0$'

# attributes
for a in `xml sel -t -v "//xs:attribute/@name" ../chartacaeli/chartacaeli.xsd | sort -u` ; do \
	echo -n $a " " ; egrep -c "^\s*\"$a\"" web/lib/chartacaeli.xsd.js ; done |\
	grep '0$'

# patterns
for p in `xml sel -t -v "//xs:pattern/@value" ../chartacaeli/chartacaeli.xsd | sort -u` ; do \
	echo -n $p " " ; egrep -c "^\s*{value: \"$p\"" web/lib/chartacaeli.xsd.js ; done |\
	grep '0$'

Webfont creation

  • Sketch glyphs in chartacaeli-webfont.pptx using PowerPoint (because Google Slides lacks some features like etting arbitrary linewidths, capstyles and numerical rotation angles.
  • Upload deck to Drive, open with Slides, set background transparent and export glyphs to SVG.
  • Create Charta Caeli webfont project in IcoMoon Chrome extension and import SVG files (glyphs). Use Inkscape in case of stroke to fill warnings (see tooltip and hints from IcoMoon).
  • Click Generate Font, set Unicode codes and Metadata, finally download font and find TTF file in ZIP archive.
  • Import Charta Caeli webfont project file selection.json from ZIP archive into IcoMoon.

Style guide

Basic color palette and usage. Click on hex value to get derived palettes.

Color Usage
#e81669 (adjust) Primary color of application.
#892894 (adjust)
#6a1f6b (adjust)
#341344 (adjust)
#0e1659 (adjust)
#3e39e8 (adjust)
#323232 (adjust) Background of brandicon.ico icon file, font color on bright background.
#e7e7e7 (adjust) Font color on dark background in case of small font size or faint typography.
#dadada (adjust) Dimmed font color on dark background in case of large font size or strong typography.

Subordinate styles of buttons and links.

Type Comment
Navigation menu entry Primary color 10% darkened for :hover and 15% for :active.
URL in text (inline) Same as for navigation menu entries. No text decorations.

Thoughts on links

Purposes of links in running text is provision of background information or to give credit to the efforts of individual projects used by the site. Another reason is to ease access to sites which might somewhat tricky to find with Google even if propper keywords are given. Some general rules of thumb:

  • No reference of sites everbody knows (e.g. Amazon, Google, Micosoft).
  • Only one reference at first occurence.
  • URLs should be limited to the host part as site structures are subject to changes.
  • Preference of Wikipedia entries because site structure of Wikipedia is considered stable (based on the assumption that entries are kept up-to-date).
  • References of books on Amazon with unambiguous search queries because direct links tend to be very long.
  • Unsecure sites referenced with unambiguous Google search queries resulting (ideally) in a top-ranked result.

RESTful API design

RESTful API implementation made with Jersey RESTful Web Service framework. HATEOAS using Link header based on RFC5988.

Object model and representations

Object Class Comment
Root org.chartacaeli.api.Root
Chart org.chartacaeli.api.Chart

XML Root object representation sample if Accept header not aplication/json or missing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <info>Charta Caeli RESTful Web Service API</info>
  <hateoas href="http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api" rel="self"/>
  <hateoas href="http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts" rel="new"/>

JSON Root object representation sample if Accept header equals aplication/json

  "info": "Charta Caeli RESTful Web Service API",
  "hateoas": [
      "href": "http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts",
      "rel": "new"

XML Chart object representation sample

<chart id="96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843"> <!-- UUID -->
  <created>1569965427216</created>                <!-- UTC msec since 1.1.1970 -->
  <modified>1569965432000</modified>              <!-- UTC msec since 1.1.1970 -->
  <name>scientific-star-chart</name>              <!-- value of /ChartaCaeli/@name -->
  <stat>finished</stat>                           <!-- accepted|rejected|started|finished|failed|cleaned -->
  <!-- one or more HATEOAS links (optional) -->
  <hateoas href="http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts/96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843" rel="self"/>
  <hateoas href="http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts/96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843/scientific-star-chart.pdf" rel="next"/>
  <hateoas href="http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts/96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843/scientific-star-chart.log" rel="related"/>

JSON Chart object representation sample

  "id": "96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843",
  "created": 1569965427216,
  "modified": 1569965432000,
  "name": "scientific-star-chart",
  "stat": "finished",
  "hateoas": [
      "href": "http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts/96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts/96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843/scientific-star-chart.pdf",
      "rel": "next"
      "href": "http://localhost:4711/chartacaeli-web/api/charts/96fc442a-12ff-4c0d-b28e-ba9e2c3e1843/scientific-star-chart.log",
      "rel": "related"

Object model URIs (Resources)

URI Comment
/ Entry point
/charts New chart
/charts/{id} Get chart state
/charts/{id}/{file} Get chart file with file being one of *.pdf, *.log, *.err, *.xml, *.preferences


URI Method HATEOAS Comment
/ GET self, new Status 200. Content with Root object representation.
/charts POST self, next, related Status 202. Content with Chart object representation. Encoding XML or JSON (default) according to Accept header.
Status 400 in case of schema violation.
Status 500 in case of server errors.
/charts/{id} GET self, next, related Status 200. Content with Chart object representation. Encoding XML or JSON (default) according to Accept header. HATEOAS relations updated according to state.
Status 404 in case of invalid {id}.
Status 500 in case of server errors.
/charts/{id}/{file} GET self Status 200. No HATEOAS.
Status 404 in case of invalid {id}/{file}.


URI Name Kind (URL, Data) Type Necessity Encoding Comment
/charts chart Data parameter String mandatory x-www-form-urlencoded XML document conforming to Chart Specification XSD
prefs Data parameter String optional x-www-form-urlencoded XML document conforming to Java Preferences DTD

Helpful links


A web frontend to the Charta Caeli star chart creation tool.







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