A passionate software engineer interested in the Web ๐, Cloud technology โ๏ธ, and Developer Relations ๐ฅ.
I'm currently working as a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), helping customers successfully build on AWS. Feel free to connect on LinkedIn!
- Ewha Womans University (Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security), Seoul, Korea ๐ฐ๐ท
- Contact: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ottlseo/
- Blog: ottl-seo.tistory.com
- Resume ๐ Notion
- 2023.08 ~ Present : Amazon Web Services Korea ๐ฐ๐ท
- Associate Solutions Architect
- 2023.03 ~ 07 : Ringle
- Full Stack Developer Internship (Backend & Infra Team)
- 2023.01 ~ 02 : Formula Labs
- Freelance Frontend Developer
- 2022.05 ~ 08 : Amazon Web Services
- Solutions Architect Internship
- 2021.05 ~ 12 : Wooribank Startup program
- Backend Developer
- EFUB(Ewha Womans Univ. IT Developer Club) Backend developer
- 2020.01 ~ 2021.12 : Lead developer & General manager of Ewhaian, a community application where 210K+ verified ewha students have anonymous conversations
- AUSG(AWSKRUG University Student Group) Co-organizer
- GDSC(Google Developer Student Clubs) Ewha Lead
- GDSC X GDG Campus DevFest University STAFF
- 2022 GDSC Winter Hack: Play Your Stay STAFF