Module for MagicMirror showing electricity related data from Tibber, such as:
- Current power consumption, voltage or current
- Current price, and price per hour for this and the next day
- Total consumption and total cost today
- Minimum and maximum power consumption today
- Historical power consumption per hour
Standard screen:
Gauges 3-phase:
Graph with savings marked (the purple lines):
Vertical Gauges:
Go to your MagicMirror/modules
folder and write
git clone
cd MMM-Tibber
npm install
In version 3 you need to configure the Tibber homeId. The old config homeNumber is no longer used.
Here is an example configuration. Put it in the MagicMirror/config/config.js
module: 'MMM-Tibber',
position: 'bottom_center',
config: {
tibberToken: '<find your token from>',
homeId: '<see below how to find your home id>'
Of course, you need a Tibber account to use this module. Your access token (tibberToken
) can be found in the developer pages.
Your homeId can be found by running node get-homes.js <tibberToken>
, or you can find it using the API explorer, following the link above. If you use the script (get-homes.js
), pick the id
from the correct home in the result data.
The above is the minimum configuration required. Below is the complete module configuration you can use, with default values.
NB! Do NOT copy the whole config below. This is the config reference showing what is possible to configure, and the default values. Only pick those that you want to change, and include them in your config.
// Do NOT copy all this! (Read why above.)
config: {
// General
tibberToken: "log in to tibber to find your token",
homeId: '<see above how to find your home id>',
logging: false, // Turn on to see more details, but keep normally off
is3phase: false, // Set to true to force 3-phase
updateInterval: 5, // Tibber query update interval in minutes
// Chart
historyHours: 24, // How long history for price and consumption to see in the graph
futureHours: 48, // How long into the future to see price data
xAxisLineColor: "#333333",
xAxisLabelColor: "#999999",
adjustLeftMargin: 0, // Pixels to adjust margin
adjustRightMargin: 0,
adjustTopMargin: 0,
graphWidth: null, // Uses available width by default
graphHeight: 200,
// Price curve
showPrice: true,
dynamicMin: null, // Set graph min to a dynamic value. 0 = minPrice, ex. 0.2 = 0.2 below min price
priceChartType: "column", // column, line or spline
priceLineWidth: 3, // For line and spline, not column
priceColor: "#cc0000", // For line and spline
priceColumnColors: {
// Only for column chart type
NORMAL: ["#000055", "#0000dd", "#000088"], // Blue
VERY_CHEAP: ["#004400", "#00dd00", "#008800"], // Lighter green
CHEAP: ["#003300", "#00bb00", "#006600"], // Green
EXPENSIVE: ["#440000", "#cc0000", "#770000"], // Red
VERY_EXPENSIVE: ["#440000", "#aa0000", "#550000"], // Darker red
UNKNOWN: ["#444444", "#444444", "#444444"] // Gray
// Savings curve
showSavings: false,
savingsChartType: "columnrange",
savingsLineWidth: 3,
savingsColor: "#b829e3",
savingsTopic: "powersaver/plan",
// Consumption curve
showConsumption: true,
consumptionChartType: "spline", // column, line or spline
consumptionLineWidth: 2, // For line and spline
consumptionColor: "#ffcc00", // For line and spline
consumptionDecimals: 1,
// Price label and min/max price text
priceUnit: "kr",
decimalSeparator: ",",
graphLabelFontSize: 16,
priceDecimals: 2,
showCurrentPrice: true,
curPriceColor: "#ff7733",
// Min and Max price lines
showMinPrice: true,
showMaxPrice: true,
minPriceLineWidth: 1,
maxPriceLineWidth: 1,
minPriceColor: "#00bb00",
maxPriceColor: "#ee0000",
adjustPriceLabelsX: 0, // Adjust position sideways in pixels (pos or neg)
// Min/Max consumption labels
showMinConsumption: true,
showMaxConsumption: true,
adjustConsumptionLabelsX: 0, // Adjust position sideways in pixels (pos or neg)
// Additional costs
additionalCostPerKWH: [],
showAdditionalCostsGraph: true,
additionalCostsLabelColor: "#888888",
additionalCostsLabelAdjustX: 0, // Adjust label position
additionalCostsLabelAdjustY: 0, // Adjust label position
includeAdditionalCostsInPrice: true,
// Power gauge
showPowerGauge: true,
powerGaugeMaxValue: null, // Max gauge value. Calculated by default.
powerGaugeMarkSize: 20, // Size of marks in % of sector area
powerGaugeMinTickColor: "#00AA00",
powerGaugeAvgTickColor: "#0000AA",
powerGaugeMaxTickColor: "#AA0000",
powerGaugeTitle: "",
powerGaugeDynamicColors: true,
orangePercentOfAvg: 120,
redPowerPercentOfMax: 85,
redPowerPercentOfAvg: 200,
powerGaugeColors: [
// Colors for the graph
{ fromValue: 0, color: "#00BB00" },
{ fromValue: 5000, color: "#e68a00" },
{ fromValue: 7000, color: "#BB0000" }
// Voltage gauge
showVoltageGauge: true,
voltageGaugeName: "voltage",
voltageGaugeTitle: "",
voltageGaugeNominalValue: 230,
voltageGaugeMaxValue: 255,
voltageGaugeMinValue: 150,
voltageGaugeColors: [
// Colors for the graph
{ fromValue: 0, color: "#BB0000" },
{ fromValue: 207, color: "#0000BB" },
{ fromValue: 220, color: "#00BB00" },
{ fromValue: 240, color: "#0000BB" },
{ fromValue: 253, color: "#BB0000" }
// Current gauge
showCurrentGauge: true,
currentGaugeName: "current",
currentGaugeTitle: "",
currentGaugeNominalValue: 63, // Main fuse
currentGaugeMaxValue: 70,
currentGaugeMinValue: 0,
currentGaugeColors: [
// Colors for the graph
{ fromValue: 0, color: "#00BB00" },
{ fromValue: 50, color: "#e68a00" },
{ fromValue: 61, color: "#BB0000" }
// Gauges common
gaugesVertical: false, // Set true to show gauges vertically
gaugesAbove: true, // Set false to have gauges below the graph
gaugesWidth: 230,
gaugesHeight: 120,
gaugesValueFontSize: 17,
gaugesValueFontSize3phase: 14,
gaugesValueDistanceAdjustment: 0,
gaugesLabelFontSize: 12,
gaugesTitleFontSize: 12,
// Table data
showTable: true,
tableVertical: false,
tableWidth: null,
accumulatedPowerUnit: "kWh",
accumulatedCostCurrency: "Kr",
tableLabelColor: "#666666",
tableValueColor: "#e6e600"
The futureHours
max value is 48, but it cannot show more than the whole next day. Also, the next day is not available until some time during the day, normally around 13:00, but it varies.
You can configure multiple instances of the module to show different parts on different places of the screen. The Tibber token and the homeId must be the same for all modules. Logging should also be the same, or if not, the logging from the node_modules.js file is random on or off.
Use the showXXX variables to hide different parts of the module. For example, you can show the price and consumption chart in a wide area of the screen, and show the gauges for power, voltage and current vertically in a narrow part of the screen. The text table also looks best vertically.
You can hide those parts of the module that you dont want to see, for example:
Variable | Description |
showPrice | The price graph |
showConsumption | The consumption graph |
showCurrentPrice | The label near the middle of the graph showing price right now |
showMinPrice | The line and label showing minimum price in the graph |
showMaxPrice | The line and label showing maximum price in the graph |
showMinConsumption | The label showing minimum consumption in the graph |
showMaxConsumption | The label showing maximum consumption in the graph |
showAdditionalCostsGraph | The part of the price graph for the additional costs. NB! Additional costs must be configured using the additionalCostPerKWH variable. |
showPowerGauge | The gauge showing power consumption right now |
showVoltageGauge | The gauge showing voltage right now |
showCurrentGauge | The gauge showing current right now |
showTable | The table with total cost and total consumption today |
You can hide each part by setting the config variable to false
Normally the electricity cost received from Tibber is only a fraction of the total electricity cost. You can add additional costs to show real costs. Example:
additionalCostPerKWH: [
label: "Nettleie",
price: 0.23125
label: "Forbruksavgift",
price: 0.20163
This will give you a graph like in the main screenshot above.
If you want to include the additional costs in the price lables, but you dont like to see the additional costs in the graphs, you can hide them by setting the showAdditionalCostsGraph
config variable to false. This will give you a graph like this:
Savings as illustrated witht he purple ticks can be shown by combining the following:
Use the PowerSaver
Node-RED node to control a power switch to turn off when the power is expensive. Send the output from output 3 on this node to an MQTT message queue with the topic powersaver/plan
(using the Send to MQTT
Then use the MMM-MQTT module to receive this topic, and broadcast it, on the same MM as you are running MMM-Tibber. Use the following config for MMM-MQTT:
subscriptions: [
topic: "powersaver/plan",
hidden: true,
broadcast: true
At last turn on the savings graph by setting showSavings: true,
in the MMM-Tibber config.
You can configure another topic using the savingsTopic
config option.
You may also use another source, sending savings data in the same format as the PowerSaver node is producing it. (Please create an issue if you want this explained.)
If you take a notice at the purple ticks in the graph above, you see that it is not the most expensive hours that are turned off. This would be useless, assuming the power is used immediately after the switch is turned on again, as it would for a water heater, for example. The hours turned off are those that has the larges difference to the first hour that is turned on. The PowerSaver node may be expanded with other strategies.
NB! This setup is in beta! Please report bugs using Github issues.
The power gauge shows current power consumption, and is updated every other second or more. It has some tiny marks showing minimum and maximum consumptions today, as well as average consumption. You can change the size of those marks using the powerGaugeMarkSize
variable, that can be set between 0 and 100. If you set it to 0, they will not be visible. If you set them to 100, the current power meter will not be visible, only the label.
You can configure colors for the gauge for different value zones using the powerGaugeColors
config variable. By default, the color zones are dynamic as follows:
- Power less than average: The first color is used (default green).
- Power over "orangePowerPercentOfAvg" percent of average (default 120%), less than "red power" (see below): The second color is used (default orange).
- Power over "red power": The third color is used (default red).
By "red power" means power larger then redPowerPercentOfMax percent (default 85%) of maximum power or larger than redPowerPercentOfAvg percent (default 200%) of average power. The percentages can be changed by config. Dynamic power colors can be turned off by setting powerGaugeDynamicColors to false.
For dynamic colors to work, there must be at least 3 colors in powerGaugeColors (ony 3 are used). Else there must be at least one color.
The maximum value of the gauge is set automatically based on the nominal value of the voltage and the current by multiplying those, and rounding up. This is correct only for 1-phase, so you can override the maximum value using the powerGaugeMaxValue config variable.
The voltage gauge shows the current voltage, and is updated every 10 seconds (this actually varies). It automatically detects if you have 3 phases, and if so, shows voltage per phase. If you have anything other than 230V, you should change the voltageGaugeNominalValue
config variable accordingly, and then you would probably also adjust the voltageGaugeColors
values. These are by default set to show red if the value is outside the 10% that is the official requirement in Norway, and blue if they are >10V away from 230. You can also change the minimum and maximum values for tha gauge.
The current gauge shows the current current (hmmm), and is updated every 10 seconds. It automatically detects if you have 3 phases, and if so, shows current per phase.
NB! You should set the currentGaugeNominalValue
config variable to the value of your main fuse. You should also adjust the currentGaugeColors
table so it shows red when current is close to the fuse value, and maybe also adjust the other color values.
There are some configuration values common for all gauges, adjusting size of the gauges and the fonts.
With the gaugesValueDistanceAdjustment
config variable you can increase or decrease (-) the distance between the voltage and current values for 3-phase meterings.
Set gaugesVertical
to true if you want to show tha gauges vertically. In this case you probably would hide the price and consumption graphs, and have them in another instance of the module.
There are a few words that need translations, and I have provided translations for English (default), Norwegian and Swedish. You must set the language
config variable for MagicMirror (not the module) to either nb
or sv
to get the right language.
If something is not working, turn on logging by setting the config variable logging
to true
, and look at the data you receive from Tibber.
If you for example cannot see the voltage gauge, it may be because you get no voltage data from Tibber. NB! Voltage and current data does not necessarily come on all updates, so watch at least 10 seconds.
If you cannot se 3-phase gauges for voltage and current, and you know you get data for 3 phases, try to set the is3phase
config variable to true to override the automagic.
If you find a bug or have an improvement suggestions, please create a Github issue.
Contributions are welcome. Please create a github issue first, so we can dicuss the change before you make it. Create a pull request when you have a change to submit.
Here are my other modules for MagicMirror.