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Real-time recommender system for marketplace or any other media platform.

The coolest thing about it is that it's fully real-time. This means that there are milliseconds latency between receiving some event and presenting recalculated recommendations.

Almost every modern real-time data processing pipeline consists of 3 core elements: event log, streaming engine and NoSQL storage. The first one helps you collect events in fast and secure way, the second one processes them and the results are stored into the third one. Here we use Apache Kafka, Apache Storm and Apache Cassandra. We receive events (i.e. user clickstream) in Kafka, process them in Storm and store results in Cassandra. You can find an overview in Architecture section.

To sent an event into this pipeline you simply POST it as a JSON to one of the API points. To GET the actual recommendations you make a call to another point. You can find more details in How to use section.

To recalculate recommendations in real-time there has to be suitable algorithm. It should be lightweight and perfectly scalable. This product recommender supports different algorithms for different use cases. All of them are described in details in Recommenders section.


Product Recommender Architecture.png


At the moment Product Recommender supports following recommenders:

  • Collaborative Filtering Item-Item
  • Trending Items

Collaborative Filtering Item-Item Recommender

Collaborative filtering (CF) is well-known as one of the best algorithm for personalized recommendations. CF tries to recommend items based on user behaviour in the past. CF is based on calculating similarity score and that calculation is pretty heavy-weight. However there is an approach suggested by Tencent which turns this algorithm into real-time without any trade-off in accuracy. Detailed description can be found here: In very brief it says that similarity score which CF is based on consists of just 3 aggregates. And instead of aggregating them every time we can just store them and simply increment for every new event received. With this recommendations are recalculated within few milliseconds and they are 100%-accurate.

The same whitepaper suggests solution for so called implicit feedback problem. CF algorithm is based on ratings which user puts to different items. But often we don't have explicit ratings however we still can score user behaviour implicitly. For example, we can say that looking at some item for 3 seconds scores 1 point, clicking on it scores 2, liking it scores 3, sharing scores 4 and purchase scores 5 points. As a result an input for product recommender is a tuple with user ID, item ID and score.

Trending Items Recommender

While CF is about personalized experience, we also need to know what's trending on the marketplace overall. As our recommender system is real-time we need to know what's trending now. To implement that we use algorithm similar to the one used for Twitter trends.

We store top N list of items based on their aggregated scores. For every new item we check if it is present in the list. If it is, we increment its count and it optionally goes higher in the list. If it's not, we decrement all the other items present in a list by the score from the event. This approach makes the list very dynamic reflecting what's trending now and not what was trending last hour or last day or last week.


Product Recommender is based on Kafka, Storm, Cassandra and Docker. So before you start deploying make sure that you have them running locally or remotely. If you're new to any of these technologies, please start with reading their documentation to understand how it works. Problems with deploy often are caused by incorrect usage or configuration of any of these services.

If you need a shortcut, here are the exact tutorials about deploying these services: Kafka, Storm, Cassandra, Docker.

Now when all the required services up and running you need 2 things to deploy Product Recommender:

  • Build and run Docker container with web server to receive events and serve recommendations
  • Submit Storm topology to process events

Both steps are sequenced linearly in the following step-by-step guide:

  1. Change Kafka connection info in resources
  2. Change Zookeeper, Cassandra and Recommender server hosts in config.Config
  3. Run assembly in sbt to create a fat jar (if you want to skip tests, run sbt 'set test in assembly := {}' assembly)
  4. Submit Storm topology by running $STORM_HOME/bin/storm jar target/recommender-processor-assembly-1.0.jar storm.Topology command in Terminal
  5. Create Docker container by running ./init build command in Terminal (optionally, use -t for tagging your image, default is product_recommender)
  6. Run Docker container by running ./init run command in Terminal (optionally, use -p for specifying port and -n for naming you container, defaults are 8090 and product_recommender)
  7. To stop Docker container run ./init stop -n product_recommender(or some other name you specified when running) command in Terminal
  8. To remove Docker container run ./init rm -n product_recommender(or some other name you specified when running) command in Terminal

How to use

Receiving events

Product recommender listens to events generated by user's clickstream. Specifically it receives HTTP POST requests at /learn and transforms them into Kafka messages. Payload for a POST request should be in JSON format and include the following keys:

    "userId": "some_user",
     "itemId": "some_item",
     "action": "click",
     "timestamp": 1482744482112,
     "recommendationId": "some_id",
     "price": 9.99

For every user's interaction with item there must be event sent to recommender. So userId, itemId, action and timestamp fields are required. timestamp is Unix timestamp in milliseconds, in Scala can be obtained by calling System.currentTimeMillis(). recommendationId and price fields are optional. If user interacts with item from recommendation then recommendationId must be set. If the action = "buy" then price must be set.

Please find below the full list of possible actions:

  • display
  • hover
  • click
  • like
  • share
  • buy

Serving recommendations

Similar items

GET /item/$ITEM_ID Returns similar items as JSON sorted by descending similarity score. You can add limit parameter to query (default limit = 10). Example:

     "id": "132",
             "itemId": "i2",
             "anotherItemId": "i2",
             "similarity": 1
             "itemId": "i2",
             "anotherItemId": "i6",
             "similarity": 0.9999999999999998
             "itemId": "i2",
             "anotherItemId": "i7",
             "similarity": 0.9999999999999998
             "itemId": "i2",
             "anotherItemId": "i8",
             "similarity": 0.9999999999999998
             "itemId": "i2",
             "anotherItemId": "i4",
             "similarity": 0.6324555320336759
             "itemId": "i2",
             "anotherItemId": "i3",
             "similarity": 0.4472135954999579
             "itemId": "i2",
             "anotherItemId": "i1",
             "similarity": 0.33806170189140655

Recommendations for user

GET /user/$USER_ID Returns recommended items as JSON sorted by descending predicted rating. You can add limit parameter to query (default limit = 10). Example:

    "id": "123",

Trending items

GET /trending Returns trending items as JSON sorted by descending trending score. You can add limit parameter to query (default limit = 100). Example:

    "id": "123",


GET /bestsellers Returns list of bestseller items as JSON sorted by descending sales amount. You can add limit parameter to query (default limit = 100). Example:

    "id": "123",

Recent views

GET /recentviews/$USER_ID Returns list of user's recently viewed items as JSON sorted by descending timestamp. Example:

    "id": "123".
                "itemId": "i6",
                "timestamp": 1482467944858
                "itemId": "i1",
                "timestamp": 1482467941858
                "itemId": "i4",
                "timestamp": 1482467941858
                "itemId": "i2",
                "timestamp": 1482406935392

Stats, Metrics

The primary goal of any recommender is to increase sales. That is why the core metric that should be maximized here is the sales from recommender and its share in total sales. To get bigger picture we also check some auxiliary metrics such as CTR(click-through-rate calculated as clicks / displays), LTR(like-through-rate calculated as likes / clicks), STR(share-through-rate calculated as shares / clicks) and BTR(buy-through-rate calculated as purchases / clicks). To calculate these numbers we log every event into Cassandra table.

How do we distinguish user actions caused by simple browsing from actions caused by recommendation display? For every call to product recommender along with recommendations themselves there will be recommendation id. For every event caused by recommendation display recommendationId should be filled in. For example, if user clicks on one of the items in Recommended block, product recommender should receive event with recommendationId filled in.

There is UI for visualizing these metrics. The frontend part is currently not implemented. However the backend part (API calls) is ready. You can find mockups with API calls description here.


Artem Moskvin [email protected]


Real time CF recommender system






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  • Scala 98.0%
  • Shell 1.8%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%