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OWL for Blackbelts: CUDA Interop and Asynch Launches

Ingo Wald edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 1 revision

Advanced Launch Params Usage

This page is intended for advanced OWL users, and goes into some detail on how asynchronous launches and/or CUDA interop can be employed to overlap multiple different launches and/or CUDA kernels.

If you have not done so, you should first read up on what "Variables" and "Launch Params" are, and how they are usually used in more common scenarios.

In the default usage, using launch params is super-simple: define then device-side struct with all the C++/CUDA types members you want to use on the device, and create an OWLParams variable on the host that describes this; then when you are ready to issue a launch set the variables of that OWLParams object, and pass it to the owlLaunch2D call. Then change the variables for the next launch, launch again, etc.

This is the most common usage of launch parameters, and in most cases will be entirely sufficient. If you do not understand the rest of this page, simply ignore it, and use launch parameters as just described.

Issues with "Synchronous" owlLaunch2D

The main issue you have with the owlLaunch2D() based way of launching OWL is that this method is entirely synchronous with respect to the host: OWL issues the launch on the device, and waits for it to complete. By the time owlLaunch2D returns, the kernel is done, and any buffers it might have written in the raygen program are written. This is good because it avoids potential pit-falls of reading frame buffers while the raygen is still working on it, etc ... but has the obvious drawback that you may lose a bit of performance: after the raygen is finished, the GPU will remain idle until new work has been issued for it.

To avoid this, and keep the GPU busy all the time, you can also use launches in a more advanved way, by exeuting "async" launches that will not wait for the GPU to finish work. You then can - and have to

  • manually manage any dependencies among possibly multiple such launches and/or other async operations (such as CUDA interop via cudaMemcpyAsync or "manual" CUDA kernel launches).

Different RayGen Programs

As mentioned avbove the name of the launch params in device code is fixed to optixLaunchParams, and cannot be changed; but its values can.

If you do want to launch different raygen programs then you can of course do so by creating different OWLRayGen instances, and using different ones in different launches. If all different raygen programs use the same global launch params, then this is trivial, and you can even use the same OWLRayGen variable for launches with different raygens.

If you do, however, want the different raygens to use different launch params, then you have the obvious problem that on the device there's only a single variable to write them into. There are, however, two or three differnet ways of doing this.

Option #1: Use a "Merged" Launch Params Struct

Maybe the easiest option is to simply create a new struct that imply contains all possible variants you might want to use as a separate member. E.g, imaging you have two different raygen programs (say, lightPass and renderPass) with a different struct each:

struct LightPassLP {
   int something;
struct RenderPassLP {
   int other;

Then the easiest way is to create a single struct that contains both, and use a optixLaunchParams of that type:

struct MergedLPs {
  LightPassLP lightPass;
  RenderPassLP renderPass;
__constant__ MergedLPs optixLaunchParams;

Then in the raygen program simply only ever read the members you want for that pass:

  auto &lp = optixLaunchParams.renderPass;

On the host side, you would create a single OWLParams struct for the entire MergedLPs struct, but would obviously only have to set those variables that the respective next pass expects.

Option #2: Use union of Different Launch Params Structs (Careful)

Intead of a struct, one can of course also use a union to "merge" the different structs. However, one issue that arises then is that the different unions' members are "aliasing" to the same memory within the merged struct, and since OWL doesn't have any notion of a "unions" of variables it cannot resolve this. Consequently, if you create a OWLParams struct where two different OWLVarDecls point to the same memory offsets, then undefined behvavious may (and in fact, will happen). I.e., the following code would be invalid:

struct MergedLPs {
  union {
    LightPassLP lightPass;
    RenderPassLP renderPass;
__constant__ MergedLPs optixLaunchParams;
OWLVarDecl lpVars[] = {
   { "lightPass.something", OWL_INT, OWL_OFFSETOF(...) },
   { "renderPass.other", OWL_INT, OWL_OFFSETOF(...) },
OWLParams lp = owlParamsCreate(context,...);

In this code, OWL couldn't possibly know which of the two variables to write to the memory location that they both share.

You can, however, create two different OWLParams structs, with each one only using one of the unions:

OWLVarDecl lightPassVars[] = {
   { "lightPass.something", OWL_INT, OWL_OFFSETOF(...) },
OWLParams lightPassLPs = owlParamsCreate(.. lightPassVars, ..);

OWLVarDecl renderPassVars[] = {
   { "renderPass.something", OWL_INT, OWL_OFFSETOF(...) },
OWLParams renderPassLPs = owlParamsCreate(.. renderPassVars, ..);

Note: A variant of this model is to declare the OWLParams directly on the LightPass and RenderPass structs, and make the optixLaunchParams variable itself be a union:

struct LightPassLP { ... };
struct RenderPassLP { ... };

__constant__ union { 
   LightPassLP lightPass;
   RenderPassLP renderPass;
} optixLaunchParams;

In that variant the OWLParams for the two passes can be defined directly over their respective structs. You would, however, still have to create two different OWLParams, one for each launch.

Option 3: Different CUDA files

If you have your raygen programs written in different .cu files, you can also use a diffrently typed optixLaunchParams variable in each such CUDA file; ie, it could be of type RenderPassLP in containing the renderPass() raygen program, and be of LightPassLP in, etc.

This does, in fact, work in exactly the same way as the union option above, so you would also have to have differnet OWLParams for the different raygens. You would also have to be very(!) careful if you had other programs (say, a closet hit program) defined in one .cu file, and called this from the raygen in the other.

Asynchronous Launches

The default owlLaunch2D() call is synchronous, in the sense that it uploads the params, laucnhes the raygen program, and waits for completion. However, you do not necessarily have to wait for this launch to complete: instead of owlLaunch2D() you can also use owlAsyncLaunch2D() in which case OWL uploads the params, and launches the raygen into a CUDA stream that is associated with the lp variable, but will not wait for that raygen to complete. You can then do something else in the meantime while this launch is running, and explicitly wait for its completion later on via owlLaunchSync(lp), roughly like this:

OWLParams lp = owlParamsCreate(...);
OWLRayGen rg = ...;
owlParamsSet1i(lp, ....);
owlAsyncLaunch2D(rg, size.x, size.y, lp);

Note that the owlLaunchSync() needs to get called with the same lp variable used during the launch - it is that lp variable that keeps track of the launch, the CUDA stream used to execute it, etc.

If you want to issue any other CUDA kernel calls into the same stream (or do async memcpys in that stream, etc), you can always query the CUDA stream associated with the launch using owlParamsGetCudaStream(...), and use that for any kernel calls. E.g., you can do something like this:

owlParamsSetBuffer(lp, "frameBuffer", fb);
owlAsyncLaunch2D(...., lp);
CUstream stream = owlParamsGetCudaStream(lp,0);
myCudaToneMapper<<<..., ..., stream>>>(owlBufferGetPointer(fb,0), ... );

Note that OWL uses a different CUDA stream for each device, so owlParamsGetCudaStream() needs to be told for which device you want to query this stream.

In this example, the CUDA tone mapper kernel gets launched into the same stream as the one used by OWL's raygen launch, so - based on how CUDA streams work - will have an automatic dependency on the render launch, and not launch until that render launch is done.

Multiple Different Asynch Launches

All the owlLaunchSync(lp) is doing is waiting for the LPs' associated stream to complete, so you can issue multiple async launches into the same stream, and have a single owlLaunchSync() for all of them. However, given how CUDAs streams work the different launches will internally serialize within that thread. For example, consider the following code in which we have two different raygen programs (say, for example, tracePhotons() and renderFrame(), with the former tracing photons and splatting them into a buffer, and the latter ray tracing the result):

OWLParams lp = ...;
owlParamsSet1i(lp,"rngSeed", frameID);
owlParamsSetBuffer(lp,"bakedLightBuffer", bakedLightBuffer);
owlsAyncLaunch2D(rgTracePhotons, numPhotons, 1, lp);
owlParamsSet3f(lp,"", ...);
owlAsyncLaunch2D(rgRenderScene, fbSize.x, fbSize.y, lp);

In that code:

  • the first async launch will "freeze" the variables at that point in time, "stage" the uploading of those variables, and issue the launch, but will not wait for it to return.
  • the second variable assignment to lp right after that first launch will not have any side effects on the preceiding launch, even though that launch may still be running (in fact, it migth not even have started yet!), because OWL will automatically create the right copies and dependencie.
  • the second owlAynsLaunch() will then issue a second launch - with a different raygen program, and potentially different variable values, and again return right after the launch is issues, without waiting for it. Since we didn't yet wait on anything, even the first launch may not even have started yet.
  • since the second launch used the same lp variable, it gets issued into the same stream - ie, CUDA will schedule it into that stream, but will not actually launch it until the first launch has completed.
  • the final owlParamsSync() waits for the stream associated with lp - and since both launches are in that same stream it will not return until both launches have completed.

Multiple Parallel Asynchronous Launches (in Different CUDA stream)

Based on how CUDA streams work, multiple launches using the same lps are asynchronous with respect to the host (ie, the host issuing the launch call will not wait for that launch to complete), but differnet launches in the same stream will automatically serialize. In the example above makes total sense: you actually do not want the render launch to start until the baking stage is done!

If instead you want to have different launches that are asynchronous to each other, then you can do that, too, using different OWLParam instances. Eg, assuming you wnat to issue a path tracer with N samples per pixel, you could either do have a single launch that iterates 16 times in the raygen program .... or you could instead issue N different launches with one sample per pixel:

OWLParams lp = ...;
for (int sampleID=0;sampleID<numSamplesPerPixel;sampleID++) {

In this example, you'd probably not see much of a benefit (in fact, it may well be slower...), because though you do issue all those launches asynchronously, because they use the same lp they also use the same stream, and thus, on the device, will autmatically serialize.

However, now consider the following:

const int numParallel = 4;    
OWLparams lp[numParallel];
for (...) lp[i] = ....;
for (int sampleID=0; .... ) {
   owlParams1i(lp[sampleID%numParallel], ...);
   owlAsyncLaunch2D(.... lp[sampleID%numParallle]);
for (....) owlLaunchSync(...);

Now, in this example we use four different LPs, and each with its own CUDA stream. In this case, the first four launches can actually run fully parallel to each other - the fifth launch uses the same stream as the first, and thus has to wait for the first one to complete - but other launches can run in parallel, and thus make use of any idle SMs the moment they become available.

Where this can be helpful is if you have a huge variation in per-pixel cost: if one pixel is significantly more expensive then others the CUDA thread computing that pixel may take so long to complete that other threads run out of work until it is completed, leading to idle time; but splitting it up into different streams means that different sample IDs can run in parallel in differnet launches.