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Sensetion Mode

Alexandre Rademaker edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

To load the glosstag into sensetion you’ll need SBCL and quicklisp installed. The code for convert original XML data to JSON is at the glosstag.initial package in the glosstag library.


CL-USER> (load "utils/convert-glosstag.lisp")

CL-USER> (main (directory "~/glosstag/data/*.plist") "~/sensetion.el/data/mongo/corpus.json")

You can create a project for the glosstag corpus like so:

 :name "glosstag"
 :backend (sensetion-make-mongo
	     :db "sensetion"
	     :synset-collection "synsets"
	     :document-collection "glosstag")
 :display-meta-data-fn (lambda (sent _)
			   (let ((metas (sensetion--sent-meta sent)))
			     (format "(%s) %s | "
				     (map-elt metas 'pos nil #'eq)
				       (map-elt metas 'terms nil #'eq)
				       ", ")
				      'face 'bold)))))


Dictionary can be generated from the `corpus.json`:

cat glosstag.json | jq -c '{_id: .meta.keys[0], lexname: .doc_id, pos: .meta.pos, keys: .meta.keys, terms: .meta.terms | map(gsub(" "; "_")), definition: .text}' > dict.json
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