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* check for (some) duplicates
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- word sense duplicates (in the same synset)
- word pointers
- synset relations

related to #6

* add labels to errors

can be warnings or full-blown errors
  • Loading branch information
odanoburu committed Aug 19, 2019
1 parent d2a9e3f commit 3a35df4
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 30 deletions.
93 changes: 63 additions & 30 deletions src/Validate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,14 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty(NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.GenericTrie (Trie, fromList, member, foldWithKey, empty, insert)
import Data.GenericTrie (Trie, fromList, member, foldWithKey)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
( Pretty(..),Doc,(<+>), colon, align, hsep, nest
, line, indent, vsep)

singleton :: a -> NonEmpty a
singleton x = x :| []

-- when to change LexicographerFile : Text to LexicographerFileId :
-- Int in wordsenses etc.? is changing it really necessary?

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,6 +69,9 @@ instance Semigroup e => Applicative (Validation e) where

data WNError
= ParseError String
| DuplicateWordSense (NonEmpty WNWord)
| DuplicateWordRelation (NonEmpty WordPointer)
| DuplicateSynsetRelation (NonEmpty SynsetRelation)
| MissingSynsetRelationTarget SynsetRelation
| MissingWordRelationTarget WordPointer
| UnsortedSynsets (NonEmpty (NonEmpty (Synset Validated)))
Expand All @@ -86,21 +92,33 @@ type SourceValidation a = Validation (NonEmpty SourceError) a
-- Pretty instances
prettyMissingTarget :: Text -> Text -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
prettyMissingTarget relationType relationName target
= "Missing"
= "error: Missing"
<+> pretty relationType
<+> pretty relationName
<+> "target" <+> target

prettyUnordered :: Pretty a => Text -> NonEmpty (NonEmpty a) -> Doc ann
prettyUnordered what sequences
= "Unsorted" <+> pretty what <> line
= "warning: Unsorted" <+> pretty what <> line
<> (indent 2 . align . vsep . map prettyUnorderedSequence $ NE.toList sequences)
prettyUnorderedSequence (x:|xs) =
pretty x <+> "should come after" <+> hsep (map pretty xs)

prettyDuplicate :: Pretty a => Text -> NonEmpty a -> Doc ann
prettyDuplicate what duplicates
= "error: Duplicate"
<+> pretty what
<+> pretty (NE.head duplicates)

instance Pretty WNError where
pretty (ParseError errorString) = pretty errorString
pretty (DuplicateWordSense wordSenses)
= prettyDuplicate "wordsense" wordSenses
pretty (DuplicateWordRelation wordPointers)
= prettyDuplicate "word pointer" wordPointers
pretty (DuplicateSynsetRelation synsetRelations)
= prettyDuplicate "synset relation" synsetRelations
pretty (MissingSynsetRelationTarget (SynsetRelation relationName target))
= prettyMissingTarget "synset relation" relationName $ pretty target
pretty (MissingWordRelationTarget (WordPointer pointerName target))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,14 +164,12 @@ checkSynset index Synset{lexicographerFileId, wordSenses, relations, definition
checkSynsetRelations :: Index a -> [SynsetRelation]
-> WNValidation [SynsetRelation]
checkSynsetRelations index synsetRelations
= checkSynsetRelationsTargets index synsetRelations
*> checkSynsetRelationsOrder synsetRelations
= checkSynsetRelationsOrderNoDuplicates
*> checkSynsetRelationsTargets index synsetRelations
*> Success synsetRelations

checkSynsetRelationsOrder :: [SynsetRelation] -> WNValidation [SynsetRelation]
checkSynsetRelationsOrder synsetRelations
= bimap (\errs -> UnsortedSynsetRelations errs :| []) id
$ validateSorted synsetRelations
= checkSortNoDuplicates UnsortedSynsetRelations DuplicateSynsetRelation synsetRelations

checkSynsetRelationsTargets :: Index a -> [SynsetRelation]
-> WNValidation [SynsetRelation]
Expand All @@ -169,30 +185,52 @@ checkSynsetRelationsTargets index = traverse checkSynsetRelation
validateSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Validation (NonEmpty (NonEmpty a)) [a]
-- maybe just sort input instead of picking some of the errors?
--- or maybe just check if every pair is sorted, which will be faster
--- but might take more iterations to find all errors
validateSorted [] = Success []
validateSorted [x] = Success [x]
--- but will take more iterations to find all errors
validateSorted (x:y:xt)
| x <= y = (:) <$> Success x <*> validateSorted (y:xt)
| otherwise = let (wrongs, _) = span (< x) xt
in (:) <$> Failure ((x:|(y:wrongs)):|[])
<*> validateSorted (y:xt)
validateSorted x = Success x

validateNoDuplicates :: Ord a => [a] -> Validation (NonEmpty a) [a]
validateNoDuplicates (x:y:xt)
| x < y = (:) <$> Success x <*> validateNoDuplicates (y:xt)
| x == y = let (equals, rest) = span (== x) xt
in (:) <$> Failure (x:|y:equals) <*> validateNoDuplicates rest
| x > y = error "Unsorted"
validateNoDuplicates x = Success x

:: Ord a
=> (NonEmpty (NonEmpty a) -> WNError)
-> (NonEmpty a -> WNError)
-> [a]
-> WNValidation [a]
checkSortNoDuplicates toSortError toDuplicateError = sortedCheckNoDuplicates . validateSorted
sortedCheckNoDuplicates (Failure unsortedSequences)
= Failure (singleton $ toSortError unsortedSequences)
sortedCheckNoDuplicates (Success xs)
= bimap (singleton . toDuplicateError) id $ validateNoDuplicates xs

checkWordSenses :: Index a -> NonEmpty WNWord -> WNValidation (NonEmpty WNWord)
checkWordSenses index wordSenses
= checkWordSensesOrder wordSenses
= checkWordSensesOrderNoDuplicates wordSenses
*> traverse (checkWordSense index) wordSenses
*> Success wordSenses
= checkSortNoDuplicates UnsortedSynsetWordSenses DuplicateWordSense . NE.toList

checkWordSense :: Index a -> WNWord -> WNValidation WNWord
checkWordSense index wordSense@(WNWord _ _ wordPointers)
= checkWordSensePointersOrder
= checkWordSensePointersOrderNoDuplicates
*> checkWordSensePointersTargets index wordPointers
*> Success wordSense
checkWordSensePointersOrder =
bimap (\errs -> UnsortedWordPointers errs :| []) id
$ validateSorted wordPointers
checkWordSensePointersOrderNoDuplicates =
checkSortNoDuplicates UnsortedWordPointers DuplicateWordRelation wordPointers

checkWordSensePointersTargets :: Index a -> [WordPointer]
Expand All @@ -207,20 +245,15 @@ checkWordSensePointersTargets index = traverse checkWordPointer
targetSenseKey = senseKey lexFileId wordForm lexicalId

checkWordSensesOrder :: NonEmpty WNWord -> WNValidation [WNWord]
checkWordSensesOrder = bimap (\errs -> UnsortedSynsetWordSenses errs :| []) id
. validateSorted . NE.toList


validateIndex :: Index (Synset Unvalidated) -> SourceValidation (Index (Synset Validated))
-- [ ] not validating if there are two things with the same reference
validateIndex index = foldWithKey go (Success empty) index
go key (Left headWordKey) result = insert key (Left headWordKey) <$> result
go key (Right synset) result = insert key . Right <$> checkSynset' synset <*> result
checkSynset' = checkSynset index

-- validateIndex :: Index (Synset Unvalidated) -> SourceValidation (Index (Synset Validated))
-- -- [ ] not validating if there are two things with the same reference
-- validateIndex index = foldWithKey go (Success empty) index
-- where
-- go key (Left headWordKey) result = insert key (Left headWordKey) <$> result
-- go key (Right synset) result = insert key . Right <$> checkSynset' synset <*> result
-- checkSynset' = checkSynset index

validateSynsetsInIndex :: Index (Synset Unvalidated)
-> SourceValidation (NonEmpty (Synset Validated))
Expand Down

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