defines an abstract type AbstractAccelerator
. The type can be used as an interface to write accelerator methods for algorithms based on non-expansive operators, e.g. fixed-point iterations.
The acceleration methods in this package were originally developed for the convex conic solver COSMO.jl, but can also be used with other fixed-point methods, e.g. algorithms based on the ProximalOperators.jl package (see example).
can be added via the Julia package manager (type ]
): pkg> add COSMOAccelerators
The AbstractAccelerator
interface assumes that the solver method T
iteratively updates a vector g = T(x)
. The interface for an abstract accelerator aa
requires implementation of the following methods:
Methods to implement | Brief description |
update!(aa, g, x, iter) |
Use iteration pairs (x,g) to update the accelerator history at iteration iter |
accelerate!(g, x, aa, iter) |
Recombine past iterates and overwrite g with the accelerated point |
was_successful!(aa) |
Tell the solver algorithms whether the last acceleration attempt was successful, e.g. no numerical issues |
restart!(aa) |
Restart the accelerator, i.e. forget any state or history |
Optional methods | Default definition | Brief description |
log!(aa, args...; kwargs...) |
do nothing | Algorithm tells accelerator to log something |
The following accelerator types are currently exported:
: An accelerator that does nothingAndersonAccelerator{T, BT, MT, RE}(dim; mem)
: implements a variant of a limited-memory size(mem
) Anderson Acceleration method forx, g in R^dim
:T <: AbstractFloat
BT <: AbstractBroydenType
for Anderson-Acceleration with a Broyden type1-updateType2{NormalEquations}
for Anderson-Acceleration with a Broyden type2-update and where the least squares subproblem is solved with normal equationsType2{QRDecomp}
for Anderson-Acceleration with a Broyden type2-update and where the least squares subproblem is solved with a updated QR decomposition
MT <: AbstractMemory
: Once the memory limit of the history is reached, new iterates overwrite the oldest iteratesRestartedMemory
: Once the memory limit of the history is reached, the history is cleared and the method starts from scratch
RE <: AbstractRegularizer
: Tikonov regularisation of the least-squares subproblem to improve conditioningFrobeniusNormRegularizer
: Regularise the least-squares subproblem based on frobenius norms of iterate historyNoRegularizer
: No regularisation of the least-squares subproblem
This is a modifed LASSO example from ProximalAlgorithms.jl.
The first function defines the Douglas-Rachford algorithm based on proximal operators.
The second function adds an Anderson Acceleration step into the algorithm loop by passing the iterates to update!
and accelerate!
. The number of iterations for convergence decreases from 36 to 12.
using COSMOAccelerators
using ProximalOperators, ProximalAlgorithms
using LinearAlgebra, Test
# problem taken from
T = Float64
A = T[
1.0 -2.0 3.0 -4.0 5.0
2.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 3.0
-1.0 0.0 4.0 -3.0 2.0
-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 3.0
b = T[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
m, n = size(A)
R = real(T)
lam = R(0.1) * norm(A' * b, Inf)
# define functions for proximal operators
f = LeastSquares(A, b)
g = NormL1(lam)
# optimal solution
x_star = T[-3.877278911564627e-01, 0, 0, 2.174149659863943e-02, 6.168435374149660e-01]
# Define Douglas-Rachford splitting
function solve(iter::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable, maxiter, gamma, tol)
tol_stop(state::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_state) = norm(state.res, Inf) / gamma <= tol
iter = ProximalAlgorithms.halt(iter, tol_stop) # tolerance check
iter = Base.Iterators.take(iter, maxiter) # max iter
iter = enumerate(iter) # state = (k, state)
state_final = nothing
for state in iter
state_final = state
return state_final[2].y, state_final[2].z, state_final[1]
# Define Douglas-Rachford splitting and Anderson Acceleration
function solve_and_accelerate(iter::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable, aa::AndersonAccelerator, maxiter, gamma, tol)
tol_stop(state::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_state) = norm(state.res, Inf) / gamma <= tol
x_prev = copy(iter.x)
iter = ProximalAlgorithms.halt(iter, tol_stop)
iter = Base.Iterators.take(iter, maxiter)
state_final = nothing
k_final = nothing
for (k, state) in enumerate(iter)
state_final = state
k_final = k
# accelerate
update!(aa, state.x, x_prev, k)
accelerate!(state.x, x_prev, aa, k)
@. x_prev = state.x
return state_final.y, state_final.z, k_final
# test
@testset "Accelerator and Douglas-Rachford (ProximalOperators.jl)" begin
tol = 1e-6
maxiter = 200
x0 = zeros(5)
gamma = R(10.0) / opnorm(A)^2
# vanilla Douglas-Rachford
iter = ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable(f, g, x0, gamma)
y, z, it = solve(iter, maxiter, gamma, tol)
@test norm(y - x_star, Inf) <= tol
# Douglas-Rachford + Anderson Acceleration
iter = ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable(f, g, x0, gamma)
aa = AndersonAccelerator(length(x0))
y_aa, z_aa, it_aa = solve_and_accelerate(iter, aa, maxiter, gamma, tol)
@test norm(y_aa - x_star, Inf) <= tol
@test it_aa < it
- COSMO.jl - an ADMM based solver for convex conic optimisation problems.
- ProximalOperators.jl - a set of operator building blocks for proximal algorithms
is developed by Michael Garstka at the University of Oxford.