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oyvindberg committed May 10, 2024
1 parent d0ef3c2 commit 22404ae
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Showing 9 changed files with 392 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions typo-dsl-zio-jdbc/src/scala/typo/dsl/SqlExpr.scala
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Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,17 @@ object SqlExpr {
override def render(counter: AtomicInteger): SqlFragment = sql"${E.encode(value)}" ++ s"::${P.sqlType}"

object Const {
trait As[T, N[_], R] {
def apply(value: N[T]): SqlExpr.Const[T, N, R]

object As {
implicit def as[T, N[_], R](implicit E: JdbcEncoder[N[T]], P: ParameterMetaData[T]): As[T, N, R] =
(value: N[T]) => SqlExpr.Const(value, E, P)

final case class ArrayIndex[T, N1[_], N2[_], R](arr: SqlExpr[Array[T], N1, R], idx: SqlExpr[Int, N2, R], N: Nullability2[N1, N2, Option]) extends SqlExpr[T, Option, R] {
override def eval(row: R): Option[T] = {
N.mapN(arr.eval(row), idx.eval(row)) { (arr, idx) =>
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package typo.dsl.pagination

/** abstract over json libraries */
class AbstractJsonCodec[T, E](
val encode: T => E,
val decode: E => Either[String, T]
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions typo-dsl-zio-jdbc/src/scala/typo/dsl/pagination/ClientCursor.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package typo.dsl.pagination

/** This will typically be JSON encoded and passed to clients.
* It represents a cursor that can be used to fetch the next page of results.
* The position is a given row for a set of [[order by]] expressions.
* The [[ClientCursor]] itself is a glorified [[Map]], with pairs of stringified `order by` expressions and a JSON representation of the corresponding value from the current row
* The design has a few interesting tradeoffs:
* - it leaks database column names to the client, so you may want to obfuscate/encrypt it
* - it can be re-used for "similar" queries, not just the exact same query. Fewer `order by` expressions or different ordering of `order by` expressions is fine.
* - [[SortOrderRepr]] does not encode ascending/descending or nulls first/last, but you're still anchored to a specific row for a set of orderings. If you want, you can change your query to go
* both ways from a given cursor.
case class ClientCursor[E](parts: Map[SortOrderRepr, E])
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package typo.dsl.pagination

import typo.dsl.*
import zio.jdbc.ZConnection
import zio.{Chunk, ZIO}

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

/** You'll typically use this behind a facade which accounts for your json library of choice.
* If you don't, you'll just have to fill in [[AbstractJsonCodec]] yourself.
class PaginationQuery[Fields[_], Row, E](
query: SelectBuilder[Fields, Row],
part1s: List[ServerCursor.Part1NoHkt[Fields, Row, ?, E]]
) {
def andOn[T, N[_]](v: Fields[Row] => SortOrder[T, N, Row])(codec: AbstractJsonCodec[N[T], E])(implicit asConst: SqlExpr.Const.As[T, N, Row]): PaginationQuery[Fields, Row, E] =
new PaginationQuery(query, part1s :+ new ServerCursor.Part1(v, codec, asConst))

def done(limit: Int, continueFrom: Option[ClientCursor[E]]): Either[String, (SelectBuilder[Fields, Row], ServerCursor[Fields, Row, E])] = {
val initialCursor = {
// hack: improve DSL to avoid instantiating structure twice
val structure: Structure[Fields, Row] = query match {
case mock: SelectBuilderMock[Fields, Row] => mock.structure
case sql: SelectBuilderSql[Fields, Row] => sql.instantiate(new AtomicInteger(0)).structure
case _ => sys.error("unsupported query type")
new ServerCursor.Initial(, limit)

continueFrom match {
case None =>
val newQuery = initialCursor.part2s
.foldLeft(query) { case (q, part2: ServerCursor.Part2[Fields, Row, t, n, E] @unchecked /* for 2.13 */ ) =>
q.orderBy(part2.part1.v.asInstanceOf[Fields[Hidden] => SortOrder[t, n, Hidden]])
Right((newQuery, initialCursor))

case Some(clientCursor) =>
initialCursor.withTupleFrom(clientCursor).map { cursor =>
val newQuery = cursor.part3s
.foldLeft(query) { case (q, part3: ServerCursor.Part3[Fields, Row, _, _, E] @unchecked /* for 2.13 */ ) =>
(newQuery, cursor)

def toChunk(limit: Int, continueFrom: Option[ClientCursor[E]]): ZIO[ZConnection, Throwable, (Chunk[Row], Option[ClientCursor[E]])] =
done(limit, continueFrom) match {
case Left(msg) => IllegalArgumentException(msg))
case Right((newQuery, cursor)) => => (rows, cursor.withNewResults(rows).map(_.clientCursor)))
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions typo-dsl-zio-jdbc/src/scala/typo/dsl/pagination/ServerCursor.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package typo.dsl.pagination

import typo.dsl.{SortOrder, SqlExpr}
import typo.dsl.pagination.internal.ListOps

sealed trait ServerCursor[Fields[_], Row, E] {
def part2s: List[ServerCursor.Part2NoHkt[Fields, Row, ?, E]]
val limit: Int

final def withNewResults(rows: Seq[Row]): Option[ServerCursor.AtTuple[Fields, Row, E]] =
if (rows.length < limit) None // no new cursor if we know we reached end
else => new ServerCursor.AtTuple(, limit))

final def withTupleFrom(clientCursor: ClientCursor[E]): Either[String, ServerCursor.AtTuple[Fields, Row, E]] =
part2s.traverse(_.decodeDataFrom(clientCursor)).map(parts => new ServerCursor.AtTuple(parts, limit))

object ServerCursor {
class Initial[Fields[_], Row, E](val part2s: List[Part2NoHkt[Fields, Row, ?, E]], val limit: Int) extends ServerCursor[Fields, Row, E]

class AtTuple[Fields[_], Row, E](val part3s: List[Part3NoHkt[Fields, Row, ?, E]], val limit: Int) extends ServerCursor[Fields, Row, E] {
def part2s: List[Part2NoHkt[Fields, Row, ?, E]] =
def clientCursor: ClientCursor[E] = ClientCursor(

/** A constituent in a server-side cursor.
* At this point we have a function from `Fields` to a [[SortOrder]], making it dependant on the *shape* of the query, but not an *instance* of a query.
* You very likely don't have to worry about this, as it is used internally.
class Part1[Fields[_], Row, T, N[_], E](
val v: Fields[Row] => SortOrder[T, N, Row],
val codec: AbstractJsonCodec[N[T], E],
val asConst: SqlExpr.Const.As[T, N, Row]
) extends Part1NoHkt[Fields, Row, N[T], E] {
def asPart2(fields: Fields[Row]): ServerCursor.Part2[Fields, Row, T, N, E] =
new ServerCursor.Part2(this, v(fields))
sealed trait Part1NoHkt[Fields[_], Row, NT, E] { // for scala 2.13
def asPart2(fields: Fields[Row]): ServerCursor.Part2NoHkt[Fields, Row, NT, E]

/** A constituent in a server-side cursor.
* At this point we have extracted the [[SortOrder]] from a query, making the value somewhat depending on it. That dependency affects the rendering of columns only
* The benefit is that we can now render it to a [[SortOrderRepr]], so we can encode it in a [[ClientCursor]]
class Part2[Fields[_], Row, T, N[_], E](val part1: Part1[Fields, Row, T, N, E], val sortOrder: SortOrder[T, N, Row]) extends Part2NoHkt[Fields, Row, N[T], E] {
val sortOrderRepr: SortOrderRepr = SortOrderRepr.from(sortOrder)

override def asPart3(row: Row): Part3[Fields, Row, T, N, E] =
new ServerCursor.Part3[Fields, Row, T, N, E](this, part1.asConst(sortOrder.expr.eval(row)))

override def decodeDataFrom(clientCursor: ClientCursor[E]): Either[String, Part3[Fields, Row, T, N, E]] = match {
case None => Left(s"Cursor is missing value for column '${sortOrderRepr.expr}'")
case Some(value) =>
part1.codec.decode(value) match {
case Left(msg) =>
Left(s"Cursor had invalid value '$value' for column '${sortOrderRepr.expr}': $msg")
case Right(nt) =>
Right(new ServerCursor.Part3[Fields, Row, T, N, E](this, part1.asConst(nt)))
sealed trait Part2NoHkt[Fields[_], Row, NT, E] { // for scala 2.13
def asPart3(row: Row): Part3NoHkt[Fields, Row, NT, E]
def decodeDataFrom(clientCursor: ClientCursor[E]): Either[String, Part3NoHkt[Fields, Row, NT, E]]

/** A constituent in a server-side cursor.
* At this point there is also data, essentially a column reference plus a value. This makes it an actual cursor.
* The data is wrapped in [[SqlExpr.Const]] so it's ready to embed into a query without threading through the type class instances
class Part3[Fields[_], Row, T, N[_], E](val part2: Part2[Fields, Row, T, N, E], val value: SqlExpr.Const[T, N, Row]) extends Part3NoHkt[Fields, Row, N[T], E] {
override def encoded: (SortOrderRepr, E) =
(part2.sortOrderRepr, part2.part1.codec.encode(value.value))

sealed trait Part3NoHkt[Fields[_], Row, NT, E] { // for scala 2.13
val part2: Part2NoHkt[Fields, Row, ?, E]
def encoded: (SortOrderRepr, E)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package typo.dsl.pagination

import typo.dsl.*
import zio.jdbc.SqlFragment

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

/** A client cursor is inherently tied to a set of sort orderings.
* As such we encode them in the cursor itself, and verify them on the way in.
case class SortOrderRepr(expr: String) extends AnyVal

object SortOrderRepr {
def from[NT, R](x: SortOrderNoHkt[NT, R]): SortOrderRepr = {
val sql = new StringBuilder()

// no usable way to just get the sql without parameters in zio-jdbc :(
def recAdd(x: SqlFragment): Unit =
x.segments.foreach {
case SqlFragment.Segment.Empty => ()
case SqlFragment.Segment.Syntax(value) => sql.append(value)
case SqlFragment.Segment.Param(value, _) => sql.append(value)
case SqlFragment.Segment.Nested(sql) => recAdd(sql)

// note `x.expr`! the value is independent of ascending/descending and nulls first/last
recAdd(x.expr.render(new AtomicInteger(0)))

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions typo-dsl-zio-jdbc/src/scala/typo/dsl/pagination/internal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package typo.dsl.pagination

object internal {
// avoid cats dependency
implicit class ListOps[T](private val list: List[T]) extends AnyVal {
def traverse[U](f: T => Either[String, U]): Either[String, List[U]] = {
val it = list.iterator
val result = List.newBuilder[U]
while (it.hasNext) {
f( match {
case Left(e) => return Left(e)
case Right(u) => result += u
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package adventureworks

import typo.dsl.pagination.*
import typo.dsl.{SelectBuilder, SortOrder, SqlExpr}
import zio.jdbc.ZConnection
import zio.json.ast.Json
import zio.json.{JsonDecoder, JsonEncoder}
import zio.{Chunk, ZIO}

class PaginationQueryZioJson[Fields[_], Row](underlying: PaginationQuery[Fields, Row, Json]) {
def andOn[T, N[_]](v: Fields[Row] => SortOrder[T, N, Row])(implicit
e: JsonEncoder[N[T]],
d: JsonDecoder[N[T]],
asConst: SqlExpr.Const.As[T, N, Row]
): PaginationQueryZioJson[Fields, Row] =
new PaginationQueryZioJson(underlying.andOn(v)(PaginationQueryZioJson.abstractCodec)(asConst))

def done(limit: Int, continueFrom: Option[ClientCursor[Json]]): Either[String, (SelectBuilder[Fields, Row], ServerCursor[Fields, Row, Json])] =
underlying.done(limit, continueFrom)

def toChunk(limit: Int, continueFrom: Option[ClientCursor[Json]]): ZIO[ZConnection, Throwable, (Chunk[Row], Option[ClientCursor[Json]])] =
underlying.toChunk(limit, continueFrom)

object PaginationQueryZioJson {
implicit val clientCursorEncoder: JsonEncoder[ClientCursor[Json]] =
JsonEncoder[Map[String, Json]].contramap( { case (k, v) => (k.expr, v) }.toMap)
implicit val clientCursorDecoder: JsonDecoder[ClientCursor[Json]] =
JsonDecoder[Map[String, Json]].map(parts => ClientCursor( { case (k, v) => (SortOrderRepr(k), v) }))

implicit class PaginationQuerySyntax[Fields[_], Row](private val query: SelectBuilder[Fields, Row]) extends AnyVal {
def seekPaginationOn[T, N[_]](v: Fields[Row] => SortOrder[T, N, Row])(implicit
e: JsonEncoder[N[T]],
d: JsonDecoder[N[T]],
asConst: SqlExpr.Const.As[T, N, Row]
): PaginationQueryZioJson[Fields, Row] =
new PaginationQueryZioJson(new PaginationQuery(query, Nil).andOn(v)(PaginationQueryZioJson.abstractCodec))

def abstractCodec[N[_], T](implicit e: JsonEncoder[N[T]], d: JsonDecoder[N[T]]): AbstractJsonCodec[N[T], Json] =
new AbstractJsonCodec[N[T], Json](e.toJsonAST(_).getOrElse(???), d.fromJsonAST)

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