The VRP is one of the most attractive optimization problems. Many different variants have studied in the literature such as capacitated VRP, VRP with time windows etc.
I have solved this problem implementing Google OR-Tools linear solver. The inputs of this problem are vehicles, orders and distance matrix between orders. Input data is provided in the "input.json" file.
The aim of the problem is to find the minimum total distance. Thus, we need to decide optimum order assignment to each vehicle considering problem constraints.
Problem definition, objective function and constraints are given in the following part in detail:
- Each vehicle starts from a different depot.
- Vehicles don't have to return to their initial depot.
- Each order has different service time.
- The aim is to find optimum routes that minimize the total distance.
- Each order should be assigned to a vehicle.
- All subtours should be eliminated.
- Flow conservation should be preserved.
- Total delivery time of each order
- List of assigned orders for each vehicle