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Merge pull request #7 from ozgunozerk/separate-file-for-each-macro
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separate file for each macro
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ozgunozerk authored Oct 18, 2024
2 parents b89bcd3 + aa6e41d commit be33825
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Expand Up @@ -16,15 +16,17 @@

extern crate proc_macro;

mod require;
mod states;
mod switch_to;
mod type_state;

use require::require_inner;
use states::states_inner;
use switch_to::switch_to_inner;
use type_state::type_state_inner;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{
parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Parser},
Expr, Fields, Ident, ImplItem, ItemFn, ItemImpl, ItemStruct, Member, Meta, ReturnType, Stmt,
Token, Type,

/// Denotes which state is required for this method to be called.
Expand All @@ -44,126 +46,7 @@ use syn::{
/// providing the name of the struct to the `#[require]` macro behind the scenes.
pub fn require(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Parse the input arguments and function: (ImplType, State1, State2, ...)
let args_parser = Punctuated::<Ident, Token![,]>::parse_terminated;
let parsed_args = args_parser.parse(args).unwrap();

// Extract the first argument (the name of the impl block)

let struct_name = &parsed_args[0];

// Extract the remaining arguments (states and generics)

let remaining_args: Vec<Ident> = parsed_args.iter().skip(1).cloned().collect();

let input_fn = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);

// Only the single letter arguments will be used as generic constraints: (A, B, ...)
let generic_idents: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = remaining_args
.filter(|ident| is_single_letter(ident))
.map(|ident| quote!(#ident))

// Get the full list of arguments as a vec: (A, B, State1, ...)
let concrete_type: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> =
remaining_args.iter().map(|ident| quote!(#ident)).collect();

// put the sealed trait boundary for the generics:
``` where
A: TypeStateProtector,
B: TypeStateProtector,
let where_clauses: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = remaining_args
.filter(|ident| is_single_letter(ident))
.map(|ident| quote!(#ident: TypeStateProtector))
.collect(); // Collect into a Vec to make `is_empty()` available

// Generate the `where` clause only if there are any constraints
let where_clause = if !where_clauses.is_empty() {
quote! { where #(#where_clauses),* }
} else {
quote! {}

// Get the function name and its generics
let fn_name = &input_fn.sig.ident;
let fn_body = &input_fn.block;
let fn_inputs = &input_fn.sig.inputs;
let fn_output = &input_fn.sig.output;

// Collect all other macros except the `#[require]` attribute itself
let other_attrs: Vec<_> = input_fn
.filter(|attr| !attr.path().is_ident("require"))

// Generate PhantomData for the required number of states
let phantom_data_count = remaining_args.len();
let phantom_data: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = (0..phantom_data_count)
.map(|_| quote!(::std::marker::PhantomData))

let phantom_expr = if phantom_data.len() == 1 {
quote! { ::std::marker::PhantomData }
} else {
quote! { ( #(#phantom_data),* ) }

// Convert the method body to modify struct construction
let new_fn_body = fn_body
.map(|stmt| {
// Check if the statement contains the struct initialization (e.g., `PlayerBuilder {`)
if let Stmt::Expr(Expr::Struct(expr_struct), maybe_semi) = stmt {
let struct_path = &expr_struct.path;
if struct_path.is_ident(struct_name) {
// Append `_state: (PhantomData, PhantomData, ...)` to the struct fields
let mut new_fields = expr_struct.fields.clone();
new_fields.push(syn::FieldValue {
attrs: Vec::new(),
member: Member::Named(syn::Ident::new("_state", struct_name.span())),
colon_token: Some(<Token![:]>::default()),
expr: Expr::Verbatim(phantom_expr.clone()),

// Return modified struct construction
return Stmt::Expr(
syn::Expr::Struct(syn::ExprStruct {
fields: new_fields,
// Return the statement unchanged if it's not a struct construction

// Construct the `impl` block
let output = quote! {
impl<#(#generic_idents),*> #struct_name<#(#concrete_type),*>
fn #fn_name(#fn_inputs) #fn_output {


fn is_single_letter(ident: &Ident) -> bool {
let ident_str = ident.to_string();
ident_str.len() == 1
require_inner(args, input)

/// Denotes to which state will the object transition into after this method
Expand All @@ -176,50 +59,7 @@ fn is_single_letter(ident: &Ident) -> bool {
/// - overwrites the return type of the `impl` block generated by the `#[require]` macro
pub fn switch_to(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Parse the input arguments and function: (State1, State2, ...)
let args_parser = Punctuated::<Ident, Token![,]>::parse_terminated;
let parsed_args = args_parser.parse(args).unwrap();
let input_fn = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);

// Get the function name, inputs, and body
let fn_name = &input_fn.sig.ident;
let fn_inputs = &input_fn.sig.inputs;
let fn_body = &input_fn.block;

// Get the full list of arguments as a vec: (A, B, State1, ...)
let generic_idents: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> =
parsed_args.iter().map(|i| quote!(#i)).collect();

// Parse the original return type from the function signature
let original_return_type = match &input_fn.sig.output {
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => quote! { #ty },
_ => panic!("Expected a return type."),

// Construct the new return type using the original name and the new generics
let return_type = quote! {

// Construct the new method with the modified return type
let output = quote! {
fn #fn_name(#fn_inputs) -> #return_type {


struct StatesInput {
states: Punctuated<Ident, Token![,]>,

impl Parse for StatesInput {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let states = Punctuated::parse_terminated(input)?;
Ok(StatesInput { states })
switch_to_inner(args, input)

/// Denotes which states will be used for the type-state pattern.
Expand All @@ -238,87 +78,7 @@ impl Parse for StatesInput {
/// providing the name of the struct to the `#[require]` macro behind the scenes.
pub fn states(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Parse the list of states from the attribute: (State1, State2, ...)
let args = parse_macro_input!(attr as StatesInput);

// Parse the impl block
let mut input = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemImpl);

// Extract the type name of the impl block (e.g., Player)
let impl_type = match *input.self_ty {
Type::Path(ref type_path) => type_path.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.clone(),
_ => panic!("Unsupported type for impl block"),

// Extract the methods from the impl block
let mut methods = Vec::new();

for item in input.items.iter_mut() {
if let ImplItem::Fn(ref mut method) = item {
// Check if the method has a `#[require]` attribute
for attr in method.attrs.iter_mut() {
if attr.path().is_ident("require") {
// Parse the tokens of the `#[require]` macro
let mut args: Punctuated<Ident, Token![,]> =

// Append the impl block type (e.g., Player) as the first argument
args.insert(0, impl_type.clone());

// Update the attribute tokens with the new arguments
let a = match attr.meta {
Meta::List(ref mut list) => list,
_ => panic!("Expected a list of arguments"),

a.tokens = quote! { #args };

methods.push(quote! { #method });

// Generate the marker structs, and their implementations
let mut markers = Vec::new();
let mut sealed_impls = Vec::new();
let mut trait_impls = Vec::new();

for state in args.states {
let marker_name = Ident::new(&format!("{}", state), state.span());

markers.push(quote! {
struct #marker_name;

sealed_impls.push(quote! {
impl sealed::Sealed for #marker_name {}

trait_impls.push(quote! {
impl TypeStateProtector for #marker_name {}

// Generate the full expanded code
let expanded = quote! {
// Private module to seal traits
mod sealed {
pub trait Sealed {}

pub trait TypeStateProtector: sealed::Sealed {}





states_inner(attr, item)

/// Turns your struct into type-state compatible version.
Expand All @@ -333,72 +93,5 @@ pub fn states(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// by enforcing sealed-trait bounds on the states.
pub fn type_state(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Parse the `state_slots` and `default_state` from the arguments
0. `state_slots`
1. `=`
2. `3` (this is the value you're interested in for state_slots)
4. `,`
5. `default_state`
6. `=`
7. `Initial` (this is the value you're interested in for default_state)
let input_args: Vec<_> = args.into_iter().collect();
let state_slots: usize = if let Some(proc_macro::TokenTree::Literal(lit)) = input_args.get(2) {
} else {
panic!("Expected a valid number for state_slots.");

let default_state: Ident = if let Some(proc_macro::TokenTree::Ident(ident)) = input_args.get(6)
Ident::new(&format!("{}", ident), ident.span().into())
} else {
panic!("Expected an identifier for default_state.");

// Parse the input struct
let input_struct = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemStruct);
let struct_name = &input_struct.ident;
// Extract fields from the struct
let struct_fields = match input_struct.fields {
Fields::Named(ref fields) => &fields.named,
Fields::Unnamed(_) => panic!("Expected named fields in struct."),
Fields::Unit => panic!("Expected a struct with fields."),

// Generate state generics: `struct StructName<State1, State2, ...>`
let state_idents: Vec<Ident> = (0..state_slots)
.map(|i| Ident::new(&format!("State{}", i + 1), struct_name.span()))

let default_generics = vec![quote!(#default_state); state_slots];

let where_clauses = (0..state_slots).map(|i| {
let state_num = Ident::new(&format!("State{}", i + 1), struct_name.span());
quote!(#state_num: TypeStateProtector)

// Construct the `_state` field with PhantomData
// `_state: PhantomData<fn() -> T>`
// the reason for using `fn() -> T` is to:
let phantom_fields = state_idents
.map(|ident| quote!(::std::marker::PhantomData<fn() -> #ident>))

let output = quote! {
struct #struct_name<#(#state_idents = #default_generics),*>
_state: (#(#phantom_fields),*),

type_state_inner(args, input)

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