- Decals menu
- Decals now can be translated (move, rotate and scale)
- Fixed some small bugs in decals rendering
- Rotate and Scale tool
- Added shortcuts for transformation tool same as in Unity (W - move, E - Rotate, R - Scale, T - Snap to grid)
- Transformation tool will remember SnapToGrid setting for every tool instance
- When creating new objects (Markers or Decals) hold/press E for rotation and R for Scale
- Markers can now be rotated. Rotation only works for multiple markers.
- Finished camera controls (but panning still needs fine-tuning)
- Changed heightmap brush behavior
- Changed stratum brush strength
- Fixed wrong brush size
- Fixed stratum layers not being reloaded after we change layer settings
- Props will now use LOD render distances from blueprint file
- For prop LOD with shader 'VertexNormal' editor will not try to load normal map texture
- Changed font size from 14 to 12
- Changed UI objects size from 26 to 22
- Some small changed in UI to make it more compact
- Some exmerimental changes to UI
- Removed script file select from map settings
- Editor will now create default script and default area when creating new map
- Editor will now not create new maps that are not square. Instead it will add area that clip it to desired size