- Updated project to Unity 2017.3
- UI Cleanup
- New UI fonts: "Lato" and "Roboto"
- UI is now controlled by unity UI layout system and everything is in prefabs
- New UI elements: IntField, FloatField, IntRangeField, FloatRangeField, ColorField, Title, Label, Space
- Added Resource browser in Tools menu (Tools/Resource Browser)
- Added custom backup folder path in preferences (empty path will create backup files in map folder)
- Added link to Wiki in Help menu (Help/Wiki)
- Reworked brush size and strength shortcuts code ("B" and "M" key)
- You can now scroll UI with mouse scroll or by dragging
- Improved performance of long UI lists (markers, decals, resources)
- Fixed crash on decals when saving map
- Decal placing
- Hide/Unhide decal by their type (hold alt + [V/H] button on decal type to toggle others, H on keyboard to hide selected decals, Shift + H to show selected decals)
- Fixed some Decal rendering bugs
- CutOffLOD and NearCutOffLOD values are now individual values for every decal instance
- Added decals to undo history
- Added marker values undo history
- Added props paint to undo history
- Fixed marker selection not being disabled when we exit markers with Chains, Layers or Adaptive tab open
- Props paint chance now works
- Added water settings export/import
- Added lighting export/import
- Added procedural skybox (FA skybox) export/import (in Lighting tab)
- Fixed stratum template import
- Brush will no longer paint when we start drag over UI
- Changed order of position and orientation in save.lua for markers, because it causes issues when displaying preview of the map
- Resource browser will now also load textures when the file format is capital letters
- Resource browser will no longer load props again when they are already in memory
- Transform tool will now only select symmetry objects that are the same type as selected object
- Added FXAA
- Camera smoothing changed
- Removed rotation of move tool from transformation tools
- Fixed some small bugs
- Added missing file "unityplayer.dll"
- Fixed map not saved as v60 when we select that option in map settings
- Default maps backup path is now [exe path]/FAForeverMapEditor_Data/MapsBackup/
- Fixed reset of backup path
- Changed titles of folder browser when searching for instalation, maps and backup folder
- Fixed map Name, Description and Version not loaded to UI
- Importing heightmap or using global heightmap functions will now update heights of objects on map
- Fixed wrong values in "Add height" function
- Fixed wrong map size values when saving scmap file