Lets you download tweets of any user from twitter
Install tweepy package to connect to Twitter API
pip install tweepy
We’ll need Twitter credentials to access the API. Create a new app on the Twitter Application Manager. You can fill in any domain for the website and leave the callback URL blank. Once created, generate your credentials. Copy those credentials into the code file.
consumer_key = "YOURCONSUMERKEY"
consumer_secret = "YOURCONSUMERSECRET"
access_key = "YOURACCESSKEY"
access_secret = "YOURACCESSSECRET"
We have a function get_all_tweets() that pulls down all tweets for a given screen name. We have to do this iteratively, as the Twitter API only allows 200 tweets at a time. Also, we can only retrieve the 3,024 most recent tweets. Once we hit that limit, our new_tweets array will be blank and we will stop iterating.
We have a function clean_tweet() to remove unwanted texts from tweets and clean them up.
def clean_tweet(tweet):
tweet = re.sub("https?\:\/\/", "", tweet) #links
tweet = re.sub("#\S+", "", tweet) #hashtags
tweet = re.sub("\.?@", "", tweet) #at mentions
tweet = re.sub("RT.+", "", tweet) #Retweets
tweet = re.sub("Video\:", "", tweet) #Videos
tweet = re.sub("\n", "", tweet) #new lines
tweet = re.sub("^\.\s.", "", tweet) #leading whitespace
tweet = re.sub("\s+", " ", tweet) #extra whitespace
tweet = re.sub("&", "and", tweet) #encoded ampersands
return tweet
Find this code at the bottom. Pass the screen-name of the person whose tweets you want to download, to the function get_all_tweets(). Here I am passing the screen-name of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, which is iamsrk.
if __name__ == "__main__":
tweets = get_all_tweets("iamsrk")
Run the script
python get_tweets.py
After the script has completed running successfully, there will be a file name tweets.csv, which contains all the tweets you have downloaded. Enjoy 👍