IPL Timeline app developed in MERN stack
In a nutshell, IPL timeline displays the IPL cricket match played in stadiums each year. Moving the slider on bottom right of screen will make the markers change on the map. Hovering on individual marker displays a tooltip and when clicked on marker, detailed info about the stadium is displayed. After clicking on show comments, all comments made by users on that stadium is displayed in a modal.
Tech stack used: Mongodb, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS.
Map used: LeafletJS
UI Library: Ant Design
Client folder contains the react code. server.js is the starting point for express server which also contains routes.
Steps to repro the app on localhost:
1: Add mongodb url by going to config/keys.js.
module.exports = { mongoURI : 'YOUR_MONGODB_URL_HERE' }
Then in home directory of project start command prompt and execute following commands(Make sure node is installed):
2: cd client
3: npm install
4: cd ..
5: npm install
6: npm run dev