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This is my favourite logger and it will be yours.

Try it!

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Why use it?

  1. You want to write cool console logs (colors, dates...).
  2. You want to write file logs with daily rotation and size control.
  3. You know how to use Winston logger but you don't like how it looks out of the box.
  4. You like colors.
  5. You like customization.
  6. You like log levels.
  7. You like custom print formats.
  8. You don't want to programm all this.

How to use it?

// typescript example
import myfavouritelogger from 'myfavouritelogger';

const logger = myfavouritelogger();

logger.error('Hello world!');
logger.warn('Hello world!');'Hello world!');
logger.debug('Hello world!'); // not shown, default level is info
// javascript example
const myfavouritelogger = require('myfavouritelogger').default;

const logger = myfavouritelogger();

logger.error('Hello world!');
logger.warn('Hello world!');'Hello world!');
logger.debug('Hello world!'); // not shown, default level is info

How to customize it?

import myfavouritelogger from 'myfavouritelogger'; // or require in vanilla javascript

const logger = myfavouritelogger({
    printFormat: (str: string, info: TransformableInfo) => {
        if (info.level) {
            str += mapLevelColor(info.level, `[${info.level}] `);

        if ( {
            str += `[${}] `.green;

        str += `${info.message}`;

        return str;
    file: {
        path: './logs/application-%DATE%.access.log',
        maxSize: '20m',
        maxFiles: '14d',
        zippedArchive: true,
        pathDatePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
    console: true,
    level: 'debug';
    colors: true;
    dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ';

logger.error('Hello world!');
logger.warn('Hello world!');'Hello world!');
logger.debug('Hello world!');


Option Type Default Description
printFormat (str: string, info: TransformableInfo) => string (see below table) Function to override the print format. str is the original string to print. info is the winston object with context info
file.path string No default Path where the log file will be written. The file name can contains %DATE% keyword for daily rotation. If this option is not present, no file will be generated
file.maxSize string|number '20m' Indicates the max size for the log file. If it reached the maximum, the file will rotate
file.maxFiles string|number '14d' Indicates the maximum number of files to store. If the files rotates to reach this number, the older files will be deleted
file.zippedArchive boolean false Indicates if the rotated files will be zipped or not
file.pathDatePattern string 'YYYY-MM-DD' If you have set a file path, this option will define the format date for the file name (check momentjs formats for complete documentation)
console boolean true Indicates if the logs will be printed n the console
level 'info'|'warning'|'error'|'debug' info The log level
colors boolean true If true, the logs will show beautiful colors
dateFormat string 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' Each log line will display the date. This option defines de date format (check momentjs formats for complete documentation)

Default printFormat

function defaultPrint(this: any, str: string, info: TransformableInfo): string {
    if (info.level) {
        str += mapLevelColor(info.level, `[${info.level}] `);
    if ( {
        str += `[${}] `.green;

    str += `${info.message}`;

    return str;


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