This is my favourite logger and it will be yours.
- You want to write cool console logs (colors, dates...).
- You want to write file logs with daily rotation and size control.
- You know how to use Winston logger but you don't like how it looks out of the box.
- You like colors.
- You like customization.
- You like log levels.
- You like custom print formats.
- You don't want to programm all this.
// typescript example
import myfavouritelogger from 'myfavouritelogger';
const logger = myfavouritelogger();
logger.error('Hello world!');
logger.warn('Hello world!');'Hello world!');
logger.debug('Hello world!'); // not shown, default level is info
// javascript example
const myfavouritelogger = require('myfavouritelogger').default;
const logger = myfavouritelogger();
logger.error('Hello world!');
logger.warn('Hello world!');'Hello world!');
logger.debug('Hello world!'); // not shown, default level is info
import myfavouritelogger from 'myfavouritelogger'; // or require in vanilla javascript
const logger = myfavouritelogger({
printFormat: (str: string, info: TransformableInfo) => {
if (info.level) {
str += mapLevelColor(info.level, `[${info.level}] `);
if ( {
str += `[${}] `.green;
str += `${info.message}`;
return str;
file: {
path: './logs/application-%DATE%.access.log',
maxSize: '20m',
maxFiles: '14d',
zippedArchive: true,
pathDatePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
console: true,
level: 'debug';
colors: true;
dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ';
logger.error('Hello world!');
logger.warn('Hello world!');'Hello world!');
logger.debug('Hello world!');
Option | Type | Default | Description |
printFormat | (str: string, info: TransformableInfo) => string | (see below table) | Function to override the print format. str is the original string to print. info is the winston object with context info |
file.path | string | No default | Path where the log file will be written. The file name can contains %DATE% keyword for daily rotation. If this option is not present, no file will be generated |
file.maxSize | string|number | '20m' | Indicates the max size for the log file. If it reached the maximum, the file will rotate |
file.maxFiles | string|number | '14d' | Indicates the maximum number of files to store. If the files rotates to reach this number, the older files will be deleted |
file.zippedArchive | boolean | false | Indicates if the rotated files will be zipped or not |
file.pathDatePattern | string | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | If you have set a file path, this option will define the format date for the file name (check momentjs formats for complete documentation) |
console | boolean | true | Indicates if the logs will be printed n the console |
level | 'info'|'warning'|'error'|'debug' | info | The log level |
colors | boolean | true | If true, the logs will show beautiful colors |
dateFormat | string | 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' | Each log line will display the date. This option defines de date format (check momentjs formats for complete documentation) |
function defaultPrint(this: any, str: string, info: TransformableInfo): string {
if (info.level) {
str += mapLevelColor(info.level, `[${info.level}] `);
if ( {
str += `[${}] `.green;
str += `${info.message}`;
return str;