Chrysalis is the CLI for Chrysalis a PHP Library created by @Pabhoz to generate classes from your project Data Model using PDO.
Chrysalis CLI v1.0.0 is easy to install and use as 1, 2, 3. 🙌
Step 1. Clone Chrysalis CLI, I recommend to clone it @ ~/bin:
~$ git clone
Step 2. Grant excecution permissions!:
sudo chmod +x [your/path/ChrysalisCLI/chrysalis]
Step 3. Go where you want to generate the models and exec chrysalis ./[the/path]/chrysalis abstract tables:
Step 4. Follor the instructions :D!
Documentation is under development but for now you can check out the explanations videos: ChrysalisCLI v1.0.0 Explanation Video (Spanish)! Chrysalis v1.0.0 Explanation video (English)! -> Comming soon.