Elixir client library for ArangoDB.
Xarango has a low level API that maps directly to the Arango REST API. On top of that sits a Domain
API, intended for use in applications. Examples below.
Configure xarango in config/config.exs
config :xarango, :db,
server: "http://localhost:8529",
database: "test_db",
username: System.get_env("ARANGO_USER"),
password: System.get_env("ARANGO_PASSWORD")
Set your credentials:
$ export ARANGO_USER=root
$ export ARANGO_PASSWORD=secret
Run tests:
mix test # <= beware: running tests will destroy all data in the configured database.
defmodule Article, do: use Xarango.Domain.Document
lorem = Article.create(%{author: "Author", text: "Lorem"})
ipsum = Article.create(%{author: "Author", text: "Ipsum"})
IO.inspect lorem[:text] #=> "Lorem"
Article.one(%{author: "Author"}) #=> %Article{...}
Article.list(%{author: "Author"}) #=> %Xarango.QueryResult{result: [%Article{...}, %Article{...}]}
Article.list(%{}, [sort: :author, per_page: 10] #=> serial pagination with cursor (fast)
Article.list(%{}, [sort: :author, dir: :desc, per_page: 10, page: 1] #=> pagination with page nrs (skip, limit)
Article.search(:text, "ips"}) #=> [%Article{..}]
Article.update(ipsum, %{status: "review"})
Article.replace(lorem, %{author: "Author", text: "Foo"})
defmodule Brand, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node
defmodule Car, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node, graph: Vehicles, collection: :all_cars
defmodule Vehicles do
use Xarango.Domain.Graph
relationship Car, :made_by, Brand
subaru = Brand.create(%{name: "Subaru"}, graph: Vehicles)
outback = Car.create(%{type: "Outback"})
impreza = Car.create(%{type: "Impreza"})
subaru[:name] #=> "Subaru"
outback[:type] #=> "Outback"
Vehicles.add_made_by(outback, subaru)
Vehicles.add(impreza, :made_by, subaru)
Vehicles.car_made_by(subaru) #=> [%Car{...}, %Car{...}] #outbound edges for car
Vehicles.get(Car, :made_by, subaru) #=> [%Car{...}, %Car{...}]
Vehicles.made_by_brand(outback) #=> [%Brand{...}]
Vehicles.get(outback, :made_by, Brand) #=> [%Brand{...}
Vehicles.remove_made_by(impreza, subaru)
Vehicles.remove(outback, :made_by, subaru)
Car.search(:name, "imp") #=> [%Car{...}]
defmodule Brand, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node, graph: Vehicles
defmodule Car, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node, graph: Vehicles
defmodule Vehicles do
use Xarango.Domain.Graph
relationship Car, :made_by, Brand
alias Xarango.Transaction
|> Transaction.create(Car, %{name: "Foo"}, var: :car1)
|> Transaction.create(Car, %{name: "Bar"}, var: :car2)
|> Transaction.create(Brand, %{name: "Baz"}, var: :brand)
|> Transaction.add(:car1, :made_by, :brand)
|> Transaction.add(:car2, :made_by, :brand)
|> Transaction.get(Car, :made_by, :brand)
|> Transaction.execute #=> [%Car{vertex: ...}, %Car{vertex: ...}]
See tests for low level usage examples.
- Transactions
- Graph operations
- Full text search
- AQL support, query builder
- waitForSync option
The package can be installed as:
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:xarango, "~> 0.6.1"}]
- Ensure
is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:xarango]]