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Useful module for define reusable components in a easy way.

How it works

angular-component module contains a directive called component. Through this directive you can define components just writing a simple JSON object as follows:

    { "name": "limit", "typeof": "number", "http": { "url": "/api/config/limit" } },
    { "name": "contacts", "http": { "url": "/api/contacts" } },
    { "name": "isLimited", "dependencies": ["limit", "contacts"], "typeof":"boolean", "expression": "{{limit < contacts.length}}" }

This way, once all definitions has been resolved they will be accessible from the component scope, and without writing any piece of JavaScript code!


Suppose you need a reusable component in your web application using AngularJS. This component should work fine everywhere you place it, regardless of what surrounds it and also of route changes of the application (and possible resolve function which come with it). So, what do you need to do to achieve this requirements using angular-component?.

Lets start defining the HTML component:

<component name="myFirstComponent">
    <p>Hello Word from my first component</p>

We already have got the element, now we are going to define some properties and use them inside the component:

<component name="myFirstComponent" 
                { "name": "isMyFirstComponent", "expression": "true", "typeof": "boolean" }
    <p ng-show="isMyFirstComponent">Hello Word from my first component</p>

Property isMyFirstComponent is accessible from the component scope once it has been resolved and we can use it for HTML manipulation.


Definition object options

  • name: Name that will have the object in the component scope. (Required) { "name": "myPhoneId" }
  • typeof: Will convert the object value to specified type. (Optional) { "name": "myPhoneId", "typeof": "number" }
  • dependencies: Object only will be resolved when all dependencies has been created and has a value distinct of null. (Optional) { "name": "myPhoneId", "typeof": "number", "parent": "parentVariableName" }
  • condition: Expression that must be satisfied in order to resolve the object. (Optional) { "name": "myPhoneId", "typeof": "number", "parent": "parentVariableName", "condition": "{{parentVariableName === true}}" }
  • expression: The value of the expression will be the value of the object. You could use AngularJS expressions. (Optional) { "name": "parentVariableName", "expression": "true === true"}
  • http: The value of the expression will be the response of the HTTP GET request defined. You could configure the request this way:
    • url: Request URL as string, you could use AngularJS expressions. (Required) { "url": "/api/phones/{{myPhoneId}}"}
    • responseName: Name of the object in response which contains desired value. If empty, definition object name will be use. (Optional) { "url": "/api/phones/{{myPhoneId}}", "responseName": "info" }
    • config: Configuration object which will be passed to $http service. (Optional)

You can not use expression and http at the same time.


For those developers of the VASS company who work in the CCLI project, because I owe them the idea of this module.


Useful module for define reusable components in a easy way






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