My last work was to build an app that analyzes performance data of generator sets and print fancy, readable reports for clients and maintenance. I worked alongside a team of electrical engineers. Making algorithms based on some of their analytical knowledge was great. ⚡⚡
I’m looking for work!
Exploring three.js for fun!
How to reach me: [email protected]
Full development of an app that provides monthly reports about performance of generator sets, for AERCOM.SA. The reports were formerly created manually, ony by one, by an electrical technician.
The development consisted of a system that stores and analyses raw data given from generator sets, and creates reports with an analysis of the performance of the set. The parameters and rules to interpret data were created and tested along with an electrical technician provided by Aercom. The app has a simple interface for the technician to edit the reports before approval. The app has been confectionnig all performance reports that Aercom uses internally and delivers to clients since 2021.
Can't show the actual app because of legal agreement with Aercom.
Javascript, Node.js, CSS, HTML
Simple react app that challenges you to name pokemons, and lists the ones that you spelled correctly, consuming a RESTful API
- React - JavaScript library
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Pokeapi - The RESTful Pokémon API
Count syllables of any word in Spanish, displayed in a learning friendly way. It identifies hiatuses, diphthongs, repeated letters, indivisible pair of characters, and other characteristics, and count syllables with a set of rules hierarchically organized, condensed in one easy to read function.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Teach this dog a trick is a small collaborative project to give life to a 3d model. I have built a simple 3D model of a dog. Anyone can join in, teach the dog something new, adding a feature or function. Three developers have already contributed!
- Three.js - three.js – JavaScript 3D library
- 3DS MAX - 3Ds Max – 3D modeling and rendering software for design visualization, games, and animation
pablolucianop - Model the dog and set the bases
brianpeiris - Though the dog to play fetch
leogardiner - Though the dog to play dead
pfeinberg - Give the dog a park to run, and tought to come when called
Feel free to play with him! Just remember, he is a little rebellious!
Elements arranged by golden ratio spiral.
- Three.js - three.js – JavaScript 3D library
- 3DS MAX - 3Ds Max – 3D modeling and rendering software for design visualization, games, and animation
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Numberphile, The Golden Ratio (why it is so irrational) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj8Sg8qnjOg
This is a js version of 'the game of chaos' proposed in the book 'Randomness in everyday life' by Alberto Rojo. The source code is written as a step by step demonstration.
The instructions are:
- 1 define a triangle
- 2 pick a random 'First Point', inside this triangle.
- 3 pick a random vertex of the triangle previously defined
- 4 find the middle point between the chosen vertex and that 'First Point', and push it into an array
- 5 define the middle the point between the point defined before and a random vertex of our triangle, and draw this point
- 6 repeat a lot of times
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Alberto Rojo, author of: El azar en la vida cotidiana. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 2012. -