289 commits
to main
since this release
2024/12/03 The Balanced Friendship : ) Update
Major Changes
- Soothe Bells are now Great Tier 🔔
- Map's weight increased to 2 as a result of the above 🗺️
- Friendship gains increased, see the Balance Changelog below
- New additions to the Legendary Gacha, see the Balance Changelog below
- Credits on GitHub have been updated with the names of contributors from the last few months! Check them out!! 🫂
Minor Changes
- Toxic/Flame Orb spawn condition changed so that they will no longer appear for Pokémon that cannot be statused due to ability or type, nor for unimplemented moves.
Breeders in Space
achievement can now be unlocked through battling regular Breeders while in Space.- A few ME balance changes, see the Balance Changelog below
- The Forest biome has a new custom track by Andr06, titled
Rogue's Echoes
. - The egg skip prompt now shows the number of eggs hatching.
- An
indicator is shown if you catch a non-shiny Pokémon after having only caught shiny versions of it before. - Eviolite will no longer appear in rolls when all unevolved Pokémon in the party already have one.
- Mobile devices can now disable the touchpad (the game will ask for confirmation before disabling touchpad controls)
- An option to download a copy of the local save data has been added to the login screen.
Implementations and fixes
- Powder 🎇
- Instruct ☝️
- Roar / Dragon Tail / Whirlwind / Circle Throw will now retrieve a random party member if possible. ♻️
- Octolock properly interacts with the Ghost type
- Honey Gather and Pickup will only activate if the battle was won.
- Serene Grace no longer doubles King's Rock chances.
- Supersweet Syrup now activates whenever the source enters the field, not just on the first turn.
- Various Wimp Out/Emergency Exit bugs have been fixed.
- Stakeout should trigger if the opponent switches with a switch out move.
- Analytic will only increase damage if the user moves last.
- Arena Trap no longer lingers upon switch out.
- More localization.
- Fixed clipping sprites for Skorupi and Parasect
Other bug fixes
- Shiny-related bugs in Mystery Encounters have been addressed.
- ME-related defeats are now viewable in Run History / Save Preview.
- Post Summon abilities will activate upon selecting and canceling a first-turn switch out.
Balance Changelog
Passive and Egg Move Changes
- 47 mons have had their Passives changed
- 148 mons have had their Egg Moves changed
For both of the above, please refer to the Balance Changes Document and the ‘Changes’ tabs.
Starter Cost Changes
Cost Increase, +2
2 -> 4 Cost | Pichu :)
Cost Increase, +1
2 -> 3 Cost | Foongus
3 -> 4 Cost | Pikachu, Rhyhorn, Ralts
6 -> 7 Cost | Heatran, Volcanion, Tapu Lele, Great Tusk, Roaring Moon, Walking Wake, Raging Bolt, Iron Crown
7 -> 8 Cost | Kartana, Poipole, Spectrier
Cost Decrease, -1
6 -> 5 Cost | Articuno, Mew, Celebi, Regice, Uxie, Mesprit, Shaymin, Tapu Fini, Zarude, Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Iron Thorns, Wo-Chien, Fezandipiti, Bloodmoon Ursaluna
3 -> 2 Cost | Mawile and Amaura
Egg Tier Changes
- The reduced weight of Regional forms from gacha eggs is now gone.
- The following starters have been moved in different tiers (this does not affect their cost):
Common to Rare (39 starters)
Farfetch'd, Lickitung, Rhyhorn, Omanyte, Kabuto, Pichu, Ralts, Lileep, Anorith, Relicanth, Cranidos, Shieldon, Happiny, Riolu, Audino, Tirtouga, Archen, Heatmor, Tyrunt, Amaura, Noibat, Finizen, Paldean Wooper
Alolan: Sandshrew, Vulpix, Diglett, Meowth, Geodude, Grimer
Galarian: Meowth, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Farfetch'd, Corsola, Zigzagoon, Yamask, Stunfisk
Hisuian: Voltorb and Zorua
Rare to Common (9 starters)
Magikarp, Torchic, Azurill, Froakie, Popplio, Scorbunny, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly
Rare to Epic (2 starters)
Type: Null and Eternal Floette
Epic to Legendary (2 starters)
Regigigas and Cosmog
Mechanics Changes
Friendship and Candy Friendship Changes
- Friendship, and Candy Friendship, gain per victory increased from 2 -> 3
- Classic Candy Friendship multiplier increased from 2 -> 3
- Rare Candy Friendship and Candy gain increased from 5 -> 6
- Friendship decrease from fainting decreased from 10 -> 5
- Candy Friendship is no longer lost when fainting
- Candy Friendship required for some starter cost values have been adjusted with this, to scale better, here is what that looks like now
1 = 20 -> 25
2 = 40 -> 50
3 = 60 -> 75
4 = 100
5 = 140 -> 150
6 = 180 -> 200
7 = 280 -> 300
8 = 450
9 = 450
10 = 600
Item Changes
- Soothe Bells moved from Rogue -> Great Tier, Weight of 2
- Map weight has been adjusted (Weight: 2)
- Flame Orb/Toxic Orb spawn conditions have been adjusted, now taking into account typing for the ability/passive
Move and Ability Changes
- Intrepid Sword/Dauntless Shield now triggers on switch in, with no 'once per battle' condition (Gen 8 version)
- Supersweet Syrup now also triggers on switch in, with no 'once per battle' condition (Custom implementation)
- Super Fang, Nature's Madness, and Ruination will now properly split damage based on the number of additional hits for Multi Lens
- Honey Gather and Pickup will only properly activate if the battle is won
Mystery Encounter Changes
- Breeders in Space achievement now unlocks for the Breeder trainer class and the Expert Breeder ME
- Mysterious Chest now requires 2 valid party members