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The Balanced Friendship :) Update

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@MokaStitcher MokaStitcher released this 06 Dec 18:26
· 289 commits to main since this release

2024/12/03 The Balanced Friendship : ) Update

Major Changes

  • Soothe Bells are now Great Tier 🔔
  • Map's weight increased to 2 as a result of the above 🗺️
  • Friendship gains increased, see the Balance Changelog below
  • New additions to the Legendary Gacha, see the Balance Changelog below
  • Credits on GitHub have been updated with the names of contributors from the last few months! Check them out!! 🫂

Minor Changes

  • Toxic/Flame Orb spawn condition changed so that they will no longer appear for Pokémon that cannot be statused due to ability or type, nor for unimplemented moves.
  • Breeders in Space achievement can now be unlocked through battling regular Breeders while in Space.
  • A few ME balance changes, see the Balance Changelog below
  • The Forest biome has a new custom track by Andr06, titled Rogue's Echoes.
  • The egg skip prompt now shows the number of eggs hatching.
  • An (+) indicator is shown if you catch a non-shiny Pokémon after having only caught shiny versions of it before.
  • Eviolite will no longer appear in rolls when all unevolved Pokémon in the party already have one.
  • Mobile devices can now disable the touchpad (the game will ask for confirmation before disabling touchpad controls)
  • An option to download a copy of the local save data has been added to the login screen.

Implementations and fixes


  • Powder 🎇
  • Instruct ☝️
  • Roar / Dragon Tail / Whirlwind / Circle Throw will now retrieve a random party member if possible. ♻️
  • Octolock properly interacts with the Ghost type


  • Honey Gather and Pickup will only activate if the battle was won.
  • Serene Grace no longer doubles King's Rock chances.
  • Supersweet Syrup now activates whenever the source enters the field, not just on the first turn.
  • Various Wimp Out/Emergency Exit bugs have been fixed.
  • Stakeout should trigger if the opponent switches with a switch out move.
  • Analytic will only increase damage if the user moves last.
  • Arena Trap no longer lingers upon switch out.


  • More localization.
  • Fixed clipping sprites for Skorupi and Parasect

Other bug fixes

  • Shiny-related bugs in Mystery Encounters have been addressed.
  • ME-related defeats are now viewable in Run History / Save Preview.
  • Post Summon abilities will activate upon selecting and canceling a first-turn switch out.

Balance Changelog

Passive and Egg Move Changes

  • 47 mons have had their Passives changed
  • 148 mons have had their Egg Moves changed

For both of the above, please refer to the Balance Changes Document and the ‘Changes’ tabs.

Starter Cost Changes

Cost Increase, +2

2 -> 4 Cost | Pichu :)

Cost Increase, +1

2 -> 3 Cost | Foongus
3 -> 4 Cost | Pikachu, Rhyhorn, Ralts
6 -> 7 Cost | Heatran, Volcanion, Tapu Lele, Great Tusk, Roaring Moon, Walking Wake, Raging Bolt, Iron Crown
7 -> 8 Cost | Kartana, Poipole, Spectrier

Cost Decrease, -1

6 -> 5 Cost | Articuno, Mew, Celebi, Regice, Uxie, Mesprit, Shaymin, Tapu Fini, Zarude, Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Iron Thorns, Wo-Chien, Fezandipiti, Bloodmoon Ursaluna
3 -> 2 Cost | Mawile and Amaura

Egg Tier Changes

  • The reduced weight of Regional forms from gacha eggs is now gone.
  • The following starters have been moved in different tiers (this does not affect their cost):

Common to Rare (39 starters)

Farfetch'd, Lickitung, Rhyhorn, Omanyte, Kabuto, Pichu, Ralts, Lileep, Anorith, Relicanth, Cranidos, Shieldon, Happiny, Riolu, Audino, Tirtouga, Archen, Heatmor, Tyrunt, Amaura, Noibat, Finizen, Paldean Wooper
Alolan: Sandshrew, Vulpix, Diglett, Meowth, Geodude, Grimer
Galarian: Meowth, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Farfetch'd, Corsola, Zigzagoon, Yamask, Stunfisk
Hisuian: Voltorb and Zorua

Rare to Common (9 starters)

Magikarp, Torchic, Azurill, Froakie, Popplio, Scorbunny, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly

Rare to Epic (2 starters)

Type: Null and Eternal Floette

Epic to Legendary (2 starters)

Regigigas and Cosmog

Mechanics Changes

Friendship and Candy Friendship Changes

  • Friendship, and Candy Friendship, gain per victory increased from 2 -> 3
  • Classic Candy Friendship multiplier increased from 2 -> 3
  • Rare Candy Friendship and Candy gain increased from 5 -> 6
  • Friendship decrease from fainting decreased from 10 -> 5
  • Candy Friendship is no longer lost when fainting
  • Candy Friendship required for some starter cost values have been adjusted with this, to scale better, here is what that looks like now
1 = 20 -> 25
2 = 40 -> 50
3 = 60 -> 75
4 = 100
5 = 140 -> 150
6 = 180 -> 200
7 = 280 -> 300
8 = 450
9 = 450
10 = 600

Item Changes

  • Soothe Bells moved from Rogue -> Great Tier, Weight of 2
  • Map weight has been adjusted (Weight: 2)
  • Flame Orb/Toxic Orb spawn conditions have been adjusted, now taking into account typing for the ability/passive

Move and Ability Changes

  • Intrepid Sword/Dauntless Shield now triggers on switch in, with no 'once per battle' condition (Gen 8 version)
  • Supersweet Syrup now also triggers on switch in, with no 'once per battle' condition (Custom implementation)
  • Super Fang, Nature's Madness, and Ruination will now properly split damage based on the number of additional hits for Multi Lens
  • Honey Gather and Pickup will only properly activate if the battle is won

Mystery Encounter Changes

  • Breeders in Space achievement now unlocks for the Breeder trainer class and the Expert Breeder ME
  • Mysterious Chest now requires 2 valid party members