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John Pagonis edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

Wasn’t Rethoth previously called Thoth? Why the name change?

Between the last time Thoth was updated and its current resurrection, another gem occupied the RubygGems namespace using the name Thoth. So we decided to rename it to Rethoth to avoid the gems clashing or misleading people.

Wasn’t Thoth originally called Riposte? Why the name change?

It turns out there’s a company already using the name Riposte for a web app, and they own a trademark and have been doing business under that name for years. Their lawyers sent us a friendly letter requesting that we change the name, and we complied.

Does Rethoth run on Windows?

For Windows prior to Win10 It might work in Cygwin, but this hasn’t been tested. It probably won’t work using the native Windows Ruby build. Rethoth has only been tested on FreeBSD, Linux, and Mac OS X. However It will probably work fine on the new Windows 10 Linux personality though.

Does Rethoth work with PostgreSQL?

Probably, but it hasn’t been tested. If you can confirm this, please let us know.

How do I run multiple instances of Rethoth on the same server?

Create a different configuration file for each instance you want to run and configure them to run on different ports. Then start each instance separately by running:

thoth -c <config file> --home <home dir> -d start

Don’t forget that you’ll also need to pass in the name of the config file and the home directory when you stop or restart Rethoth.

Does Rethoth protect against comment spam?

Yes. Rethoth uses a very simple but very effective form of comment spam prevention: the comment form contains extra fields that are hidden from normal browsers via CSS but look like comment fields to spambots. When the form is submitted, if any of these fields contain content, Rethoth denies the request.

What hosting services support Rethoth?

In general, any host that gives you shell access or allows you to run custom software should support Rethoth.