This simple golang program helps to manage terraform cloud variables. It allow:
- Read all variables from a workspace.
- Load variables - in the format provided at the step 1 - into an existing workspace.
- Terraform cloud account with an organization and one or more workspaces.
- Terraform cloud access token.
- golang 1.15.* installed
> git clone
> cd tfcloudvars
> # run tests
> go test ./...
# help
> go run main.go help
Usage of /tmp/go-build3969646251/b001/exe/main:
-do string
Operation: [read|load|help] (default "help")
-file string
json file with variables to load in a workspace
-format string
Output format [json|tfvars] (default "json")
-token string
bearer token for authenticatio. If not defined it reads the env variable TF_TOKEN or the credeintial storage file: credentials.tfrc.json
-ws string
Terraform cloud workspace id to read from or to save in.
# set terraform cloud token.
export TF_TOKEN=5i*****......................................*****2Ls
> go run main.go -do read -ws ws-<my ws> > ./vars.json
# edit the file. eg: change values
# load the variables in another workspace.
> go run main.go -do load -ws ws-<new ws> -file ./vars.json
# build binary file:
> make
> make test