A collection of integration tests for the CentroStella infrastructure. For IDPay domain, see Confluece page
├── common <-- building blocks (API method, checks, ...)
│ └── api
├── e2e <-- end-to-end tests
├── performance <-- load tests
└── smoke <-- smoke tests
- Install
(on Mac OS Xbrew install golang
) - Install
with the following commandgo install go.k6.io/xk6/cmd/xk6@latest
- Build a customized version of
support. The following command will create e customizedk6
executable in the current folderxk6 build --with github.com/szkiba/xk6-dotenv@latest
. Warning: if you are using an arm architecture you may need to specify the k6 version to guarantee all the tests to run smoothly:xk6 build v0.34.0 --with github.com/szkiba/xk6-dotenv@latest
- Create a folder named
- Put the private key and the corresponding certificate for mutual-auth in the folder
- Create a copy of the file
and rename it as./.env.dev.local
] - Customize env variables in
] - Run a test with
TARGET_ENV=<ENV> ./k6 run test/smoke/rtdCsvTransaction.js
./smoke_env.sh <ENV>
./load_env.sh <ENV>
With tracing enabled all HTTP responses will be printed to standard output. To enable it just set the environment variable REQ_DUMP:
REQ_DUMP=1 ./k6 run <TEST>
K6 allows to configure tests having a different workloads, or traffic patterns. Some tests inside this repo allow its dynamic configuration through environment variable.
All dynamic scenarios' tests as default will be executed simulating the following workloads:
- perVuIterations: a workloads having a fixed number of executions performed by a fixed number of users.
- This scenario could be further configured to be run multiple times until consume all the provided test data (setting SCENARIO_PER_VU_SINGLE_ITERATION_ENV to false)
- rampingArrivalRate: a workloads having a variable number of parallel users which will run as many executions as allowed by the execution unit configured. Each variation of the number of users represent a stage. In this scenario. As default it will configure 3 stage (the minimum number) running a random number of parallel users at each stage (the last stage will always be 0, in order to wait previous stage executions).
- rampingGrowingArrivalRate: As previous scenario, but here it will be possible to configure a pool of virtual users, used to draw a growing ramp, maximizing the number of the parallel vu at the latest stages. As default it will configure 3 stage (the minimum number):
- Starting from 0, it will grow the number of users in order to reach the maximum number of users
- Next it will mantain constant the number of parallel users
- Finally it will reduce the number of users until reach 0
- constantArrivalRate: a workloads having a fixed number of concurrent http requests: it will perform as many iterations as necessary to mantain the configured rate.
The following environment variables allow to configure dynamic scenarios' tests behaviors:
ENV | Description | Default |
TARGET_ENV | The environment to test | |
RESULTS_DIR | The directory inside which create the results dir | . |
REQ_DUMP | A boolen to log all requests or not | false |
VUS_MAX_ENV | The maximum number of parallel users to simulate | 3 |
MAX_AVAILABLE_TEST_ENTITIES_ENV | The maximum number of external provided test data to use (if any and if required by implemented test) | 3 |
SCENARIO_TYPE_ENV | The comma separated names of the scenarios to execute. Use the keys listed in Scenarios paragraph | ALL |
SCENARIO_PER_VU_SINGLE_ITERATION_ENV | perVuIterations scenario: if run a single iteration or multiple consecutive until consume all MAX_AVAILABLE_TEST_ENTITIES_ENV | false |
SCENARIO_PER_VU_EXECUTIONS_ENV | perVuIterations scenario: the number of executions which each user will perform | 1 |
SCENARIO_DURATION_ENV | perVuIterations,constantArrivalRate scenario: Duration in seconds of the scenario | 10 |
SCENARIO_TIME_UNIT_ENV | constantArrivalRate, rampingArrivalRate scenario: scenario time unit in seconds | 1 |
SCENARIO_RAMP_STAGE_NUMBER_ENV | rampingArrivalRate scenario: the number of stages of the ramp | 3 |
THRESHOLDS_API_MAX_AVG_MS_ENV | Max AVG duration applied as default to single API tests | 500 |
THRESHOLDS_API_MAX_P90_MS_ENV | Max P90 duration applied as default to single API tests | 800 |
THRESHOLDS_API_MAX_P95_MS_ENV | Max P95 duration applied as default to single API tests | 1000 |
A test implementing a dynamic scenarios is structured as follow:
import {
} from '../../common/api/idpay/idPayPaymentDiscount.js'
import { assert, statusCreated, statusOk } from '../../common/assertions.js'
import { DEV, UAT, getBaseUrl } from '../../common/envs.js'
import { getFCList } from '../../common/utils.js'
import { SharedArray } from 'k6/data'
import defaultHandleSummaryBuilder from '../../common/handleSummaryBuilder.js'
import {
} from '../../common/idpay/envVars.js'
import { defaultApiOptionsBuilder } from '../../common/dynamicScenarios/defaultOptions.js'
import {
} from '../../common/dynamicScenarios/utils.js'
// Environments allowed to be tested
const baseUrl = getBaseUrl(REGISTERED_ENVS, 'io') // api-io services baseUrl
// test tags
const application = 'idpay'
const testName = 'idpayPaymentDiscountAPI'
// Set up data for processing, share data among VUs
let cfList = new SharedArray('cfList', getFCList)
// Dynamic scenarios' K6 configuration
export const options = defaultApiOptionsBuilder(
Object.values(PAYMENT_API_NAMES), // applying apiName tags to thresholds (usefull if the test is composed of more than 1 API to invoke, it could be used to configure different settings based on the api, see test\common\dynamicScenarios\thresholds\thresholdsBuilder javadoc)
250, // configuring specific http request duration thresholds
// K6 summary configuration
export const handleSummary = defaultHandleSummaryBuilder(application, testName)
export default () => {
let checked = true
let trxCode
// selecting current scenario/iteration test entity
const cf = getScenarioTestEntity(cfList).FC
const citizenParams = { headers: retrieveAndBuildIOAuthorizationHeader(cf) }
// API invocation, each tagged with proper PAYMENT_API_NAMES name
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