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Page-object-model (POM) is a pattern that you can apply it to develop efficient automation framework. With page-model, it is possible to minimise maintenance cost. Basically page-object means that your every page is inherited from a base class which includes basic functionalities for every pages. If you have some new functionality that every pages have, you can simple add it to the base class.
class include basic functionality and driver initialization
class BasePage(object):
def __init__(self, driver, base_url='http://www.amazon.com/'):
self.base_url = base_url
self.driver = driver
self.timeout = 30
def find_element(self, *locator):
return self.driver.find_element(*locator)
is derived from the `BasePage class, it contains methods related to this page, which will be used to create test steps.
# main_page.py
class MainPage(BasePage):
def __init__(self, driver):
self.locator = MainPageLocators
super().__init__(driver) # Python3 version
def check_page_loaded(self):
return True if self.find_element(*self.locator.LOGO) else False
When you want to write tests, you should derive your test class from BaseTest
which holds basic functionality for your tests. Then you can call page and related methods in accordance with the steps in the test cases
class TestSignInPage(BaseTest):
def test_sign_in_with_valid_user(self):
print("\n" + str(test_cases(4)))
main_page = MainPage(self.driver)
login_page = main_page.click_sign_in_button()
result = login_page.login_with_valid_user("valid_user")
self.assertIn("yourstore/home", result.get_url())
python -m unittest
python -m unittest tests.test_sign_in_page.TestSignInPage
python -m unittest tests.test_sign_in_page.TestSignInPage.test_page_load