Simple weather forecast comparator between different towns in Catalonia using a fix dataset.
This guide has only been tested in a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64 environment.
It is necessary to install NodeJS. To do it, we will use NVM (Node Version Manager).
$ wget -qO- | bash
Close the terminal and reopen it again. Now let's install NodeJS 5.7 version and set it as default
$ nvm install 5.7
$ nvm alias default 5.7
NOTE: v5.7 is the only one that has been tested. Using other versions may lead to undefined behaviours
Now, install back-end dependencies. From the root directory execute:
$ npm install
After that, install front-end dependencies. To do it we will use Bower, which will install dependencies in "bower_components" directory.
$ cd static
$ npm install -g bower
$ bower install
In order to start the server, execute this from root folder. It will start the server, running on 8080 port.
$ npm start
After that, you can navigate to http://localhost:8080 and use the application