Have settings system to control of your models.
Control of models
Change model display name in table
Select id field to use in db queries
Select display field to display when model have relation with another model
Have actions Create update delete default for all true
Control of fields
Change field display name in a table, update and create pages
Change field order by a drag and drop to change gi order in a table, update and create pages
Update action to add this field in update page
Create action to add this field in create page
Read, sort and filter to add this option to this field in display table
editor to add editor to this field in create and update
Every model has a page contain pagination table.
Table has many page size option
Table has go to page number input
Table has select page number.
If field value bigger than column width will hide it and show all of it in a popover when you click on it
you can filter by many fields in same time and in relation fields you can select any field in this relation to filter by it.
When you click in any relation field will go to his page with a filter.
Edit record page.
Has a form to edit model fields.
Relation fields has a search icon to search in relation records and connect. has close icon to delete relation if field not required.
Tabs card has a table with list relation records.
You can add a new record to parent record you edit.
Add new record modal.
Has a form to add model fields.
Relation fields has a search icon to search in relation records and connect. has close icon to delete relation if field not required.
You can’t perform that action at this time.