v 2023.11.0
This release represents the ETL scripts used to run the refresh on Nov 17, 2023
What's Changed
- Feature/adding dimensional layer scripts by @nobert-mumo in #2
- Feature/re arranging the scripts by @nobert-mumo in #3
- added keys to Dim tables by @cbrianbet in #5
- Feature/working on more dimensions by @nobert-mumo in #6
- Feature/ Adding New dims, yaaay! by @nobert-mumo in #7
- Changes to dim facility by @Marymary-dev in #8
- Addition dim treatment type by @Marymary-dev in #10
- Load intermediate tables by @Marymary-dev in #11
- Changes to remove Schema in intermediate tables by @Marymary-dev in #13
- Adding new intermediate tables for use in creating downstream models by @nobert-mumo in #12
- Load intermediate tables by @Marymary-dev in #15
- changes to PregnancyAtARTInitiation by @Marymary-dev in #16
- Adding new fact tables, intermediate table and other small changes by @nobert-mumo in #17
- Feature/Adding viral load fact table by @nobert-mumo in #21
- Additions to PregnancyAsAt intermediate table by @Marymary-dev in #14
- Load fact tables by @Marymary-dev in #19
- Dev by @Marymary-dev in #23
- Load fact tables by @Marymary-dev in #25
- Dev by @Marymary-dev in #26
- Feat/intermediate tables improvements by @nthusi-codes in #28
- Create load_FACTPatientExits by @Marymary-dev in #24
- Additions to FactTables FactMANifest by @Marymary-dev in #27
- adding new tables for IPT & CD4 by @nobert-mumo in #29
- Feature/Adding art outomes to DimPatient and small tidying up by @nobert-mumo in #30
- Create load_Linelist-FACTART by @Marymary-dev in #33
- Update load_intermediate_LastPatientEncounter by @Marymary-dev in #34
- Update load_FactART.sql by @Marymary-dev in #37
- Aggregate tables for OTZ outcomes and cohort retention by @cbrianbet in #38
- Feat/aggregate otz outcomes tables by @cbrianbet in #42
- Feat/aggregate time to art report tables by @nthusi-codes in #35
- Change reporting folder by @cbrianbet in #43
- Add AgeLastVisit column to FactArt by @nthusi-codes in #44
- Feat/aggregate otz table by @cbrianbet in #46
- Feat/aggregate viral load report tables by @nthusi-codes in #41
- Fix/fact tables merge by @nthusi-codes in #51
- Added covid aggregate table by @cbrianbet in #40
- Feat/aggregate otz table by @cbrianbet in #54
- Feature/adding aggregate TXCur table by @nobert-mumo in #49
- Dev by @Marymary-dev in #55
- Load aggregate tables by @Marymary-dev in #52
- Adding IsTXCurr in the linelist by @Marymary-dev in #50
- Dev by @Marymary-dev in #56
- Feat/aggregate dsd table by @cbrianbet in #47
- Create load_aggregate_otz.sql by @cbrianbet in #39
- Load aggregate tables by @Marymary-dev in #57
- Feat/ovc reports by @nthusi-codes in #48
- Feature/building a Fact Adverse events table by @nobert-mumo in #53
- Load aggregate tables by @Marymary-dev in #59
- Fix/report scripts cleanup by @nthusi-codes in #62
- changes to Intermediate_ARTOutcome by @Marymary-dev in #63
- Changes to ARTOutcome logic by @Marymary-dev in #64
- Load intermediate art outcome by @Marymary-dev in #65
- Changes to LastPatientencounter by @Marymary-dev in #66
- Someone deleted this linelist by @cbrianbet in #67
- Create load_aggregate_nupi.sql by @cbrianbet in #69
- changes to effective discontinuation date by @Marymary-dev in #70
- Changes to include correctly patients with TCAs >365 days by @Marymary-dev in #71
- Fixed column reference errors by @cbrianbet in #68
- Feature/Enhancing-DimPatient-to-accomodate-HTS-clients by @nobert-mumo in #61
- Load intermediate art outcome by @Marymary-dev in #73
- changes to Last encounter by @Marymary-dev in #76
- Last patient encounter by @Marymary-dev in #78
- Added TxCurr Column by @cbrianbet in #80
- Update load_aggregate_dsd.sql by @cbrianbet in #81
- Capping in all CTE for LE by @Marymary-dev in #82
- Add aggregate adverse events report by @nthusi-codes in #60
- Correct table names used by @cbrianbet in #84
- Feature/Modelling-HTS-Client-Tests-Fact-table by @nobert-mumo in #74
- Feature/Modelling-Client-Linkages-fact-table by @nobert-mumo in #75
- Feature/Modelling-Fact-HTS-Partner-Tracings by @nobert-mumo in #79
- Feature/Modelling-Fact-HTS-Test-Kits-table by @nobert-mumo in #85
- Added TXCurr check for Otz tables also added eligible +enrolled aggregate by @cbrianbet in #72
- Feature/Modelling-Fact-HTS-ClientTracing by @nobert-mumo in #77
- Load intermediate art outcome by @Marymary-dev in #86
- Minor changes to explicitly call variables by @Marymary-dev in #87
- Sequencing the cases by @Marymary-dev in #88
- Explicitly used column names to fix arising errors by @cbrianbet in #90
- Feat/aggregate time to art report tables by @nthusi-codes in #91
- Update load_linelist_covid.sql by @cbrianbet in #92
- Update load_linelist_covid.sql by @cbrianbet in #93
- Merge to production by @nthusi-codes in #96
- Optimize_StartRegimens_aggregate by @Marymary-dev in #58
- Added missing columns in art linelist also added AdverseClientsCount to Agg Adverse events by @cbrianbet in #94
- Rename CTPartner,CTAgency columns to ParnerName,AgencyName by @nthusi-codes in #97
- called columns when inserting data by @cbrianbet in #98
- Updates by @DennisGibz in #101
- Feature/Adapting-DimPatient-to-include-Prep-patients by @nobert-mumo in #100
- Update by @DennisGibz in #104
- Feature update by @DennisGibz in #105
- Feature/Adding-an-intermediate-table-for-latest-Prep-visit-per-patient by @nobert-mumo in #102
- Updates to OptimizeStartRegimens, vlOutcomeAndUptake, AggregateTimeToARTGrp and DimPatient by @cbrianbet in #99
- Loading fact HtsPartnerNotification table by @nobert-mumo in #95
- Updated columns in Linelist art by @cbrianbet in #108
- Explicit date keys on HTS table by @nobert-mumo in #106
- Feat/reportingrates by @cbrianbet in #111
- Create load_aggregate_treatmentoutcomes.sql by @cbrianbet in #107
- Feat/viralloads by @cbrianbet in #110
- Load fact tables by @Marymary-dev in #89
- Added ReportedCCCnumber to hts tests fact by @cbrianbet in #114
- Feauture changes to intermediate tables by @Marymary-dev in #117
- Adding PrepRefils intermediate table by @Marymary-dev in #116
- Feature/ modelling a fact prep table by @nobert-mumo in #115
- Fix/some-changes-to-Dim-Patients-to-deal-with-dups by @nobert-mumo in #113
- Feature update by @DennisGibz in #118
- Resolve file location by @DennisGibz in #119
- Create load_fact_manifest.sql by @cbrianbet in #121
- Fixing Dim Patient foreign keys by @nobert-mumo in #120
- updated sps by @cbrianbet in #122
- changes to ARToutcome by @Marymary-dev in #123
- Remove PatientPK hash function in ct fact tables by @nthusi-codes in #124
- Removed Colations and Hashed columns in ODS Scripts for Hts and Mnchs by @meggmumbi in #126
- Removing-Collation-in-FACTAdverseEvents by @Marymary-dev in #125
- correct dhis2 pull by @cbrianbet in #127
- Adding Setting column to HTSTests by @nobert-mumo in #128
- Adpating ARTPatient to use merge by @DennisGibz in #130
- Feature/Adding defaulter tracing fact table by @nobert-mumo in #129
- Updating hts clients tes and historical tx curr by @nobert-mumo in #131
- Updated cleaning scripts to match the ods tables by @DennisGibz in #133
- load aggregate clientselftest by @meggmumbi in #132
- Feat/re-aranging folder structure for cleaning scripts by @nobert-mumo in #135
- Aggregate htspnschildren reformatted by @meggmumbi in #136
- Created aggregates and linelist for HTS by @cbrianbet in #134
- Moved to main folder by @cbrianbet in #137
- Update load_aggregate_hts_tbscreening.sql by @cbrianbet in #138
- minor correction on pns children by @cbrianbet in #140
- Additions for HTS docket cleaning by @Marymary-dev in #139
- Removing patient id from partition by @Marymary-dev in #143
- Updates to look up tables and update statements by @Marymary-dev in #141
- Corrected OTZ tables by @cbrianbet in #145
- Fix/Update-HTS-Tests-data-query by @nobert-mumo in #146
- Adding a folder restructure by @nobert-mumo in #148
- Fix/Updating Prep logic and few other fixes by @nobert-mumo in #144
- Adding new cleaning scripts for HTS by @nobert-mumo in #142
- Removing PatientIDs from all intermediate tables by @Marymary-dev in #149
- re-arranged the remove duplicate folders by @DennisGibz in #147
- Correct classification of Exits by @Marymary-dev in #150
- Excluding the dead from TXCurr by @Marymary-dev in #151
- Fix/Removing-duplicates-from-OVC-fact-table by @nobert-mumo in #153
- Changes to look up art regimen by @Marymary-dev in #152
- Feature/Prep-Cleaning-Scripts by @nobert-mumo in #155
- Fact prep downstream tables by @Marymary-dev in #160
- Refactoring the ARTOutcome Logic by @Marymary-dev in #157
- Historical appointmentstatus model by @Marymary-dev in #158
- Review 1900 dates in ct by @Marymary-dev in #159
- Feature/Breaking-up-Fact-Prep-into-multiple-tables by @nobert-mumo in #163
- Aggregate appointments by @Marymary-dev in #162
- Task/create-folder-for-short-term-RRI-models by @nobert-mumo in #164
- Prep fact new tables by @Marymary-dev in #161
- Prep Aggregates by @meggmumbi in #156
- Adding test type to the partition to include Initial testers by @Marymary-dev in #172
- Feature/Aggregate-models-for-PMTCT-RRI - first part by @nobert-mumo in #168
- Added prepCT by @cbrianbet in #173
- Feature/aggregate-models-for-the-pmtct-rri-part-2 by @nobert-mumo in #170
- Fix/Add-new-indicator-for- missed prophylaxis PMTCT by @nobert-mumo in #174
- Art outcome effectived discontinuationchanges by @Marymary-dev in #175
- Changes to prep factVisits and aggregates fixes by @cbrianbet in #177
- The Lazarus Effect by @Marymary-dev in #178
- Missed Maternal HAART by @Marymary-dev in #165
- Adding USHAURI PMTCT data by @Marymary-dev in #179
- Missed viral load pmtctrri by @Marymary-dev in #169
- Bugfix/Fixing-OTZ-fact-table-dates by @nobert-mumo in #176
- Fact prep downstream tables by @Marymary-dev in #167
- Reviewing Aggregate_HTSClientSelfTested by @Marymary-dev in #180
- Removing partion and using ANC Visit Number instead by @Marymary-dev in #181
- Feature/Update-of-HTS-indicators-on-aggregate-tables by @nobert-mumo in #182
- Bugfix/-Fixing-hts-aggregate-model by @nobert-mumo in #185
- Reviewing Historical Appointments model by lagging visit dates by @Marymary-dev in #183
- Feauture fact and aggregate appointments by @Marymary-dev in #186
- Adding aggregateARTHistory by @Marymary-dev in #187
- Picking tests that are only in initial test type by @Marymary-dev in #188
- Feature/Aggregate-tables-for-Defaulter-tracings by @nobert-mumo in #184
- restoring the Original model by @Marymary-dev in #189
- Bugfix/Fix-unhashed-NUPI-on-DimPatient by @nobert-mumo in #190
- Create load_aggregate_vl_outcome_and_uptake.sql by @cbrianbet in #191
- Update load_aggregate_vl_outcome_and_uptake.sql by @cbrianbet in #192
- Update load_aggregate_vl_outcome_and_uptake.sql by @cbrianbet in #193
- add vl result to linelistart by @cbrianbet in #194
- Bugfix/Reorder-the-columns-in-AggregateAppointments by @nobert-mumo in #195
- Fix/Adjust-logic-for-getting-viral-loads-intervals-from-start-ART-date by @nobert-mumo in #196
- Fix/Update-column-names-that-start-with-numbers by @nobert-mumo in #197
- Feature/Improve-age-group-naming-to-enable-easy-sorting by @nobert-mumo in #200
- Feauture Adding Linelist_Appointments by @Marymary-dev in #201
- Feature/Viral-Load-guidelines-based-on-new-guidelines by @nobert-mumo in #199
- Renaming mfl codes by @Marymary-dev in #203
- Feauture adding identifiers by @Marymary-dev in #204
- Add-ARTOutcome-Description-column-on-all-datasets-with-ARTOutcome by @nobert-mumo in #205
- Feauture last patient encounter by @Marymary-dev in #208
- Adding load dates in all the models by @Marymary-dev in #209
- Feature/Clients-with-the-ARTOutcome-FV-who-do-not-have-a-Last-Encounter-Date by @nobert-mumo in #210
- Feature/On-Covid-aggregate-adding-a-'Not-accessed'-value-on-Vaccination-status-where-the-values-are-null/blanks & Renaming adult_count column by @nobert-mumo in #207
- Self-Service Partners Training Issues fix by @meggmumbi in #198
- Feauture adding load dates to all tables by @Marymary-dev in #211
- Correct VL Column naming in load_aggregate_OptimizeStartRegimens.sql by @cbrianbet in #212
- Removing gender by @Marymary-dev in #213
- Correct script for HTS_DHIS2 by @cbrianbet in #214
- Bugfix/Fixing-NextAppointment-date-logic by @nobert-mumo in #215
- Added ValidVLResultCategory2 for otz charts by @cbrianbet in #219
- Fix on current Regimen Column by @cbrianbet in #218
- Changes to compute MMD Uptake from 84 days to 90 days by @Marymary-dev in #220
- Organising the code and removing comments by @Marymary-dev in #216
- Set To Nulls where the dates are less than the year 2004 by @Marymary-dev in #221
- Feature/Aggregate-tables-able-to-plot-time-series-data- Part 1 by @nobert-mumo in #222
- Nullify Non plausible Blood pressure values by @Marymary-dev in #223
- Correct column for agencyName by @cbrianbet in #225
- Adding intermediate_ Latest observations by @Marymary-dev in #229
- Feature/Aggregate-tables-able-to-plot-time-series-data-Part-2 by @nobert-mumo in #224
- Pregnant & breastfeeding mothers addition by @Marymary-dev in #226
- Feature/Add-aggregate-data-on-HTSRisk-Scores-&-Categories by @nobert-mumo in #228
- Feature/Add no of screened on aggregate covid by @nobert-mumo in #230
- Feature/Change-the-age-brackets-cut-off-of-OTZ-from-10-24-to-10-19-in-the-DWH-logic by @nobert-mumo in #232
- load_linelist_ovc_enrollment_fix by @cbrianbet in #233
- Adding Differentiated care column by @Marymary-dev in #235
- Adding asof Date to use in BI tools by @Marymary-dev in #236
- Feature/Improve-TXCurr-Historical-query by @nobert-mumo in #234
- Changing from AggregateCohortRetention to AggregateTxNew by @Marymary-dev in #240
- Changes to Elicitation and testing logic by @Marymary-dev in #238
- filtering out the data by @Marymary-dev in #239
- Feature/Move-logic-of-flagging-Not-Assessed-clients-on-Covid-from-the-the-Fact-table-to-the-reporting-tables by @nobert-mumo in #241
- Feauture otz changes by @Marymary-dev in #242
- Adding isHTS_ML by @Marymary-dev in #237
- Included voided check when populating dim dimension by @DennisGibz in #246
- Delete Scripts/REPORTING/Load_LineListHTSRiskCategorizationAndTestRes… by @cbrianbet in #249
- Feature/Creating-Fact-HEIs by @nobert-mumo in #243
- Feature/Creating-Aggregate-HEIs-and-Linelist-HEIs by @nobert-mumo in #244
- Delete Scripts/REPORTING/Load_LinelistPrep.sql by @cbrianbet in #247
- Delete Scripts/REPORTING/Load_all_EMRSites.sql by @cbrianbet in #248
- Added voided cleanup on ct_patient by @cbrianbet in #250
- Adding numer of patients booked in appointment status by @Marymary-dev in #231
- Delete-Scripts/ODS/load_intermediate_tables/CT_intermediate_tables/10_load_intermediate_LatestObs.sql by @nobert-mumo in #252
- Feature/Include-DSD-Models-in-the-missed-appointment-linelist by @nobert-mumo in #253
- Bugfix/StabilityAssement-has-multiple-values-for-Stable-in-Superset by @nobert-mumo in #251
- Feature/Improvements-to-OVC-linelist-by-introducing-new-columns- by @nobert-mumo in #255
- Feature/Include-the-outcome-variables-in-the-OVC-aggregate-and-line-list-datasets by @nobert-mumo in #256
- Adding FACT PBFW by @Marymary-dev in #254
- Adding AgeGroup Key by @Marymary-dev in #257
- Adding Aggregate PBFW by @Marymary-dev in #259
- Feature/Add-a-column-for-referred-for-HIV-preventive-services-in-the-LineListHTSRiskCategorizationAndTestResults by @nobert-mumo in #262
- Update on voided column where voided is null to 0 by @DennisGibz in #264
- Fix/OTZ-eligibilty-and-enrollment-linelist by @nobert-mumo in #265
- Adding Viral load indicators by @Marymary-dev in #263
- Feature/-Adding-a-linelist-report-for-preganat-and-breast-feeding-moms by @nobert-mumo in #258
- Feauture adding pbfw fact by @Marymary-dev in #268
- Refactor to filter out Repeat VLs by @Marymary-dev in #267
- aligning the dimensions to enhance readability by @DennisGibz in #261
- Feature/Adding-additional-attributes-to-line-list-PBFW by @nobert-mumo in #269
- Adding VL indicators by @Marymary-dev in #270
- Adding WHO Stahe by @Marymary-dev in #271
- Bugfix/Rename-changed-column-on-linelist-viral-load by @nobert-mumo in #273
- Adding the latest CD4 and CD4 percentage from the Labs dataset by @Marymary-dev in #275
- Adding a comma after PatientPkHash column by @Marymary-dev in #276
- Changing the case from TestName to reference TestResult by @Marymary-dev in #279
- Create load_aggregate_ct_dhis2.sql by @cbrianbet in #274
- Remove SSIS directory by @nthusi-codes in #272
- Modified DimPatient to include voided column. Included where voided= … by @DennisGibz in #277
- Adding TB Screening to Latest Obs by @Marymary-dev in #280
- Feature/modelling-NCD-indicators by @nobert-mumo in #278
- Feature/Adding-additional-indicators-on-NCDs-on-the-reporting-layer by @nobert-mumo in #283
New Contributors
- @nobert-mumo made their first contribution in #2
- @Marymary-dev made their first contribution in #8
- @nthusi-codes made their first contribution in #28
- @DennisGibz made their first contribution in #101
- @meggmumbi made their first contribution in #126
Full Changelog: https://github.com/palladiumkenya/dwh-etl/commits/v1.0.0