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Releases: palladiumkenya/openmrs-config-kenyaemr

KENYAEMR 3.x Facility-Wide v1.10.27 (2024-10-02).

02 Oct 15:15
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KenyaEMR-3.x v19.1.2 Release Notes


KenyaEMR v19.1.2 brings significant improvements and bug fixes to enhance the overall functionality and user experience of the system. This release focuses on:

  1. Enhancing clinical modules, including updates to the Endocrine system, Physical Examination, and MCH-ANC protocols.
  2. Improving data capture and management for various programs, including NCD, HTS, and Cancer screening.
  3. Addressing critical bugs in form saving, lab orders, and result viewing.
  4. Renaming and adjusting forms to align with current terminology and practices.
  5. Implementing new features such as the maxillofacial clinic and updating the HTS ML model.

These changes aim to improve the efficiency of healthcare providers, enhance data accuracy, and provide better support for patient care across various clinical areas.


DWAPI Compatibility: This version is compatible with DWAPI v3122 tag

Upgrading DWAPI to v3122 tag

sudo docker ps -a | grep "dwapi" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs sudo docker rm -f
sudo docker images -a | grep "dwapi" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi
sudo docker run --name dwapi -p 5757:5757 -p 5753:5753 -d --restart unless-stopped kenyahmis/dwapi:v3122

New Features and Improvements

  1. Updated Endocrine system and Physical Examination
  2. Enhanced MCH-ANC: Intermittent presumptive treatment dose now given up to 5th dose
  3. Renamed Clinic visit forms from KP to KVP
  4. Renamed HCW Overdose reporting tool to Opioid Overdose encounter
  5. Updated Billing version to allow editing billable services with decimal numbers
  6. Implemented HTS ML new PMML Model
  7. Added CD4 count order reasons
  8. Created maxillofacial_clinic
  9. Updated missing presenting complaints in Triage form
  10. Adjusted HTS Eligibility screening age to start from 18 months and above

Bug Fixes

  1. Rectified MAT_Psycho_social_Intake_Follow_up_Form saving
  2. Fixed Result viewer not showing results of individual test ordered
  3. Resolved issue where CPMIS unique identifier was picked as an observation instead of a unique identifier
  4. Fixed NCD Enrollment failure to save when drug (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE) is selected
  5. Addressed issue with lab results showing added zeros
  6. Fixed error while saving CD4 lab order
  7. Fixed error while creating TB LAM order
  8. Fixed error while saving TB LAM orders
  9. Resolved PNS Relationship failure to display all recorded contact information

Form and Validation Updates

  1. Implemented changes to support form saving for NCD Init_Follow-up
  2. Added cancer screening validations for Male and Female clients
  3. Relax the validation on HIV Discontinuation form to allow a future Effective Discontinuation Date

For more detailed information about these changes or if you encounter any issues, please refer to the project documentation or contact the support team.


For any questions or assistance, please contact our Helpdesk:


We value your feedback! Please report any issues or suggestions to help us improve KenyaEMR in future releases.

Thank you for using KenyaEMR. We're committed to continually improving our system to better serve healthcare providers and patients across Kenya.

KENYAEMR 3.x Facility-Wide v1.10.26 (2024-08-23) with Revised Tools Changes

23 Aug 15:58
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KenyaEMR V19.1.0 August 2024 Release


This release focuses on Revised Tools changes and Facility Wide Bug fixes for the KenyaEMR system.


  • OpenMRS warfile 2.6.1
  • MySQL 8.0
  • Compatible with DWAPI latest tag

Key Features

Revised Tools Changes

  • Enhanced HIV green card
  • Improved Triage form
  • Updated HIV enrollment form
  • Enhanced ANC, Delivery, and PNC forms
  • Improved Child Welfare Services forms
  • Updated HTS-related forms
  • Enhanced PrEP Initiation and Violence reporting forms
  • Improved Clinical Enrollment and Contact forms
  • Updated Opioid Overdose encounter form
  • Enhanced various registers (ANC, Delivery, Postnatal, HEI, etc.)

Facility Wide KenyaEMR Fixes

  • HTS ML Model enhancements
  • Data Modernization Initiative improvements
  • User Roles Alignment
  • Enhanced billing management
  • Improved stock management and drug list alignment
  • Added non-pharmaceuticals support
  • Improved dispensing and quantification features
  • Enhanced NCD Service Type management
  • Various test and diagnostic improvements

Installation and Training Materials

For detailed installation instructions, and training resources, please visit:


The system is now role based with the introduction of 03 roles. Please be sure to grant the clinicians  both Clinician and
o3: Doctors/Clinicians/Specialists roles.

Upon upgrade, import the stock items using the import feature found under the Manage Stock app in the Items menu. The Import_Stock_Items.csv file, located in the stock folder under scripts, is included in the package for this purpose.
Thankyou for your continuous support.


For any questions or assistance, please contact our Helpdesk:


We value your feedback! Please report any issues or suggestions to help us improve KenyaEMR in future releases.

Thank you for using KenyaEMR. We're committed to continually improving our system to better serve healthcare providers and patients across Kenya.

KENYAEMR 3.x Facility-Wide v1.10.25 (2024-07-24) with Nginx

25 Jul 06:42
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KenyaEMR v19.0.0 Release Notes with nginx Configuration


This release introduces KenyaEMR v19.9.0 for the 3.x platform, running on MySQL 8. It brings significant enhancements, new features, and important bug fixes to improve the overall functionality and user experience of the system.

Important Notes


  1. Prerequisite Upgrade: You must have upgraded to KENYAEMR3.X_FACILITY_WIDE_v1.10.23_MON-2O-MAY-2024 before proceeding with this upgrade.
  2. DWAPI Compatibility: This version is compatible with the latest version of DWAPI (Data Warehouse and Analytics Platform Interface).
  3. Nginx Configuration: Proper Nginx setup is crucial for optimal performance gains. Please follow the installation guide carefully.

New Features and Enhancements

  1. Nginx Integration for Performance Boost

    • Implemented Nginx as a reverse proxy to significantly reduce page load times.
    • Improved handling of concurrent connections for better system responsiveness.
    • Enhanced static content delivery and caching mechanisms.
  2. Appointment Form Enhancement

    • Now supports retrospective documentation of appointments, providing greater flexibility in managing patient schedules.
  3. IIT Risk Scores Optimization

    • Significantly reduced processing time for generating Interruption in Treatment (IIT) Risk Scores, improving system performance.
  4. Order Basket Expansion

    • Added capability to include Radiology and Procedures in the Order Basket, streamlining the ordering process.
  5. Contact Listing Feature

    • Introduced a new feature for listing and managing patient contacts.
  6. Automatic KP Identifier Generation

    • Implemented functionality to auto-generate Key Population (KP) identifiers, enhancing data management for this group.

Retired Features

  • The Missed Appointment Report has been retired in this version.

Bug Fixes

  • Various bug fixes have been implemented to improve system stability and reliability. (Detailed list of fixes can be provided upon request)

System Requirements

  • Platform: KenyaEMR 3.x
  • Database: MySQL 8

Installation and Training Materials

Comprehensive Guide: Setting up Nginx for OpenMRS with Tomcat as backend

This guide will walk you through the process of installing Nginx and configuring it for OpenMRS with a Tomcat backend. We'll include necessary validations and explanations at each step.

1. Install Nginx

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx

After installation, check if Nginx is running:

sudo systemctl status nginx

You should see "active (running)" in the output.

2. Configure Nginx for OpenMRS

  1. Open the Nginx configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
  2. Replace the contents with the following configuration:

    upstream backend_assets {
        server localhost:8081;
    server {
        listen 8080;
        server_name _;
        root /var/lib/OpenMRS/frontend;
        # CORS configuration
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE' always;
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range,Authorization' always;
        add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range' always;
        location /openmrs/ {
            proxy_pass http://backend_assets;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
            proxy_cache_valid 200 60m;
            proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
            # CORS headers for proxied requests
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE' always;
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range,Authorization' always;
            add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range' always;
        # accessing legacy
        location ~ ^/openmrs/(kenyaemr|reports|admin|ms|scripts|moduleResources|dwr) {
            proxy_pass http://backend_assets;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        # proper redirections
        location / {
            tcp_nopush on;
            keepalive_timeout 65;
            proxy_cache_valid 200 60m;
            proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
            try_files $uri /index.html;
        # CSS files
        location ~* \.css$ {
            add_header Content-Type text/css;
            proxy_cache_valid 200 60m;
            proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
        # JavaScript files
        location ~* \.js$ {
            add_header Content-Type application/javascript;
            proxy_cache_valid 200 60m;
            proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
        location ^~ /openmrs/spa/ {
            alias /var/lib/OpenMRS/frontend;
            try_files $uri /var/lib/OpenMRS/frontend/index.html;
            # Rewrite to check assets from root
            location ~* ^/openmrs/spa/(.+\.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|svg|woff|woff2|ttf|json|eot))$ {
                sendfile on;
                sendfile_max_chunk 1m;
                # Cache Prevention Start
                proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control;
                add_header Last-Modified $date_gmt;
                add_header Cache-Control 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';
                if_modified_since off;
                expires off;
                etag off;
                proxy_cache_valid 200 60m;
                proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
                try_files /$1 =404;
        location = / {
            rewrite ^ /openmrs/ permanent;
        location = /openmrs/spa {
            rewrite ^ /openmrs/spa/ permanent;
        location = /openmrs/spaa {
            rewrite ^ /openmrs/spa/ permanent;
        # Enable gzip compression
        gzip on;
        gzip_vary on;
        gzip_proxied any;
        gzip_comp_level 6;
        gzip_types text/plain text/css text/xml application/json application/javascript application/rss+xml application/atom+xml image/svg+xml;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/openmrs_error.log;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/openmrs_access.log;
  3. Save and exit the editor (in nano, press Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter).

Check the Nginx configuration for syntax errors:

sudo nginx -t

You should see "syntax is okay" and "test is successful".

3. Configure Tomcat

Ensure Tomcat is configured to run on port 8081 as specified in the Nginx upstream configuration:

  1. Open the Tomcat server configuration file:

    sudo nano /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/server.xml
  2. Find the Connector element and ensure it's set to port 8081:

    <Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />
  3. Save and exit the editor.

  4. remove SPA module

rm /var/lib/OpenMRS/modules/spa-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT.omod

Check if port 8081 is not already in use:

sudo netstat -tuln | grep 8081

If this command returns no output, the port is free to use.

4. Restart Services

Restart both Tomcat and Nginx to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart tomcat9
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Check if both services are running without errors:

sudo systemctl status tomcat9
sudo systemctl status nginx

Both should show "active (running)" without any error messages.

5. Final Validation

  1. Test the Nginx configuration:
    Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/openmrs/
    You should see the OpenMRS login page or welcome screen.


  • If you encounter issues, check the Nginx error logs:
    sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/openmrs_error.log
  • For Tomcat issues, check its logs:
    sudo tail -f /var/log/tomcat9/catalina.out

Notes on the Nginx Configuration

  • This configuration sets up Nginx to listen on port 8080 and proxy requests to a Tomcat server running on localhost:8081.
  • It includes CORS headers to allow cross-origin requests.
  • There are specific rules for handling static files (CSS, JS) and the OpenMRS Single Page Application (SPA).
  • Gzip compression is enabled for better performance.

Ensure that your OpenMRS application is properly set up in the specified directories, particularly the frontend files in /var/lib/OpenMRS/frontend.


24 Jul 19:38
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KenyaEMR v19.0.0 Release Notes


This release introduces KenyaEMR v19.0.0 for the 3.x platform running on MySQL 8, marking a significant leap forward in performance and functionality. Key highlights include:

  • Feature Enhancements: Several new features and improvements to existing functionalities for a more efficient user experience.
  • Bug Fixes: Addressed various issues to improve system stability and reliability.

Important Notes


  1. Prerequisite Upgrade: You must have upgraded to KENYAEMR3.X_FACILITY_WIDE_v1.10.23_MON-2O-MAY-2024 before proceeding with this upgrade.
  2. DWAPI Compatibility: This version is compatible with the latest version of DWAPI.

New Features and Enhancements

  1. Appointment Form Enhancement

    • Now supports retrospective documentation of appointments, providing greater flexibility in managing patient schedules.
  2. IIT Risk Scores Optimization

    • Significantly reduced processing time for generating Interruption in Treatment (IIT) Risk Scores, improving system performance.
  3. Order Basket Expansion

    • Added capability to include Radiology and Procedures in the Order Basket, streamlining the ordering process.
  4. Contact Listing Feature

    • Introduced a new feature for listing and managing patient contacts.
  5. Automatic KP Identifier Generation

    • Implemented functionality to auto-generate Key Population (KP) identifiers, enhancing data management for this group.

Retired Features

  • The Missed Appointment Report has been retired in this version.

Bug Fixes

  • Various bug fixes have been implemented to improve system stability and reliability. (Detailed list of fixes are provided,check assets for release notes)

System Requirements

  • Platform: KenyaEMR 3.x
  • Database: MySQL 8
  • Web Server: Nginx (for optimal performance)

Installation and Training Materials

For detailed installation instructions, and training resources, please visit:


For any questions or assistance, please contact our Helpdesk:


We value your feedback! Please report any issues or suggestions to help us improve KenyaEMR in future releases.

Thank you for using KenyaEMR. We're committed to continually improving our system to better serve healthcare providers and patients across Kenya.


20 May 03:06
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This release introduces KenyaEMR v18.8.0 for the 3.x platform It runs on MySQL 8


  1. You need to have upgraded to KENYAEMR3.X_FACILITY_WIDE_v1.10.22_MON-22-APR-2024 before running this upgrade
  2. This version works with the latest version of DWAPI 

Main Features

  • Lab Manifest for non-HIV tests
  • Enhancements of the forms to include the appointment launcher to manage appointments.
  • Bug Fixes

Installation and Training Materials
Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected])


22 Apr 10:12
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This release introduces KenyaEMR v18.8.0 for the 3.x platform It runs on MySQL 8


  1. You need to have upgraded to KENYAEMR3.x_v1.10.9_FRI-8-MAR-2024 before running this upgrade
  2. This version works with the latest version of DWAPI 

Main Features

•     Bug Fixes

Installation and Training Materials
Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected])


08 Mar 03:26
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This release introduces KenyaEMR v18.7.2 for the 3.x platform It runs on MySQL 8


  1. You need to have upgraded to KENYAEMR3.x_v1.10.3_MON-27-NOV-2023 before running this upgrade
  2. This version works with the latest version of DWAPI Version 3.1.19

Main Features

•     MER 2.7 Enhancements  
•     ML IIT Enhancement
•     Prescription and Dispense on 3.x
•     Bug Fixes

ML IIT Requires that you enable kenyaemrml.iitml.feature.enabled to true from KenyaEMR Advanced Settings before you can Generate Patient Scores

Installation and Training Materials
Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected])


14 Feb 04:29
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This release introduces KenyaEMR v18.7.1 for the 3.x platform It runs on MySQL 8


  1. You need to have upgraded to KENYAEMR3.x_v1.10.3_MON-27-NOV-2023 before running this upgrade
  2. This version works with the latest version of DWAPI Version

Main Features

•     MER 2.7 Enhancements  
•     ML IIT Enhancement
•     Prescription and Dispense on 3.x
•     Bug Fixes

ML IIT Requires that you enable kenyaemrml.iitml.feature.enabled to true from KenyaEMR Advanced Settings before you can Generate Patient Scores

Installation and Training Materials
Call Helpdesk for any questions 0800 722 440 or email [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected])


16 Jan 14:17
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KENYAEMR3.x_v1.10.5_DQA _2023 - Tuesday, January 16, 2024

This release introduces KenyaEMR version with Kenyaemrextras module for the 2023 national DQA.
The attachment includes a package for KenyaEMR3X

Setup instructions

  1. Run this command to setup the instance


13 Dec 10:57
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We are thrilled to unveil KenyaEMR version 3.x 18.7.0, featuring a significant update to our system. This release is dedicated to enhancing performance, compatibility, and security. Before proceeding with the upgrade, we strongly recommend you create a comprehensive backup of your current database and configurations, as this new version introduces important updates to the drug database as well.

Upgrade Instructions

MySQL Upgrade

  • Target Version: MySQL 8.0
  • Note: Ensure you backup your database prior to the upgrade.

To initiate the upgrade, in the package directory, execute the following command:


OpenMRS Platform Upgrades

Upgrade to Platform 2.4

Execute the following command:


Upgrade to Platform 2.6

Execute the following command:


Post upgrade script

Once the upgrade has been successful. Please run the post upgrade command


Resolving CSRF Token Issues

For instances where CSRF token issues might arise, copy the provided properties file to the OpenMRS directory using the following command:

sudo cp /var/lib/OpenMRS

MySQL Optimization

To optimize MySQL post-upgrade and ensure it's configured correctly for KenyaEMR, run:


Address template

Once the server is up and running update the address template to have the following

      <string>Sub County</string>
    <string>countyDistrict, stateProvince</string>

Important Reminders

  • Always backup before performing an upgrade.
  • These instructions assume you have necessary permissions to execute shell scripts and make changes to your system.


For any issues or further assistance with the upgrade, please contact our support team or refer to the KenyaEMR documentation.

Thank you for being a part of the KenyaEMR community! We hope you find this upgrade beneficial for your medical and operational needs.