This application is a school project built with React, Node.js and MongoDb. It was created by palmdaldaniel, kydkit, Sagva, jakob-sandberg, JHernehult, Toska30.
The main goal of the application was to create and build a full stack booking system for a cinema. The application was created from a list of strict requirements and user stories. Product owner expected a fully functional booking system, with the exception of integrating payment solutions.
The core functionalities were to facilitate a responsive website where you can buy/book, browse, search and filter among a certain amount of movies. All purchases are bound to specific users who can register, manage their purchases and view their purchase history.
The project is built in: React ^17.0.2, Node ^ 14.15.4
Libraries used: React-bootstrap ^1.6.0
To run this project, download and install it locally by using npm or yarn: $ npm install $ npm start
The project is finalised and owned by its creators.