This project is generated with yo angular generator version 0.16.0.
The following softwares are essential to run this application.
- Node.js 6 or higher
- npm 3 or higher (which comes bundled with Node)
- Git
You can check if you have Node and npm installed by typing:
node --version && npm --version
If you need to upgrade or install Node, the easiest way is to use an installer for your platform. Download the .msi for Windows or .pkg for Mac from the NodeJS website.
The npm package manager is bundled with Node, although you might need to update it. Some Node versions ship with rather old versions of npm. You can update npm using this command:
npm install --global npm@latest
If you don't have Git, grab the installers from the git website.
- Clone the project from the following GitHub Repository:
- Install Bower and Grunt using the below command:
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
- Run the following command to download Node and Application specific dependencies:
npm install && bower install
- Finally, Run
grunt serve
for running/previewing the application.
Running grunt test
will run the unit tests with karma.