Let's celebrate HacktoberFest 2022, Start Hacking! Contribute your favorite Language implementation, Algorithms, and Projects. hacktoberfest.com/
- Meet fellow coders, build a team.
- Get your questions answered and help others by answering theirs.
- Share your creative ideas about improving this community.
- Showcase you previous works as a motivation for others.
- Resources to get you started and sharpening the skills.
- And lot of things coming from you.
- first fork this repo
- make a directory/folder on your local system and initial it,
mkdir <your directory name>
git init
- then clone this repository on your local system by running below command
git clone "your forked repo url"
- Work on the project
- after creating your changes and in order to add your changes run the following command
git add .
- Its time to commit the changes made
git commit -m "your valid commit message"
- then push the changes that you have made, run the below command,
git push -u origin main