GraphX for.NET
- Added basic support for Image based edge pointers. Introduced new object for EdgeControl template: [WPF, METRO(bugged)]
- EdgePointerImage class with name "PART_EdgePointerImageForSource" - marks edge source pointer (new!)
- EdgePointerImage class with name "PART_EdgePointerImageForTarget" - marks edge target pointer
Look in** GeneralTemplate.xaml** of ShowcaseApp.WPF project.
Added rotation support for image based edge pointers
- Added extensibility to corresponding controls by inheriting from IEdgeLabelControl and IEdgePointer [WPF, METRO]
- Added extensibility to corresponding controls by inheriting from IVertexLabelControl [WPF, METRO]
- Added support method GraphArea::GetVertexControlAt(Point position) to get VC by coordinates [METRO, WPF]
- Added VertexControl::GetCenterPosition() method to get vertex center position instead the default top-left [WPF, METRO]
- Added new showcase example: Templates/Graph editor [WPF]
- Added new option GraphArea::LogicCoreChangeAction which defines what action will be taken on LogicCore property change. You can rebuild graph now. [WPF, METRO]
- Added new sync calculation cancellation feature [WPF, METRO] thanks to jorgensigvardsson
- Added new property EdgeLabelControl::DisplayForSelfLoopedEdges which is self explaining [WPF, METRO]
- Fixed edge labels display for self looped edges [WPF, METRO]
- Fixed annoying data binding error in ZoomControl slider binding [METRO, WPF]
- Fixed ZoomControl unresponsivness after startup (prev needed to change zoom/translation first to work fine) [WPF,METRO]
- Fixed ZoomControl::Zoom property bug on empty content window resize [WPF, METRO]
- Fixed dynamic graph showcase example first vertex auto zooming onto [WPF]
- Fixed some issues in ShowcaseApp.WPF
- Fixed GraphArea::DeserializeFromFile() logic and filestorage logic to properly restore internal data for loaded graphs [WPF, METRO]
- Fixed calculation of label control position and angle [WPF, METRO] thanks to jorgensigvardsson
- Implemented EdgeControl::LabelVerticalOffset property as dependecy [WPF, METRO]
- Updated default control templates to include some new properties setup by default [WPF, METRO]
- Optimized showcase app media files
- Improved extensibility by making some methods virtual for EdgeLabelControl, VertexLabelControl, EdgeControl
!Breaking changes
- Renamed and changed to Enum - ZoomControl::UseAbsoluteZoomOnMouseWheel to MouseWheelZoomingMode [METRO, WPF]
- Expanded EdgeControl event args with mouse and keyboard modifiers [WPF]
- Moved all WPF interfaces to GraphX.Controls.Models.Interfaces namespace and all METRO interfaces to GraphX.METRO.Controls.Models.Interfaces [WPF, METRO]
- Edge rotation now needs additional modification for all custom EdgeLabelControl templates. Please add: [WPF, METRO]
- Due to new calc cancelation feature the following has been changed:
-IExternalEdgeRouting, IExternalLayout, IExternalOverlapRemoval interfaces and different algorithm base classes now implement Compute(CancellationToken cancellationToken) method with an additional param- METRO now works only in async mode. Postfix Async has been added for GraphArea graph generation and relayout methods.