This is the source code of DF-GNN which is accepted by LOG 24, DFGNN provides several fusion implementations for graph convolution
- pyg: gnn message passing lib
- dgl sparse: gnn sparse operator lib
- dgNN: fused gnn node-parallel kernel
Our method:
- tiling: one kernel with column tiling method, support for graphs with super node
- softmax: two kernels, edge-parallel sddmm kernel and node-parallel softmax+spmm kernel
- hyper: one kernel in csr+coo hyper format, support for batch graphs
creat conda env
conda create -n DFGNN
conda activate DFGNN
conda install **python**=3.8
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install dgl -f
pip install urllib3 idna certifi matplotlib
create docker env
## run pyg docker
cd docker
## build dgl
cd /workspace2/dgl
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DUSE_CUDA=ON ..
make -j4
install DFGNN
We provide serval bash examples to run the model
Measure the DFGNN kernel performance
# run the gt convolution on PATTERN dataset with hyper method
python -u DFGNN/script/test/ --dim 128 --batch-size 1024 --dataset PATTERN --format hyper --conv gt --data-dir /workspace2/dataset
python -u DFGNN/script/test/ --dim 128 --dataset cora --format pyg --conv gat --data-dir /workspace2/dataset
# run the DFGNN on the batch graph datasets
bash bash/
# run the DFGNN on the full graph datasets
bash bash/
# run the DFGNN on the full graph with super node datasets
bash bash/
# profile the code by the nsight system tool
bash bash/
# profile the code by the nsight compute tool
bash bash/
Measure the DFGNN training performance
# Batch graph datasets
bash bash/
# Full graph datasets
bash bash/
Current support dataset
Batch dataset:
- mol: ogbg-molhiv, PCQM4Mv2-full
- superpixel: CIFAR10, MNIST
- LRGB: PascalVOC-SP, COCO-SP, Peptides-func, Peptides-struct
Full dataset: (only one graph)
- cora, arxiv, pumbed, cite
Full dataset with super node: (only one graph)
- ppa, reddit, protein