PapSign electronic signature API
- Go to
- Click
Add OAuth Client
- Fill In the information
- Give a (Java) Regex for the authorized redirect addresses
"identityID": 0, // The id of the identity you wish to sign. Get yours from /v1/identities/me/{permission}
"keySize": 0, // 1024, 2048, 3072, bigger can contain more data
"text": "string", // arbitrary text, generally for context, not suitable for automation
"userData": { // CSV-like key/values, best for automation. Make sure you agree on a standard if you are going to interoperate on different systems
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
The response will be a binary stream with the image.
Only the data contained in the signature is protected. Only the verified elements of your identity will be used to sign the signature.
- Create a file
- Create a signature process
: Keep the file when the process is deleted, set to false to skip step 7
: Each entry creates a signature slot for a signer
: Array determining who is allowed to sign, if one of those mentioned in the array have signed the slot it is valid. - (optional) Send an invitation email to sign the document
- (optional if you are not a signer) Sign the PDF
- Download the signed document
- Delete the signature process
- (optional if
was set to false) Delete the file
Deletion is necessary as the account has storage limits.
If the response contains pdf
, it is a signed PDF.
If the response contains standard
, each of those entries is a printable signature.
A signed PDF can contain printable signatures.